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****% Output Database Definition

Aimsun Next has a generic format that accommodates data from macro, meso, micro, and hybrid experiments. The application generates two set of tables, one that contains the information about what has been stored (meta information tables) and another with the information itself (information tables). Information tables are always stored in metric units.

Note: Density (veh/km) is calculated per lane, not section. Because a section can contain two or more lanes, please be aware of the impact of the number of lanes on the output value. For example, a single vehicle in a kilometer-long section with three lanes would return a density value of 0.33.

Meta Information Tables

Aimsun Next will store information about the object that has generated the data into the SIM_INFO table and information about the data itself in the META_INFO, META_SUB_INFO, and META_COLS tables.

To see more specific information about a specific type of experiment refer:


This table contains the ID of the object that has generated the data (a replication, a simulation result, a static experiment).

SIM_INFO Type Description
did INTEGER ID of the object that generates this data
didname VARCHAR (255) Name of the object that generates this data
efdid INTEGER Effective did of this replication (provided for future developments)
dideid VARCHAR(255) External ID of the object that generates this data
use_eid INTEGER 0: don't use external ID, 1: use external ID
twhen VARCHAR(10) (ISO 8601) Scenario date
from_time INTEGER (seconds) Simulation/Assignment starting time from midnight
duration INTEGER (seconds) Simulation/Assignment duration
seed INTEGER Random seed of the object that generates this data
type INTEGER 1: simulated data, 2: average
warm_up INTEGER (seconds) Warm-up time in seconds
loading VARCHAR(64) Simulation model
mod_ver VARCHAR(255) Aimsun Next version
iterations INTEGER Number of iterations
exec_data VARCHAR(10) (ISO 8601) Execution date
xid INTEGER Experiment ID
xname VARCHAR(255) Experiment Name
scid INTEGER Scenario ID
scname VARCHAR(255) Scenario Name
simstatintervals INTEGER Number of simulated statistics intervals
totalstatintervals INTEGER Number of total statistics intervals
simdetecintervals INTEGER Number of simulated detection intervals
totaldetecintervals INTEGER Number of total detection intervals
model VARCHAR(255) Model unique ID
trafficdemand INTEGER Traffic Demand ID
ptplan INTEGER Transit Plan ID
masterplan INTEGER Master Control Plan ID
exec_date_end VARCHAR(32) Date and time simulation finished
user_name VARCHAR(255) User running the simulation


This table has the information about the stored tables (for sections, nodes, turns...). More information about which vehicle types have been used is located in the META_SUB_INFO table.

META_INFO Type Description
did INTEGER ID of the object that generates this data
tname VARCHAR(128) Table name
tyname VARCHAR (128) The GKType name (if any)
nbo INTEGER Number of objects in this table
souse INTEGER 0: do not use subobjects, 1: use subobjects
sob INTEGER Number of subobjects (number of vehicle types plus one for vehicle All)
eiduse INTEGER 0: do not use External ID to identify the objects instead of ID, 1: use External ID to identify the objects instead of ID
sinterval INTEGER (milliseconds) The gathering interval duration
nbkeys INTEGER Number of keys in this table


This table contains the information about the vehicles types used to gather the data. It lists the object ID, the name and the position at which it appears in the information tables (from 0 for the aggregated data, to N).

META_SUB_INFO Type Description
did INTEGER ID of the object that generates this data
tname VARCHAR(128) Table name
pos INTEGER Position in tname table
oid INTEGER Object ID
oname VARCHAR(128) Object name


This table lists, for each information table, the fields stored, and its type. The aggregation type details if this data has been created as a sum of values (for example count) or as a mean of values (speed).

META _COLS Type Description
did INTEGER ID of the object that generates this data
tname VARCHAR(128) Table name
colname VARCHAR(128) Field name
coltype INTEGER(QVariant::Type) Data Type. Usually a double (6)
aggtype INTEGER 0: Direct Mean, 1: Direct Value
intervalaggtype INTEGER 0: No aggregation, 1: Addition, 2: Direct Mean, 3: Weighted by vehicle counts, 4: Maximum, 5: Last interval value

Information Tables

Information tables vary from model to model but they have a common structure. The name of an information table has a prefix to indicate the model that has generated it:

  • MI: Aimsun Next Micro
  • ME: Aimsun Next Meso
  • MA: Aimsun Next Macro
  • HY: Aimsun Next Hybrid

The common structure is:

Attribute name Type Description
did INTEGER ID of the replication/ average /experiment that generates this data
oid INTEGER ID of the objects that generates this data
eid VARCHAR(128) External ID of the object that generates this data
sid INTEGER Subobject position (as set in META_SUB_INFO)
ent INTEGER Interval number, from 1 to N and 0 reserved for the aggregated value

After these common fields, a list of fields with the effective information appears. Each field is listed twice, once with the value, another one with the standard deviation. The name of the fields are listed in the META_COLS table. The standard deviation field name is created adding the suffix _D to the field name. For example: speed and speed_D. If a field has no standard deviation (its aggregation type is Sum) then the second field does not appear.

Aimsun Next has a generic format that accommodates data from macro, meso, micro, and hybrid experiments. The application generates two set of tables, one that contains the information about what has been stored (meta information tables) and another with the information itself (information tables). Information tables are always stored in metric units.

To see more specific information about a specific type of experiment refer:

Vehicle-Based Simulator Tables

Aimsun Next has a generic format that accommodates data from micro, meso, and hybrid experiments.

Meta Information Table Examples

The following example shows the contents of all the meta information tables (for sections and system).

SIM_INFO Table Example

Table for a replication with ID 312 and simulated from midnight and for 1 hour.

did didname efdid dideid use_eid twhenime from_t duration seed type warm_up loading mod_ver iterations exec_date xid xname scid scname simstatintervals totalstatintervals simdetecintervals totaldetecintervals model
312 Replication 321 312 0 2010-10-11 0 3600 13775 1 0 hybrid 7.0.0 (R11593) 1 2011-05-10 T15:50:28 307 Experiment 307 306 Dynamic Scenario 306 0 1 2 12 {d42e81f1-b371-4c07-a31d-3970ae1754c8}

META_INFO Table Example

Gathering data for the system (MISYS table) and sections (MISECT table) and two vehicle types (sob: 2 + 1). There are two sections (nbo) and the gathering interval is 600 seconds.

did tname tyname nbo souse sob eiduse sinterval nbkeys
285 MISYS GKReplication 1 1 3 0 600000 1
285 MISECT GKSection 2 1 3 0 600000 1

META_SUB_INFO Table Example

This table contains information for the vehicle types found in the information tables. The sid field in the information tables corresponds to the pos field in this table and from there the ID and the name of each vehicle type is listed. In this case for MISYS and MISECT tables, position 1 is for car (ID 8), position 2 is for van (ID 12) and the aggregated value (ID 0, shown as All in the UI) is position 0.

did tname pos oid oname
285 MISYS 0 0
285 MISYS 1 8 Car
285 MISYS 2 12 Van
285 MISECT 0 0
285 MISECT 1 8 Car
285 MISECT 2 12 Van

META_COLS Table Example

The list of all the fields in the information tables is shown below. All the values are stored as double (coltype 6) and are aggregated either as a sum(aggtype 3) or as a mean (aggtype 2).

did tname colname coltype aggtypes
285 MISYS flow 6 3
285 MISYS ttime 6 2
285 MISYS density 6 3
285 MISYS stime 6 2
285 MISYS dtime 6 2
285 MISYS speed 6 2
285 MISYS spdh 6 2
285 MISYS travel 6 3
285 MISYS traveltime 6 3
285 MISYS fuelc 6 3
285 MISYS batteryc 6 3
285 MISYS vLostIn 6 2
285 MISYS vLostOut 6 2
285 MISYS qvmean 6 3
285 MISYS qvmax 6 3
285 MISYS vOut 6 3
285 MISYS vIn 6 2
285 MISYS vWait 6 2
285 MISYS nstops 6 3
285 MISECT density 6 3
285 MISECT stime 6 2
285 MISECT ttime 6 2
285 MISECT flow 6 3
285 MISECT qmean 6 3
285 MISECT dtime 6 2
285 MISECT speed 6 2
285 MISECT spdh 6 2
285 MISECT qmax 6 3
285 MISECT qvmean 6 3
285 MISECT nstops 6 3
285 MISECT traveltime 6 3
285 MISECT fuelc 6 3
285 MISECT batteryc 6 3
285 MISECT qvmax 6 3
285 MISECT travel 6 3

Information Table Examples

Based on the previous tables we know that we have two information tables (MISYS and MISECT) with 6 intervals (the simulation duration is one hour, the gathering interval is 600 seconds) plus an aggregated one and three vehicle types (0 for All, 1 for car, 2 for van). The fields listed as aggtype 2 will have both the value and the standard deviation (speed and speed_D) and the fields as aggtype 3 will have only the value (density).

For the sections, we will list two objects (oid: 265 and 266), for the system just one, the replication (oid 285). For all the tables, the did value will be 285 as this is the ID of the replication that has generated all the tables. An example of the MISECT table showing just density and speed for the first 2 intervals and the aggregated one (ent) and three vehicle types (sid) for section 265 (oid) follows:

did oid eid sid ent density speed speed_D
285 265 0 0 9.12276 54.0288 4.27335
285 265 1 0 9.12276 54.0288 4.27335
285 265 2 0 0 -1 -1
285 265 0 1 9.37195 54.2844 3.83625
285 265 1 1 9.37195 54.2844 3.83625
285 265 2 1 0 -1 -1
285 265 0 2 9.22609 53.9951 4.35469
285 265 1 2 9.22609 53.9951 4.35469
285 265 2 2 0 -1 -1

Note that, for brevity, this table contains fields not listed in the example (ttime, ttime_D, stime, stime_D...).

Microscopic Database


Additional tables are provided which contain Pedestrian trajectory information from the pedestrian simulator in the Pedestrian Trajectory tables.


This table contains statistical information of the whole system for each period Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: Network Section .

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Replication or Average identifier
eid char Replication or Average external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
density(_D) double Density (veh/km per lane)
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
input_count(_D) double Number of vehicles in the network
input_flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h) in the network
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (sec/km)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (sec/km)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
travel(_D) double Total distance traveled of the vehicles that have exited the network(km)
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced of the vehicles that have exited the network (hours)
totalDistanceTraveledInside double Total distance traveled by the vehicles inside the network (km)
totalTravelTimeInside double Total travel time experienced by the vehicles inside the network (hours)
totalWaitingTime double Total time experienced by the vehicles still waiting outside (hours)
vWait(_D) double Number of vehicles waiting to enter the network
vIn(_D) double Number of vehicles inside the network
vOut(_D) double Number of vehicles that have exited the network
vLostIn(_D) double Number of vehicles lost inside the network
vLostOut(_D) double Number of vehicles lost that have exited the network
qmean(_D) double Mean vehicles in queue (veh)
qvmean(_D) double Mean virtual queue (veh)
qvmax(_D) double Maximum virtual queue (veh)
stime(_D) double Mean Stop Time (sec/km)
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle per kilometer per lane (#/veh/km)
totalNStops(_D) double Total number of stops of all vehicles in the simulation period in the whole network
missedTurnings(_D) double Total number of missed turns
lane_changes(_D) double Total number of lane changes / km
total_lane_changes(_D) double Total number of lane changes


It contains statistical information of the sections for each period.Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: Turns and Roads Sections Section .

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Section identifier
eid char Section external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
count(_D) double Vehicle counts (veh)
input_count(_D) double Number of vehicles in the section
input_flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h) in the section
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
dtimeTtime(_D) double Delay Time (% of Travel Time) calculated as (delay time / travel time) *100
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
flow_capacity(_D) double Mean flow / section capacity
density(_D) double Density (veh/km per lane)
qmean(_D) double Mean queue length by lane (veh)
qmax(_D) double Maximum queue length (veh)
qvmean(_D) double Mean virtual queue (veh)
qvmax(_D) double Maximum virtual queue (veh)
qvnbvehs double Number of vehicles in virtual queue
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled in the section
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the section (seconds)
lane_changes(_D) double Number of lane changes / Number of veh
stime(_D) double Mean Stop Time (seconds)
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed in the section (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed in the section (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle


It contains statistical information for the each lane of the sections for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: Turns and Roads Sections Section .

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Section identifier
eid char Section external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
lane double Lane identifier (from 1 to number of lanes)
count(_D) double Number of vehicles exited
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
input_count(_D) double Number of vehicles in the lane
input_flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h) in the lane
density(_D) double Density (veh/km or veh/mile)
qmean(_D) double Mean queue length (veh)
qmax(_D) double Maximum queue length (veh)
dtime(_D) double Delay time in the lane (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Waiting time in virtual queue before entering the lane including vehicles inside (seconds/veh)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
hspeed(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
stime(_D) double Stop Time (seconds) in the lane


It contains statistical information of the turns and links for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: Turns and Roads Sections Section .

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Turn identifier
eid char Turn external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
count(_D) double Vehicle counts(veh)
input_count(_D) double Number of vehicles in the turn
input_flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h) in the turn
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
qmean(_D) double Mean queue length (veh)
qmax(_D) double Maximum queue length (veh)
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled in the turn
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the turn (seconds)
stime(_D) double Mean Stop Time (seconds)
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed in the turn
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed in the turn
lane_changes(_D) double Number of lane changes / Number of veh
total_lane_changes(_D) double Total Number of lane changes
lostVehicles(_D) double Number lost vehicles at the turn
missedVehicles(_D) double Number of vehicles missing this turn
link_flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
link_count(_D) double Vehicle counts(veh)
link_ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
link_dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
link_wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean Time in virtual queue including vehicles inside (seconds)
link_speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
link_spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
link_qmean(_D) double Mean queue length (veh)
link_qmax(_D) double Maximum queue length (veh)
link_travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled in the link
link_traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the link (seconds)
link_stime(_D) double Mean Stop Time (seconds)
link_nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle
link_fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed in the link
link_batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed in the link
link_lane_changes(_D) double Number of lane changes / Number of veh
Total_link_lane_changes(_D) double Total number of lane changes
effective_green(_D) double Amount of time that the turn had green traffic light (seconds)
green_percentage(_D) double Percentage of time that the turn had green traffic light(effective_green /interval time*100)
effective_red(_D) double Amount of time that the turn had red traffic light (seconds)
red_percentage(_D) double Percentage of time that the turn had red light (effective_red interval*100)


It contains statistical information of the nodes for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: Node Section .

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Node identifier
eid char Node external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
approachDelay(_D) double Mean approach delay (seconds)
lostVehicles(_D) double Number of lost vehicles in the node
missedTurnings(_D) double Number of vehicles that have missed a turn in the node


It contains statistical information of the supernode trajectories for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: Turns Section as for turns in a simple node.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Supernode trajectory identifier
eid char Supernode trajectory external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
count(_D) double Vehicles completing the supernode trajectory
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle (seconds)
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled in the supernode trajectory
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the supernode trajectory (seconds)
stime(_D) double Mean stop time(seconds)
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed in the supernode trajectory
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed in the supernode trajectory


Contains statistical information of the origin centroids for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: OD and Centroids section. When the Outputs to Generate in the Scenario include OD Pair Statistics, the destination field in this table being the ID of a centroid (instead of zero) will mean the outputs in that row of the table are the ones for the corresponding OD pair.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Centroid identifier
eid char Centroid external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
destination integer Destination Centroid ID
nbveh(_D) double Number of vehicles that have arrived at their destination
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
input_count(_D) double Number of vehicles in the network
input_flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h) in the network
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h )
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced (seconds)
vlost(_D) double Number of vehicles lost
qvmean(_D) double Mean virtual queue (veh)
qvmax(_D) double Maximum virtual queue (veh)
stime(_D) double Mean Stop Time (seconds)
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")


Contains statistical information of the destination centroids for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: OD and Centroids section.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Centroid identifier
eid char Centroid external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
nbveh(_D) double Number of vehicles that have arrived at their destination
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
input_count(_D) double Number of vehicles in the network
input_flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h) in the network
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h )
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced (seconds)
vlost(_D) double Number of vehicles lost
qvmean(_D) double Mean virtual queue (veh)
qvmax(_D) double Maximum virtual queue (veh)
stime(_D) double Mean Stop Time (seconds)
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of energy consumed (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")

Microsimulation Transit Tables

This contains statistical information of transit lines for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: Transit Section .

MIPT Table

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Transit line identifier
eid char Transit line external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
count(_D) integer Vehicle counts that have arrived at the end of the transit line
flow(_D) integer Mean flow (veh/h)
input_count(_D) integer Number of vehicles following the transit Line
input_flow(_D) integer Mean flow (veh/h) following the transit Line
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h or mph)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h or mph)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
dwelltime(_D) double Dwell time
travel(_D) double Total number of km or miles traveled
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced (seconds)
qvmean(_D) double Mean virtual queue (veh)
qvmax(_D) double Maximum virtual queue (veh)
stime(_D) double Mean stop Time (seconds)
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")


This table contains the time spent for each Transit Vehicle at each Transit Stop

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication identifier
oid integer Transit Stop ID
idveh integer Vehicle ID
starttime double Time Sta when the vehicle arrives at the stop in seconds
endtime double Time Sta when the vehicle leaves the stop in seconds (0 value means the vehicle is still at the transit stop)
idline integer Transit Line ID


This table contains statistics about two consecutive transit line stops that belong to the same line.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Object identifier
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
ptline integer Transit line identifier
from_stop integer Origin transit stop identifier
to_stop integer Destination transit stop identifier
count integer Number of vehicles that have traveled between both stops
count_D integer Count with standard deviation
ttime integer The travel time in seconds between the stops including the dwell time of to stop
ttime_D integer Travel time with standard deviation

Microsimulation Detector Tables

These tables contain the detection measures for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: Detector Data Section .


This table contains the date collected by a detector in a road section.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average Identifier
oid integer Detector identifier
eid char Detector external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
countveh(_D) integer Number of vehicles
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
speed(_D) double Average Speed (km/h )
occupancy(_D) double Percentage of occupancy
density(_D) double Density (veh/km)
headway(_D) double Average Headway between vehicles (sec)


This contains information about equipped vehicles that cross any detector in the network having the Equipped Vehicles detection capability activated.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication identifier
oid integer Detector Identifier
timedet double Detection time of the Equipped Vehicle
idveh integer Vehicle identifier
vehtype integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
idptline integer Transit Line Identifier, for transit vehicles, -1 otherwise
speed double Detected vehicle speed (km/h)
headway double Headway of this equipped vehicle (seconds)

Signal Control Tables

The signal control tables present the aggregated signal timings and the individual signal changes for signals in the traffic network. This is only provided when the option to gather statistics from control plans is set to 'ON' in the Scenario Editor.


This table contains information of the amount of time that a turn remains on each possible traffic light state. T

State value description: 0 (red), 1 (green), 2 (yellow), 3 (flashing green), 4 (flashing red), 5 (flashing yellow), 6 (off), 7(flashing yellow behaving as green), 8 (yellow behaving as green) and 9 (flashing red behaving as green).

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Turn identifier
eid char Turn external id
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
state integer State index, from 0 to 9
active_time double Active time in seconds
active_time_D double Active time in seconds std deviation
active_time_percentage double Percentage of active time
active_time_percentage_D double Percentage of active time std deviation


This table contains information related to node signal groups. It details the amount of time that each signal group keeps each state. State value description: 0 (red), 1 (green), 2 (yellow), 3 (flashing green), 4 (flashing red), 5 (flashing yellow), 6 (off), 7(flashing yellow behaving as green), 8 (yellow behaving as green), and 9 (flashing red behaving as green).

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Node identifier
eid char Node external id
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
sg integer Signal Group id
state integer State index, from 0 to 9
active_time double Active time in seconds
active_time_D double Active time in seconds std deviation
active_time_percentage double Percentage of active time
active_time_percentage_D double Percentage of active time std deviation


This table contains information related to control meterings. It details the amount of time that the metering keeps each state.

State value description: 0 (red), 1 (green), 2 (yellow), 3 (flashing green), 4 (flashing red), 5 (flashing yellow), 6 (off), 7(flashing yellow behaving as green), 8 (yellow behaving as green), and 9 (flashing red behaving as green).

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication identifier
oid integer Node identifier
eid char Node external id
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
lane integer Metering lane
state integer State index, from 0 to 9
active_time double Active time in seconds
active_time_D double Active time in seconds std deviation
active_time_percentage double Percentage of active time
active_time_percentage_D double Percentage of active time std deviation


This table contains information related to the phases. It details how long each phase remains active during the simulation. It is the same table for micro, meso, and hybrid simulations.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication identifier
oid integer Control Plan identifier
node_id integer Node identifier
phase integer Phase index, from 1 to N, where N is the number of phases
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
active_time double Active time in seconds
active_time_D double Active time in seconds std deviation
active_time_percentage double Percentage of active time
active_time_percentage_D double Percentage of active time std deviation


This table contains information about the reason why a phase has been activated/deactivated. Note that, a phase cannot be activated and deactivated at the same time. It is the same table for micro, meso, and hybrid simulations.


  • None: The phase has been deactivated
  • Recall: The phase has been activated due to a recall event.
  • Preemption: The phase has been activated due to a transit priority management.
  • Detection: The phase has been activated due to the detectors associated with the phase have raised a call.
  • Default: The phase has been activated due to time reason. Usually in fixed control plans.
  • External: The phase has been activated due to an external control.


  • None: The phase has been activated
  • Fixed Time: The phase has reached its active time period.
  • GapOut: The phase has reached its allowed gap time.
  • MaxOut: The phase has reached its maximum green time since the first conflicting call.
  • ForceOff: The phase has reached a certain point in the cycle where it needs to be closed.
  • MaxDwell: The phase has reached its maximum priority dwell time.
  • PriorityEnd: Detectors linked to the phase have measured a priority vehicle.
  • PreemptionMinDuration: The phase must be closed because a priority end is calling, but it must be active until it reaches its min duration.
  • HoldBarrier: When control plans with two rings, the phase must be closed in order to close the barrier at the same time for the two rings.
  • External: The phase has been deactivated due to an external control.
Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication identifier
oid integer Node identifier
node_id integer Node id
phase integer Phase index, from 1 to N, where N is the total number of phases
time_sta double Simulation time in seconds from midnight
activation string Activation reason
deactivation string Deactivation reason

Traffic Management


This table contains information related to some of traffic management actions; in particular, for Turn Closures, Force Turns, and Destination Change actions.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Traffic management action identifier
eid integer Traffic management action external identifier
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
affected_vehicles integer Number of vehicles affected by the traffic management action during the time interval
affected_vehicles_D integer Number of vehicles affected by the traffic management action during the time interval - std deviation

Pollution Tables

The PO family of tables are used by the Quartet Pollutant Model


This contains pollution statistical information of the whole system for each period.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Replication or Average identifier
eid char Replication or Average external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
npollutant_K double Pollutant ID in the MIPOLLS table
vpollutant double Value of pollutant (kg)
vpollutant_D double Value of pollutant (kg) - std deviation


This contains pollution statistical information of the sections for each period.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Section identifier
eid char Section external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
npollutant_K double Pollutant ID in the MIPOLLS table
vpollutant double Value of pollutant (kg)
vpollutant_D double Value of pollutant (kg) - std deviation


This contains pollution statistical information of the turns for each period.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Turn identifier
eid char Turn external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
npollutant_K double Pollutant ID in the MIPOLLS table
vpollutant double Value of pollutant (kg)
vpollutant_D double Value of pollutant (kg) - std deviation


This contains pollution statistical information of the origin and destination centroids for each period.n

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Centroid identifier
eid char Centroid external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
npollutant_K double Pollutant ID in the MIPOLLS table
vpollutant double Value of pollutant (kg)
vpollutant_D double Value of pollutant (kg) - std deviation


This contains pollution statistical information of the subpaths for each period.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Subpath identifier
eid char Subpath external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
npollutant_K double Pollutant ID in the MIPOLLS table
vpollutant double Value of pollutant (kg)
vpollutant_D double Value of pollutant (kg) - std deviation


This contains pollution statistical information of the transit lines for each period.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Transit line identifier
eid char Transit line external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
npollutant_K double Pollutant ID in the MIPOLLS table
vpollutant double Value of pollutant (kg)
vpollutant_D double Value of pollutant (kg) - std deviation

Instantaneous Emission Model

The IEM family of tables contain emissions outputs for Nodes (MINODEIEM), OD pairs (MIODPAIIEM), Sections (MISECTIEM) Streams (MISTREAMIEM) Turns (MITURNIEM) and the system as a whole (MISYIEM). All tables have the same format and all output quantities have a mean and a standard deviation ( _D). They are used by the Panis Pollutant Model. The 4 major outputs are Carbon Dioxide, Nitorus Oxides, Volatile Organic Compounds, and Particulate Materials. Two values are provided for each emission, one giving the total output, the other (labeled as the "interurban" value) giving the value per km.

The table format is:

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication, or Average identifier
oid integer Replication, Average, Section or Turn identifier depending on table
eid char External ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
CO2 double CO2 (g)
CO2_D double
NOx double Nitrous Oxides (g)
NOx_D double
VOC double Volatile Organic Compounds (g)
VOC_D double
PM double Particulates(g)
PM_D double
CO2_interurban double CO2 (g/km)
CO2_D_interurban double
NOx_interurban double Nitrous Oxides (g/km)
NOx_D_interurban double
VOC_interurban double Volatile Organic Compounds (g/km)
VOC_D_interurban double
PM_interurban double Particulates(g/km)
PM_D_interurban double

London Emission Model

The LEM family of tables contains the emissions outputs for CO2 and NOx for sections (g/km), links (g/h) and the replication (g).

The replication value (g) is the sum of the emissions (g/km) of every vehicle in each traveled section multiplied by section length (km).

This is because the model only considers the pollution emitted by a vehicle in some point with a certain speed, hence turns are not taken into consideration in the total sum of emissions.

The LEM model is documented in the Environmental Models: London Emission Model section.


Contains LEM Emissions for sections.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Section identifier
eid char Section external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
nox double NOx (g/km)
nox_D double Not used
co2 double CO2 (g/km)
co2_D double Not used


Contains LEM Emissions for links.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Link identifier
eid char Link external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
nox double NOx (g/h)
nox_D double Not used
co2 double CO2 (g/h)
co2_D double Not used


Contains LEM Emissions for the whole network simulated in this replication.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Section identifier
eid char Section external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
nox double NOx (g)
nox_D double Not used
co2 double CO2 (g)
co2_D double Not used

Microsimulation Vehicle Trajectory Tables

A Microsimulation model can output vehicle details by trip, or by section and can also output detailed positions.


This contains vehicle trajectory information. The trajectories during the warm up period are not stored unless the exit time occurs after the warm up period.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Vehicle ID
sid integer Vehicle type ID
origin integer Origin centroid ID for vehicles in the demand. First section ID for transit vehicles
destination integer Destination centroid ID for vehicles in the demand. Last section ID for transit vehicles
entranceSection integer First section ID.
generationTime double Vehicle generation simulation time
entranceTime double Vehicle entrance simulation time. In seconds, relative to the beginning of the warm up period.
exitTime double Vehicle exit simulation time. In seconds, relative to the beginning of the warm up period.
expectedTravelTime double Vehicle expected travel time in seconds coming from a previous run. Value read from the input APA file, zero in case of no input APA file.
delayTime double Vehicle total delay time in seconds
travelledDistance double Vehicle distance traveled in meters
pathType integer Vehicle type of path (0:RC, 1:APA, 2:OD, 3:PT, 4:LOST, 5:P2P).


This contains vehicle trajectory information for each section.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Vehicle ID
ent integer Vehicle section index in vehicle's path
sectionId integer Section ID
exitTime double Vehicle exit section simulation time
travelTime double Vehicle section travel time in seconds
delayTime double Vehicle section delay time in seconds


This contains vehicle positions throughout each section.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Vehicle ID
ent integer Record Sequence ID in vehicle trajectory
sectionId integer Section ID
laneIndex integer Vehicle section lane
xCoord double Vehicle x coordinate
yCoord double Vehicle y coordinate
time double Time, in seconds, relative to the beginning of the warm up period
speed double Vehicle speed in km/h
travelledDistance double Vehicle distance traveled
acceleration double Vehicle acceleration

Mesoscopic Database


Tables (MESYS, METURN, and MESECT) have the following format

Attribute Name Type Size Description
did integer Replication identifier (Origin Data ID)
oid integer Object ID
eid char 2 External ID (optional)
sid integer Subobject Pos (optional) to store data of an object disaggregated by a criteria (vehicle type in sections for example)
ent integer Entry number
attr double Value for one of the collected attributes
attr_d double Deviation for one of the collected attributes


This contains statistical information of the whole system for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. How the system statistics are calculated is documented in the Calculation of Traffic Statistics: Network Statistics Section.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication identifier (Origin Data ID)
oid integer Object ID
eid char External ID (optional)
sid integer Subobject Pos (optional) to store data of an object disaggregated by a criteria (vehicle type in sections for example).
ent integer Entry number
density(_D) double Density (veh/km per lane)
flow(_D) integer Mean flow (veh/h)
flow_meso(_D) integer Mean meso flow (veh/h)
flow_macro(_D) integer Mean macro flow (veh/h)
input_count(_D) double Number of vehicles in the network
input_flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h) in the network
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (sec/km)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (sec/km)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed(km/h)
travel(_D) double Total distance traveled (km)
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced (hours)
totalDistanceTraveledInside double Total distance traveled by the vehicles inside the network (km)
totalTravelTimeInside double Total travel time experienced by the vehicles inside the network (hours)
totalWaitingTime double Total time experienced by the vehicles still waiting outside(hours)
vWait(_D) integer Number vehicles waiting to enter into the system (vehs)
vIn(_D) integer Number vehicles in system (vehs)
vOut(_D) integer Number vehicles out system (vehs)
vLostIn(_D) integer Number vehicles lost in system (vehs)
vLostOut(_D) integer Number vehicles lost out system (vehs)
qmean(_D) integer Mean vehicles in queue (vehs)
qvmean(_D) integer Mean virtual queue length (vehs)
qvmax(_D) integer Maximum virtual queue length (vehs)
missedTurnings(_D) integer Number of missed turns
lane_changes(_D) integer Number of lane changes/km
total_lane_changes(_D) integer Number of lane changes

This contains statistical information of the sections for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. How the section statistics are aggregated from the vehicles exiting is documented in the Calculation of Traffic Statistics: Node Statistics Section but note that in a mesoscopic model, the speeds are derived from mesoscopic simulation algorithms.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication identifier (Origin Data ID)
oid integer Object ID
eid char External ID (optional)
sid integer Subobject Pos (optional) to store data of an object disaggregated by a criteria (vehicle type in sections for example)
ent integer Entry number, from 1 to N, where N is the number of intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals.
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
count(_D) double Number of vehicles
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (sec)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (sec)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed(km/h)
flow_capacity(_D) double Flow/Section Capacity (%)
density(_D) double Density (veh/km per lane)
qmean(_D) double Mean Queue Length by lane (veh)
qvmax(_D) integer Maximum number of vehicles in this section virtual queue (veh)
qvmean(_D) double Mean virtual queue length(veh)
travel(_D) double Total distance traveled (km)
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the section (seconds)
lane_changes(_D) double Number of lane changes / Number of veh
total_lane_changes(_D) double Number of lane changes


This contains statistical information for the each lane of the sections for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Section identifier
eid char Section external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
lane double Lane identifier (from 1 to number of lanes)
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
density(_D) double Density (veh/km or veh/mile)
qmean(_D) double Mean queue length (veh)
qmax(_D) double Maximum queue length (veh)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)


This contains statistical information of the turns and links for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. How the turn and node statistics are aggregated from the vehicles exiting is documented in the Calculation of Traffic Statistics: Node Statistics Section but note that in a mesoscopic model, the turn speeds and gap acceptance are derived from mesoscopic simulation algorithms.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Turn identifier
eid char Turn external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
count(_D) double Vehicle counts(veh)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
qmean(_D) double Mean queue length (veh)
qmax(_D) double Maximum queue length (veh)
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled in the turn
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the turn (seconds)
link_flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
link_count(_D) double Vehicle counts(veh)
link_ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
link_dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
link_speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
link_spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
link_qmean(_D) double Mean queue length (veh)
link_qmax(_D) double Maximum queue length (veh)
link_travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled in the link
link_traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the link (seconds)


This contains statistical information of the nodes for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Node identifier
eid char Node external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
approachDelay(_D) double Mean delay to calculate level of service (seconds)
lostVehicles(_D) integer Number of lost vehicles in the node
missedTurnings(_D) integer Number of vehicles that have missed a turn in the node


It contains statistical information of the supernode trajectories for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Supernode trajectory identifier
eid char Supernode trajectory external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
count(_D) double Vehicles completing the supernode trajectory
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle (seconds)
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled in the supernode trajectory
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the supernode trajectory (seconds)


This contains statistical information of the origin centroids for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: OD and Centroids section. When the Outputs to Generate in the Scenario include OD Pair Statistics, the destination field in this table being the ID of a centroid (instead of zero) will mean the outputs in that row of the table are the ones for the corresponding OD pair.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Centroid identifier
eid char Centroid external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
destination integer Destination Centroid ID
nbveh_(D) double Number of vehicles that have arrived at their destination
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
input_count(_D) double Number of vehicles in the network
input_flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h) in the network
speed_(D) double Mean speed (km/h )
spdh_(D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime_(D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime_(D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
travel_(D) double Total number of km traveled
traveltime_(D) double Total travel time experienced (seconds)
vlost_(D) integer Number of vehicles lost
qvmean_(D) double Mean virtual queue (veh)
qvmax_(D) double Maximum virtual queue (veh)


This contains statistical information of the destination centroids for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: OD and Centroids section.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Centroid identifier
eid char Centroid external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
nbveh_(D) double Number of vehicles that have arrived at their destination
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
input_count(_D) double Number of vehicles in the networkinput_flow(_D)
spdh_(D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime_(D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime_(D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
travel_(D) double Total number of km traveled
traveltime_(D) double Total travel time experienced (seconds)
vlost_(D) integer Number of vehicles lost
qvmean_(D) double Mean virtual queue (veh)
qvmax_(D) double Maximum virtual queue (veh)

Mesoscopic Transit Tables

MEPT Table

This contains statistical information of transit lines for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. How the transit statistics are calculated is documented in the Calculation of Traffic Statistics: Road and Turn Statistics Section but note that, in a mesoscopic simulation, the delay due to dwell time at stops, and the stop time is incurred at the end of the road section and so might not be in the same timer interval as in the corresponding microsimulation model.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Transit line identifier
eid char Transit line external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
count(_D) double Number of vehicles that have arrived at the end of the transit line
flow(_D) double Flow of vehicles arriving at the end of the line
input_count(_D double Number of vehicles starting on the transit line
input_flow(_D) double Flow of vehicles starting on the transit line
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h or mph)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h or mph)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
dwelltime(_D) double Dwell time at stops
travel(_D) double Total number of km or miles traveled
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced (seconds)
qvmean(_D) double Mean virtual queue (veh)
qvmax(_D) double Maximum virtual queue (veh)

Mesoscopic Detector Tables

These tables contain the detection measures for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: Detector Data Section . Note that in a mesoscopic model, detector data is gathered at the time a vehicle leaves a section and hence results will differ from the corresponding microsimulation run for detectors sited in the middle of a road section rather than at the end, at the stop-line.


This contains the detection measures for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Detector identifier
eid char Detector external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
countveh(_D) integer Number of vehicles
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
speed(_D) double Average Speed (km/h)
occupancy(_D) double Flow/Jam density *100
density(_D) double Density (veh/km)

Mesoscopic Signals tables


This table contains information of the amount of time that a turn remains on each possible traffic light state. This is only provided when control statistics are set to 'ON'.

State value description: 0 (red), 1 (green), 2 (yellow), 3 (flashing green), 4 (flashing red), 5 (flashing yellow), 6 (off), 7(flashing yellow behaving as green), 8 (yellow behaving as green), and 9 (flashing red behaving as green).

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Turn identifier
eid char Turn external id
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
state integer State index, from 0 to 9
active_time double active time in seconds
active_time_D double active time in seconds: Std deviation
active_time_percentage double percentage of active time
active_time_percentage_D double percentage of active time: Std deviation


This table contains information related to node signal groups. It details the amount of time that each signal group keeps each state. State value description: 0 (red), 1 (green), 2 (yellow), 3 (flashing green), 4 (flashing red), 5 (flashing yellow), 6 (off), 7(flashing yellow behaving as green), 8 (yellow behaving as green), and 9 (flashing red behaving as green).

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Node identifier
eid char Node external id
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
state integer State index, from 0 to 9
active_time double active time in seconds
active_time_D double active time in seconds: Std deviation
active_time_percentage double percentage of active time
active_time_percentage_D double percentage of active time: Std deviation


This table contains information related to control meterings. It details the amount of time that the metering keeps each state.

State value description: 0 (red), 1 (green), 2 (yellow), 3 (flashing green), 4 (flashing red), 5 (flashing yellow), 6 (off), 7(flashing yellow behaving as green), 8 (yellow behaving as green), and 9 (flashing red behaving as green).

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Node identifier
eid char Node external id
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
lane integer Metering lane
state integer State index, from 0 to 9
active_time double active time in seconds
active_time_D double active time in seconds: Std deviation
active_time_percentage double percentage of active time
active_time_percentage_D double percentage of active time: Std deviation

Mesoscopic Traffic Management


This table contains information related to some of traffic management actions; in particular, for Turn Closures, Force Turns, and Destination Change actions.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Traffic management action identifier
eid integer Traffic management action external identifier
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
affected_vehicles integer Number of vehicles affected by the traffic management action during the time interval
affected_vehicles_D integer Number of vehicles affected by the traffic management action during the time interval

Mesoscopic Vehicle Trajectories


These tables contain vehicle trajectory information for the simulation and for each road section. The trajectories during the warm up are not stored unless the exit time occurs after the warm up period.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Vehicle ID
sid integer Vehicle type ID
origin integer Origin centroid ID for vehicles in the demand. First section ID for Transit vehicles
destination integer Destination centroid ID for vehicles in the demand. Last section ID for transit vehicles
generationTime double Vehicle generation simulation time
entranceTime double Vehicle entrance simulation time. In seconds, relative to the beginning of the warm up period.
exitTime double Vehicle exit simulation time. In seconds, relative to the beginning of the warm up period.
expectedTravelTime double Vehicle expected travel time in seconds coming from a previous run. Value read from the input APA file, zero in case of no input APA file.
delayTime double Vehicle total delay time in seconds
travelledDistance double Vehicle distance traveled in meters
pathType integer Vehicle type of path (0:RC, 1:APA, 2:OD, 3:PT, 4:LOST, 5:P2P).
speed double Vehicle speed in m/s


This contains vehicle trajectory information for each section.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Vehicle ID
ent integer Vehicle section index in vehicle's path
sectionId integer Section ID
exitTime double Vehicle exit section simulation time
travelTime double Vehicle section travel time in seconds
delayTime double Vehicle section delay time in seconds

Hybrid Database



This contains statistical information about the whole system for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D", being the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: Network Section.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Replication or Average identifier
eid char Replication or Average external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
density(_D) double Density (veh/km per lane)
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
input_flow(_D) double Flow rate of vehicles entering the simulation
input_count(_D) double Number of vehicles entering the simulation
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (sec/km)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (sec/km)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
travel(_D) double Total distance traveled(km)
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced (hours)
totalDistanceTraveledInside double Total distance traveledby the vehicles inside the network (km)
totalTravelTimeInside double Total travel time experienced by the vehicles inside the network (hours)
totalWaitingTime double Total time experienced by the vehicles still waiting outside (hours)
vWait(_D) double Number of vehicles waiting to enter the network
vIn(_D) double Number of vehicles inside the network
vOut(_D) double Number of vehicles that have exited the network
vLostIn(_D) double Number of vehicles lost inside the network
vLostOut(_D) double Number of vehicles lost that have exited the network
qmean(_D) double Mean vehicles in queue (veh)
qvmean(_D) double Mean virtual queue (veh)
qvmax(_D) double Maximum virtual queue (veh)
stime(_D) double Mean Stop Time in the micro areas (sec/km)
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed in the micro areas (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed in the micro areas (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle in the micro areas (#/veh/km)
totalNStops(_D) double Total number of stops in the micro areas
missedTurnings(_D) double Total number of missed turns in the micro areas
lane_changes(_D) double Total number of lane changes / km
total_lane_changes(_D) double Total number of lane changes
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle


This contains statistical information of the sections for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations:Turn and Road Sections Section .

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Section identifier
eid char Section external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
count(_D) integer Vehicle counts (veh)
input_flow(_D) double Flow rate of vehicles entering the section
input_count(_D) double Number of vehicles entering the section
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
dtimeTtime(_D) double Delay Time (% of Travel Time) calculated as (delay time / travel time) *100
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
flow_capacity(_D) double Mean flow / section capacity
density(_D) double Density (veh/km per lane)
qvnbvehs double Virtual queue number of vehicles
qmean(_D) double Mean queue length by lane (veh)
qmax(_D) double Maximum queue length (veh)
qvmean(_D) double Mean virtual queue (veh)
qvmax(_D) double Maximum virtual queue (veh)
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled in the section
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the section (seconds)
lane_changes(_D) double Number of lane changes / Number of veh
total_lane_changes(_D) double Total number of lane changes
stime(_D) double Mean Stop Time (seconds)
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed in the section (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed in the section (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle


This contains statistical information for the each lane of the sections for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Section identifier
eid char Section external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
lane double Lane identifier (from 1 to number of lanes)
count(_D) double Count of vehicles leaving the lane
flow(_D) double Mean flow leaving the lane (veh/h)
input_count(_D) double Count of vehicles entering the lane
input_flow(_D) double Mean flow entering the lane (veh/h
density(_D) double Density (veh/km or veh/mile)
qmean(_D) double Mean queue length (veh)
qmax(_D) double Maximum queue length (veh)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
hspeed(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
stime(_D) double Mean Stop Time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)


This contains statistical information of the turns and links for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Turn identifier
eid char Turn external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
count(_D) double Vehicle counts(veh)
input_count(_D) double Count of vehicles entering the turn
input_flow(_D) double Mean flow entering the turn (veh/h)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
qmean(_D) double Mean queue length (veh)
qmax(_D) double Maximum queue length (veh)
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled in the turn
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the turn (seconds)
stime(_D) double Mean Stop Time (seconds)
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed in the turn (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
batteryc(_D) double Total liters of kWh consumed in the turn (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
lane_changes(_D) double Number of lane changes / Number of veh
total_lane_changes(_D) double Total number of lane changes
link_flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
link_count(_D) double Vehicle counts(veh)
link_ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
link_dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
link_stime(_D) double Mean stopped time (seconds)
link_nstops(_D) double Number of stops
link_wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
link_speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
link_spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
link_qmean(_D) double Mean queue length (veh)
link_qmax(_D) double Maximum queue length (veh)
link_travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled in the link
link_traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the link (seconds)
link_lane_changes(_D) double Number of lane changes on approaching link / Number of veh
link_total_lane_changes(_D) double Total number of lane changes
link_fuelc(\D) double Total liters of fuel consumed in the link
link_batteryc(\D) double Total kWh of battery consumed in the link
lostvehicles(_D) double Number of lost vehicles at this turn
missedVehicles(_D) double Number of vehicles missing this turn
effective_green(_D) double Amount of time that the turn had green traffic light (seconds)
green_percentage(_D) double Percentage of time that the turn had green traffic light(effective_green /interval time*100)effective_red(_D)
red_percentage(_D) double Percentage of time that the turn had red light (effective_red interval*100)


This contains statistical information of the nodes for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: Nodes Section .

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Node identifier
eid char Node external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
approachDelay(_D) double Mean delay to calculate level of service (seconds)
lostVehicles(_D) double Number of lost vehicles in the node
missedTurnings(_D) double Number of vehicles that have missed a turn in the node


It contains statistical information of the supernode trajectories for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Supernode trajectory identifier
eid char Supernode trajectory external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
count(_D) double Vehicles completing the supernode trajectory
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle (seconds)
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled in the supernode trajectory
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the supernode trajectory (seconds)
stime(_D) double Mean stop time(seconds)
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed in the supernode trajectory
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed in the supernode trajectory


This contains statistical information of the origin centroids (HYCENT_O) for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: OD and Centroids section. When the Outputs to Generate in the Scenario include OD Pair Statistics, the destination field in this table being the ID of a centroid (instead of zero) will mean the outputs in that row of the table are the ones for the corresponding OD pair.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Centroid identifier
eid char Centroid external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
destination double Destination Centroid ID
nbveh(_D) double Number of vehicles that have arrived at their destination
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
input_count(_D) double Number of vehicles in the network
input_flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h) in the network
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h )
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced (seconds)
vlost(_D) double Number of vehicles lost
qvmean(_D) double Mean virtual queue (veh)
qvmax(_D) double Maximum virtual queue (veh)
stime(_D) double Mean Stop Time (seconds)
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed in the turn (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed in the turn (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")


This contains statistical information of the destination centroids (HYCENT_D) for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations: OD and Centroids Section.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Centroid identifier
eid char Centroid external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
nbveh(_D) double Number of vehicles that have arrived at their destination
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
input_count(_D) double Number of vehicles in the network
input_flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h) in the network
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h )
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced (seconds)
vlost(_D) double Number of vehicles lost
qvmean(_D) double Mean virtual queue (veh)
qvmax(_D) double Maximum virtual queue (veh)
stime(_D) double Mean Stop Time (seconds)
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed in the turn (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed in the turn (This is only provided when the particular model "Energy Consumption" is set to "ON")

Hybrid Transit Tables

HYPT Table

This contains statistical information of transit lines for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Transit line identifier
eid char Transit line external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
count(_D) double Number of vehicles that have arrived at the end of the transit line
flow(_D) double Flow of vehicles that have arrived at the end of the transit line ( veh/hr)
input_count(_D) double Count of vehicles starting on this transit line
input_flow(_D) double Flow of vehicles starting on this transit line (veh/h)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h or mph)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h or mph)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
dwelltime(_D) double Dwell time at stops
travel(_D) double Total number of km or miles travele
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced (seconds)
qvmean(_D) double Mean virtual queue (veh)
qvmax(_D) double Maximum virtual queue (veh)

Hybrid Detector Tables


This contains the detection measures for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Detector identifier
eid char Detector external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
countveh(_D) double Number of vehicles
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
speed(_D) double Average Speed (km/h )
occupancy(_D) double Percentage of occupancy
density(_D) double Density (veh/km)
headway(_D) double Average Headway between vehicles (sec)

Hybrid Signals Tables


This table contains information of the amount of time that a turn remains on each possible traffic light state. This is only provided when control statistics are set to 'ON'.

State value description: 0 (red), 1 (green), 2 (yellow), 3 (flashing green), 4 (flashing red), 5 (flashing yellow), 6 (off), 7(flashing yellow behaving as green), 8 (yellow behaving as green), and 9 (flashing red behaving as green).

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Turn identifier
eid char Turn external id
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
state integer State index, from 0 to 9
active_time double Active time in seconds
active_time_D double Active time in seconds: Std Deviation
active_time_percentage double Percentage of active time
active_time_percentage_D double Percentage of active time: Std Deviation


This table contains information related to node signal groups. It details the amount of time that each signal group keeps each state.

State value description: 0 (red), 1 (green), 2 (yellow), 3 (flashing green), 4 (flashing red), 5 (flashing yellow), 6 (off), 7(flashing yellow behaving as green), 8 (yellow behaving as green), and 9 (flashing red behaving as green).

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Node identifier
eid char Node external id
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
state integer State index, from 0 to 9
active_time double Active time in seconds
active_time_D double Active time in seconds: Std Deviation
active_time_percentage double Percentage of active time
active_time_percentage_D double Percentage of active time: Std Deviation


This table contains information related to control meterings. It details the amount of time that the metering keeps each state.

State value description: 0 (red), 1 (green), 2 (yellow), 3 (flashing green), 4 (flashing red), 5 (flashing yellow), 6 (off), 7(flashing yellow behaving as green), 8 (yellow behaving as green), and 9 (flashing red behaving as green).

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Node identifier
eid char Node external id
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
lane integer Metering lane
state integer State index, from 0 to 9
active_time double Active time in seconds
active_time_D double Active time in seconds: Std Deviation
active_time_percentage double Percentage of active time
active_time_percentage_D double Percentage of active time: Std Deviation

Hybrid Traffic Management


This table contains information related to some of traffic management actions; in particular, for Turn Closures, Force Turns, and Destination Change actions.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Traffic management action identifier
eid integer Traffic management action external identifier
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
affected_vehicles integer Number of vehicles affected by the traffic management action during the time interval
affected_vehicles_D integer Number of vehicles affected by the traffic management action during the time interval: Std Deviation


This table contains the time spent for each Transit Vehicle at each Transit Stop

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication identifier
oid integer Transit Stop ID
idveh integer Vehicle ID
starttime double Time Sta when the vehicle arrives at the stop in seconds
endtime double Time Sta when the vehicle leaves the stop in seconds (0 value means the vehicle is still at the transit stop)
idline integer Transit Line ID

HCM Tables

The HCM tables contain information about HCM areas The HCMHY family of tables give the output for hybrid simulations while the HCMMI family of tables give the output for microsimulation. The algorithms used to calculate the statistics are described in the HCM Algorithms Section


The HCMHYAPPROACH and HCMMIAPPROACH tables give the statistics on approaches to junctions. Two types of analysis are contained here In terms of output calculation during the simulation:

  • Longitudinal analysis computes measures for the vehicles on the sections to the approach and aggregates these
  • Spatial analysis computes measures for the sections and lane and aggregates these for the time interval.
Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Vehicle type identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Vehicle type External id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent INTEGER Time intervals, always 1
los(_D) double Level of Service (Spatial)
queue_delay(_D) double Queue delay [s/veh] (Longitudinal)
queue_length(_D) double Average queue length [veh] (Spatial)
avg_back_queue(_D) double Average back of queue [m] (Spatial)
max_back_queue(_D) double Maximum back of queue [m] (Spatial)
queue_overflow(_D) double Overflow rate [between 0 and 1] (Spatial)
queued_vehicles(_D) double Percent queued vehicles [%] (Spatial)
segment_delay(_D) double Segment delay [s/veh] (Longitudinal)
stopped_delay(_D) double Stopped delay [s/veh] (Longitudinal)
nbstops(_D) double Number of stops (Longitudinal)
slow_vehicles(_D) double Percent slow vehicles [%] (Spatial)


Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Vehicle type identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Vehicle type External id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent INTEGER Time intervals, always 1
queue_delay(_D) double Max approach queue delay


The HCMHYAREA and HCMMIAREA give the statistics for merge and weave areas

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Vehicle type identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Vehicle type External id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent INTEGER Time intervals, always 1
density(_D) double Density of vehicles [PCU/mi per lane]
Los(_D) double Level of Service

HC NODE Tables

he HCMHYAREA and HCMMIAREA give the Level of Service measure for nodes

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Vehicle type identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Vehicle type External id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent INTEGER Time intervals, always 1
node_approach_queue_delay double Average Approach Delay: Queue Delay
Los double Level of Service


The HCMHYSECTION and HCMMISECTION tables give the statistics on sections

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Vehicle type identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Vehicle type External id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent INTEGER Time intervals, always 1
los(_D) double Level of Service (Spatial)
density(_D) double Density of vehicles [PCU/mi per lane] (Spatial)
queue_delay(_D) double Queue delay [s/veh] (Longitudinal)
segment_delay(_D) double Segment delay [s/veh] (Longitudinal)
stopped_delay(_D) double Stopped delay [s/veh] (Longitudinal)
nbstops(_D) double Number of stops
slow_vehicles(_D) double Percent slow vehicles [%] (Spatial)
queue_length(_D) double Average queue length [veh] (Spatial)
mean_back_queue(_D) double Average back of queue [m] (Spatial)
max_back_queue(_D) double Maximum back of queue [m] (Spatial)
queue_overflow(_D) double Percent overflow [%] (Spatial)

Vehicle Subpaths Database

These tables gather data related to individual vehicles on subpaths and the aggregated data for each subpath. The derivation of the measurements is described in the Statistics Calculations:Subpaths Section and the subpaths summaries.


Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication identifier (Origin Data ID)
oid integer Simulation Vehicle ID
vehtype integer Vehicle Type
idsubpath integer Subpath identifier
ttime float Travel time
speed float Average speed on subpath
delay float The difference between achieved time and freeflow time
wtimeVQ float Waiting time in a virtual queue including vehicles inside (seconds)
dwelltime float Time at stops
travel float Travel distance (m)
stoptime float Time spent at a stop in the subpath
nbstops float Number of stops in the subpath


It contains statistical information of the subpaths for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Subpath identifier
eid char Subpath external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval, from 1 to N, where N is the number of time intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
count(_D) double Vehicles completing the subpath
flow(_D) double Mean flow (veh/h)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled in the subpath
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the subpath (seconds)
stime(_D) double Mean stop time(seconds)
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed in the subpath
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed in the subpath


This contains statistical information of private vehicles. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Object identifier (subpath, centroid, transit line...)
eid char External ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval
count(_D) double Number of vehicles
flow_(D) double Flow of vehicles
speed_(D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh_(D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime_(D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime_(D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
travel_(D) double Total number of km traveled
traveltime_(D) double Total travel time experienced (seconds)


This contains statistical information of the subpaths for each period. Where a variable has a mean and a standard deviation from multiple replications, the variable is represented as "var" and "var_D"; the mean and standard deviation respectively.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication or Average identifier
oid integer Subpath identifier
eid char Subpath external ID
sid integer Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent integer Time interval
count(_D) double Number of vehicles entering the subpath
flow(_D) double Flow of vehicles entering the subpath (veh/h)
speed(_D) double Mean speed (km/h)
spdh(_D) double Harmonic mean speed (km/h)
ttime(_D) double Mean travel time (seconds)
dtime(_D) double Mean delay time (seconds)
wtimeVQ(_D) double Mean waiting time in a virtual queue per vehicle including vehicles inside (seconds)
travel(_D) double Total number of km traveled in the subpath
traveltime(_D) double Total travel time experienced in the subpath (seconds)
stime(_D) double Mean Stop Time (seconds)
nstops(_D) double Number of stops per vehicle
fuelc(_D) double Total liters of fuel consumed in the subpath
batteryc(_D) double Total kWh of battery consumed in the subpath

Dynamic Traffic Assignment Database

This table contains the costs calculated as a part of the Dynamic Traffic Assignment processes. The algorithms used to gather these costs are documented in the Theory: Link Cost Functions Section.


LinkCosts This table contains statistics of each path.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication identifier (Origin Data ID)
oid integer Object ID
eid char External ID (optional)
sid integer Subobject Pos (optional) to store data of an object disaggregated by a criteria (vehicle type in sections for example)
ent integer Entry number, from 1 to N where is the number of intervals, and 0 contains the aggregation of all the intervals
cost double Link cost used to calculate the paths
cost_D double Link cost deviation from an average
defaultCost double Link cost using the default cost function
defaultCost_D double Default link cost deviation from an average

DUE Convergence Tables

There are three tables defined in the DUE result for the convergence data: DUERGAP, DUEITERDATA, and DUELINKDATA. These tables populate the extra Summary tab detailing the DUE convergence data.

Because the amount of data stored in the DUELINKDATA table can be very large, to generate this table, you must add a variable to your experiment, on the Variables tab. The name of the variable is $ENABLE_DUE_CONVERGENCE_DATA and its value must be YES.


This table gives information on calculation times and the levels of vehicles in/out and waiting to enter the network by iteration.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication identifier (Origin Data ID)
oid integer Replication ID
eid char Replication external ID (optional)
iteration integer number of iteration
dnl integer Time for the Dynamic Network Loading. This is the time of the simulation
sp float Time for the shortest path calculation
msa float Time for the Method of Successive Averages algorithm
rgap float Time for the calculation of the Relative Gap
waitout integer Number of vehicles that are waiting to enter the network
inside integer Number of vehicles that are currently in the network
goneout integer Number of vehicles that have left the network


This table gives information on the RGap, flow convergence and cost convergence reached in each iteration with respect to the targets set in the Dynamic Traffic Assignment tab.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication identifier (Origin Data ID)
oid integer Replication ID
eid char Replication external ID (optional)
iteration integer number of iteration
slice char Interval
rgap float Relative Gap
flowConvg float Global flow convergence
costConvg float Global cost convergence


This table gives information on the count and cost of every link in the network by iteration.

Attribute Name Type Description
did integer Replication identifier (Origin Data ID)
oid integer Turn or exit section ID
eid char Section external ID (optional)
iteration integer number of iteration
slice char Interval
sid integer Vehicle Type data ID
count integer Count
cost float Cost

Macroscopic Modeling Tables

Meta Information Table Examples

The following example shows the contents of all the meta information tables (for sections and system).

SIM_INFO Table Example

Table for a Static Assignment Experiment with ID 650 and simulated from 08:00AM for a 1 hour period.

did didname efdid dideid use_eid twhen from_time
650 Static Assignment Experiment 650 650 0 2011-02-24 28800
duration seed type warm_up loading mod_ver
3600 0 1 0 macro FrankWolfe 7.0.0 (R12367)
iterations exec_date xid xname scid
1 2013-10-23T10:40:51 650 Static Assignment Experiment 650 648
scname simstat intervals totalstat intervals simdetec intervals totaldetec intervals model
Static Assignment Scenario 648 1 1 1 0 {3ca15671-7e3b-46b5-a791-b2967d8750e9}
trafficdemand ptplan masterplan exec_date_end user_name
327 281 0 2013-10-23T10:40:52 aimsun_user

META_INFO Table Example

The traffic assignment will gather data for the sections (MASECT table), turns (MATURN), detectors (MADET), centroid connections (MACON), and two vehicle types (sob: 2 + 1). The gathering interval is 3600 seconds, that is, one hour.

did tname tyname nbo souse sob eiduse sinterval nbkeys
650 MASECT GKSection 78 1 3 0 3600000 1
650 MATURN GKTurning 100 1 3 0 3600000 1
650 MADET GKDetector 6 1 3 0 3600000 1
650 MACON GKCenConnection 20 1 3 0 3600000 1
650 MATRAJ GKSuperNodeTrajectory 0 1 3 0 3600000 1

META_SUB_INFO Table Example

This table contains information for the user classes. In this case, for car-any (id 639), and the aggregated values All (PCUs) (id 0) and All (vehs) (id 2147483647).

did tname pos oid oname
650 MASECT 0 0
650 MASECT 1 2147483647
650 MASECT 2 639 car
650 MATURN 0 0
650 MATURN 1 2147483647
650 MATURN 2 639 car

META_COLS Table Example

Here is an example for the META_COLS table.

did tname colname coltype aggtype intervalaggtype
650 MASECT volume 6 1 0
650 MASECT flow 6 1 0
650 MASECT occupancy 6 1 0
650 MASECT cost 6 1 0
650 MATURN volume 6 1 0
650 MATURN flow 6 1 0
650 MATURN percentage 6 1 0
650 MATURN cost 6 1 0

Information Table Examples

Based on the previous tables we know that we have information tables (MASECT, MATURN, etc.) with 1 interval (the assignment duration) and one vehicle type (0 for All (PCUs), 1 for All (vehs), and 2 for car).

For the sections table, we will list two objects (oid: 106 and 107), as an example. For all the tables, the did value will be 650 as this is the ID of the replication that has generated all the tables:

did oid eid sid ent volume flow occupancy cost
650 106 0 1 2172.04 2172.04 80.45 0.8692
650 107 0 1 2276.16 2276.16 84.3 0.9957
650 106 1 1 2157.04 2157.04 -1 0.8692
650 107 1 1 2276.16 2276.16 -1 0.9957
650 106 2 1 2147.04 2147.04 79.5 0.8692
650 107 2 1 2276.16 2276.16 84.3 0.9957

Static Assignment Model Tables

The Tables defined in the Aimsun Next Static Assignment Results Database are: MASECT, MATURN, MACON, MATRAJ, MADET, MAROU and PLCONV. As these tables are derived from a single experiment with no replications and no random variation, there are no "_D" table attributes giving the standard deviation of the results. The calculations made to find the link costs are coded in the Static Macro VDF (Volume Delay Functions), the Static Macro TPF (Turn Penalty Functions), the Static Macro JDF (Junction Delay Functions), and the Static Macro Function Components. The calculations made to estimate the corresponding flows depend on the type of assignment chosen. This is documented in the Static Traffic Assignment: User Equilibrium Models Section


This contains statistical information of the sections for the static traffic assignments performed.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Section identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Section External ID
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for All vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent INTEGER Time intervals, always 1
volume FLOAT Volume (PCUs and vehs for All, vehs for each vehicle type)
flow FLOAT Flow (PCUs/h and vehs/h for All, vehs/h for each vehicle type)
occupancy FLOAT Section occupancy (%)
cost FLOAT Cost (VDF units)


This contains statistical information of the turns for the static traffic assignments performed.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Turn identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Turn external id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent INTEGER Time intervals, always 1
volume FLOAT Volume (PCUs and vehs for All, vehs for each vehicle type)
flow FLOAT Flow (PCUs/h and vehs/h for All, vehs/h for each vehicle type)
percentage FLOAT Percentage from origin section using the turn
cost FLOAT Cost in JDF & TPF units


This contains statistical information of the centroid connections for the static traffic assignments performed.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Centroid connection identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Centroid connection External id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent INTEGER Time intervals, always 1
volume FLOAT Volume (PCUs and vehs for All, vehs for each vehicle type)
flow FLOAT Flow (PCUs/h and vehs/h for All, vehs/h for each vehicle type)
cost FLOAT Cost in JDF & TPF units


This contains statistical information of the supernode trajectories for the static traffic assignments performed.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Supernode trajectory identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Supernode trajectory External id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent INTEGER Time intervals, always 1
volume FLOAT Volume (PCUs and vehs for All, vehs for each vehicle type)
flow FLOAT Flow (PCUs/h and vehs/h for All, vehs/h for each vehicle type)
percentage FLOAT Percentage from origin section using the supernode trajectory
cost FLOAT Cost in JDF & TPF units


This contains statistical information of the detectors for the static traffic assignments performed.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Detector identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Detector External id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent INTEGER Time intervals always 1
volume FLOAT Volume (PCUs and vehs for All vehs for each vehicle type)
flow FLOAT Flow (PCUs/h and vehs/h for All vehs/h for each vehicle type)


This contains statistical information of the subpaths for the static traffic assignments performed.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Subpath identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Subpath External id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent INTEGER Time intervals
volume FLOAT Volume (PCUs and vehs for All
flow FLOAT Flow (PCUs/h and vehs/h for All
cost FLOAT Cost in JDF & TPF units


This contains information about the convergence of the static traffic assignment for each vehicle.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Vehicle type identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Vehicle type External id
iteration INTEGER ID of the assignment iteration (from 0 to number of iterations calculated)
relGap FLOAT Relative gap achieved
lambda FLOAT Lambda
itime FLOAT Iteration time (seconds)
ttime FLOAT Total time (seconds)

Static OD Adjustment Model Tables

When an Adjustment is executed, the corresponding Assignment Results for the Adjusted Demand can be saved in the Database with the structure explained in the previous paragraphs. Also, Adjustment information (the matrices, the convergence, etc.) can be stored in a binary file. The reference to this file is kept in a table in the Database.


Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static OD Adjustment Experiment identifier
type VARCHAR(32) Type of Output file (adj, apa, etc.)
path VARCHAR(256) File Path
file VARCHAR(128) File name

Travel Demand Modeling Tables

The Travel Demand modeling tables provide data from the Generation and Attraction process and the Trip Distribution process.

Meta Information Table Examples

The following example shows the contents of all the meta information tables (for sections and system).

SIM_INFO Table Example

Table for an Transit Assignment Experiment with ID 12060 and assigned from 08:00AM for a 1 hour period.

did didname efdid dideid use_eid twhen from_time
2572 GA Exp 2572 6011 0 25200
10263 Distribution Experiment 2012 10263 0 25200
12060 Transit Assignment Experiment PT 12060 0 2012-10-26 61200
duration seed type warm_up loading mod_ver
10800 0 0 0 generation/attraction Generation/Attraction-8.0.2 (R25639)
10800 Distribution Distribution-8.0.4 (R28905)
3600 0 1 0 macro PTFrequencyBased 8.0.0 (R21518)
iterations exec_date xid xname scid
0 2013-10-28T14:07:47 2572 GA Exp 2571
0 2014-05-21T17:35:28 10263 Distribution Experiment 2012 10262
1 2013-01-07T11:28:08 12060 Transit Assignment Experiment PT 12059
scname simstat intervals totalstat intervals simdetec intervals totaldetec intervals model
Generation/Attraction Scenario 2571 0 0 0 0 {7b84027d-f98a-4fce-b448-a1f3ea2bc474}
Distribution Scenario 2012 0 0 0 0 {ab4edd07-4828-4dd3-8e16-10637d83b137}
Transit Assignment Scenario PT 1 1 1 0 {7b84027d-f98a-4fce-b448-a1f3ea2bc474}
traffic demand ptplan masterplan exec_date_end user_name
0 0 0 2013-10-28T14:07:47 Aimsun_user
0 0 0 2014-05-21T17:35:28 Aimsun_user
12092 11732 0 2013-01-07T11:28:09 Aimsun_user

META_INFO Table Example

A Transit Assignment will produce tables MAPTLINE, MAPTSECTION, MAPTSTATION, and MAPTSTOP. In the following example, there are 57 transit lines and the gathering interval is 3600 seconds, that is, one hour.

did tname tyname nbo souse sob eiduse sinterval nbkeys
12060 MAPTSTOP GKBusStop 334 1 57 0 3600000 1
12060 MAPTSTATION GKPTStation 0 1 57 0 3600000 1
12060 MAPTSECTION GKSection 367 1 57 0 3600000 1
12060 MAPTLINE GKPublicLine 57 0 1 0 3600000 1

META_SUB_INFO Table Example

This table contains information for the transit lines.

did tname pos oid oname
12060 MAPTSTOP 0 0
12060 MAPTSTOP 1 11637 Line 1 N-S
12060 MAPTSTOP 2 11635 Line 1 S-N
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
12060 MAPTSTATION 1 11637 Line 1 N-S
12060 MAPTSTATION 2 11635 Line 1 S-N
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
12060 MAPTSECTION 1 11637 Line 1 N-S
12060 MAPTSECTION 2 11635 Line 1 S-N
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

META_COLS Table Example

Here is the list of all the fields in the information tables. All the values are stored as double (coltype 6).

did tname colname coltype aggtype intervalaggtype
12060 MAPTSTOP alighting_to_centroid 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSTOP alighting_for_transfer 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSTOP alighting_for_external_transfer 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSTOP alighting_for_station_transfer 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSTOP boarding_from_centroid 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSTOP boarding_for_transfer 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSTOP boarding_for_external_transfer 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSTOP boarding_for_station_transfer 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSTATION alighting_to_centroid 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSTATION alighting_for_external_transfer 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSTATION alighting_for_station_transfer 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSTATION boarding_from_centroid 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSTATION boarding_for_external_transfer 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSTATION boarding_for_station_transfer 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSECTION ptsegment 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSECTION ptload 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSECTION frequency 6 1 0
12060 MAPTSECTION capacity 6 1 0
12060 MAPTLINE Capacity 6 1 0
12060 MAPTLINE Frequency 6 1 0

Information Table Examples

Based on the previous example tables we know that a Generation/Attraction experiment was executed and the results are stored in three information tables:


did aggregated_modes car_mode_id period_id centroid_ configuration
2572 -1 2497 615

GATOTALS Table Example

did car_availability mode_id purpose_id generated_before_balancing attracted_before_balancing generated_after_balancing attracted_after_balancing
2572 NoDistinction 2662 2562 2056.3 2148.9 2148.9 2148.9
2572 NoDistinction 2662 2563 1197.76 1808 1080 1080
2572 NoDistinction 2662 2564 533.64 456.08 494.86 494.86

GAVALUES Table Example

did car_availability purpose_id mode_id centroid_id generation_attraction value
2572 NoDistinction 2562 2662 37 attraction 100
2572 NoDistinction 2562 2662 38 attraction 48
... ... ... ... ... ... ...

We also executed a Distribution+Modal Split experiment:


did type path file
130 Dis C:/tmp DistributionResult_10263.dis
... ... ... ...

We also know that we executed a Transit Assignment and that we have three information tables (MAPTLINE, MAPTSECTION, MAPTSTATION, and MAPTSTOP) with 1 interval (the assignment duration).

MAPTLINE Table Example

did oid eid sid ent Capacity Frequency
12060 11725 70 0 1 60 12
... ... ... ... ... ... ...


did oid eid sid ent ptsegment load frequency capacity
12060 11262 22 0 1 0 14 12 120
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


(Column names shortened for practicality, see MAPTSTATION Table for complete names)

did oid eid sid ent al_to_cent al_for_ext_tr al_for_st_tr bo_from_cent bo_for_ext_tr bo_for_st_tr
12060 10847 1340 0 1 3 0 0 5 3 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

MAPTSTOP Table Example

(Column names shortened for practicality, see MAPTSTOP Table for complete names)

did oid eid sid ent al_to_cent al_for_tr al_for_ext_tr al_for_st_tr bo_from_cent bo_for_tr bo_for_ext_tr bo_for_st_tr
12060 10847 1340 0 1 3 0 0 0 5 3 3 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Generation/Attraction Tables

The tables defined for the Generation/Attraction Results are: GAPARAMETERS, GATOTALS, and GAVALUES. The algorithms that define how these values are derived are document in the Trip Generation Theory Section


This contains the information on the Generation/Attraction parameters.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Generation/Attraction Experiment identifier
aggregated_modes VARCHAR(128) List of aggregated modes (if any)
car_mode_id INTEGER Transportation Mode marked as Car mode
period_id INTEGER Time Period ID
centroid_configuration_id INTEGER Centroid Configuration ID


This contains Generation/Attraction global result values.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Generation/Attraction Experiment identifier
car_availability VARCHAR(32) Type of car availability distinction considered (CA
mode_id INTEGER Transportation Mode ID
purpose_id INTEGER Trip Purpose ID
generated_before_balancing FLOAT Total number of trips generated before balancing
attracted_before_balancing FLOAT Total number of trips attracted before balancing
generated_after_balancing FLOAT Total number of generated tripsattracted_after_balancing


This contains the Generation/Attraction Vectors information.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Generation/Attraction Experiment identifier
car_availability VARCHAR(32) Type of car availability distinction considered (CA
purpose_id INTEGER Trip Purpose ID
mode_id INTEGER Transportation Mode ID
centroid_id INTEGER Centroid ID
generation_attraction VARCHAR(32) Whether the value is Generated or Attracted
value FLOAT Number of trips


This contains the path to other files for retrieving results.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Generation/Attraction Experiment identifier
type VARCHAR(32) Type of experiment that produced the file
path VARCHAR(256) File path
file VARCHAR(128) File name

Transit Assignment Tables

The Tables defined in the Aimsun Next Static Assignment Results Database are: MASECT, MATURN, MACON, MATRAJ, MADET, MAROU, and PLCONV. In addition, for Transit Assignment results, there are the following tables:


This contains statistical information on the Transit Lines for the Transit assignments performed.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Section identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Section External id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for All vehicles
ent INTEGER Time intervals
Capacity FLOAT Transit Line Capacity
Frequency FLOAT Transit Line Frequency


This contains statistical information on the Transit Sections for the Transit assignments performed.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Turn identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Turn external id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles
ent INTEGER Time intervals
transitsegment FLOAT Section segment (each transit stop divides the section in two segments)
ptload FLOAT Transit Section Load
frequency FLOAT Section Frequency adding up the lines that go through
capacity FLOAT Section Capacity adding up the capacities of the transit vehicles that go through


This contains statistical information on the Transit Stations for the Transit assignments performed.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Static Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Turn identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Turn external id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles
ent INTEGER Time intervals
alighting_to_centroid FLOAT Number of passengers that alight directly for destination
alighting_for_external_transfer FLOAT Number of passengers that alight for transfer to a stop in another station
alighting_for_station_transfer FLOAT Number of passengers that alight for transfer to a stop in the same station
boarding_from_centroid FLOAT Number of passengers that board directly from origin
boarding_for_external_transfer FLOAT Number of passengers that board from transfer from a stop in another station
boarding_for_station_transfer FLOAT Number of passengers that board from transfer from a stop in the same station


This contains statistical information on the Transit Stops.

Attribute Name Type Description
did INTEGER Transit Assignment Experiment identifier
oid INTEGER Transit Stop identifier
oid_2 INTEGER Transit Line identifier
eid VARCHAR(128) Transit Stop External id
eid_2 VARCHAR(128) Transit Line External id
sid INTEGER Vehicle type (from 0 for all vehicles, to number of vehicle types. See the META_SUB_INFO table for more info about each vehicle type)
ent INTEGER Time intervals, always 1
access FLOAT Number of passengers that access the transit system at the transit stop coming from a centroid (not available per line)
alighting FLOAT Number of passengers that alight the transit line at the transit stop (to centroid or transfer)
boarding FLOAT Number of passengers that access the transit line at the transit stop (from centroid or transfer)
dwell FLOAT Number of passengers that pass through the transit stop and stay in the transit line
egress FLOAT Number of passengers that exit the transit system at the stop heading a centroid (not available per line)
transfer FLOAT Number of passengers that transfer (alight and board again) at the transit stop (not available per line)
transferExternalFromStop FLOAT Number of passengers that board from transfer from a stop in another station (not available per line)
transferExternalToStop FLOAT Number of passengers that alight for transfer to a stop in another station (not available per line)
transferDirectFromStop FLOAT Number of passengers that board from transfer from a stop in the same station (not available per line)
transferDirectToStop FLOAT Number of passengers that alight for transfer to a stop in the same station (not available per line)