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Quick Reference Guide to Aimsun Next Commands

This section gives a brief explanation of all the commands available using either the menu or an object’s context menu.

File Menu

  • New: Opens a new empty network.
  • Open: Opens an existing network.
  • Close: Closes the current network.
  • Save: Saves the currently open network.
  • Save as...: Saves the currently open network, with the option to provide a new name.
  • Import: Imports CAD files or other third-party software files depending on the components loaded as, for example, Emme networks or CONTRAM networks into the current Aimsun Next network.
  • Export: Exports the current network to several formats (as shapefiles, image files, Emme, …).
  • Print: Opens the default Print Layout or creates a new one
  • Recent Files: Gives list of recently opened files which can be re-opened.
  • Quit: Exits the application.

Edit Menu

  • Undo: Undoes last action.
  • Redo: Redoes last action.
  • Cut: Removes the selected objects and places them on the system clipboard.
  • Copy: Copies the selected objects to the clipboard.
  • Copy Snapshot: Stores an image from the active 2D View in the clipboard .
  • Paste: Copies from the clipboard to the center of the drawing area.
  • Paste at Original Location: Copies from the clipboard to the drawing area keeping the original coordinates of the copied objects.
  • Clear: Deletes the selected objects.
  • Select All: Selects all the objects in the drawing area.
  • Inverse Selection: Unselects all selected objects and selects all those that were previously not selected.
  • Find: Opens an editor to find objects that match the criteria.
  • Find and Open: Opens a dialog to enter the ID of the object to find. It will then look for the object and open its editor if found.
  • Move Selection to View Center: Locates the selected objects in the center of the view.
  • Labels: Customizes the font size of on view labels. Also customizes the content of the Show Label command (ID, name, external ID)
  • Preferences: Opens the Preferences editor which specifies the overall parameters of the traffic network currently being edited or the overall system parameters if there is no file open.

View Menu

  • New 2D View: Creates a new 2D View of the current network.
  • New 3D View: Creates a new 3D View of the current network.
  • Close Current View: Closes the active view.
  • Full Screen: Maximizes the Aimsun Next window.
  • New Layer: Adds an empty layer to the group of layers.
  • Set Time: Opens a dialog to set the view current time, the time interval to be shown, the animation refresh rate and the time series range used in the selected view mode.
  • Center World: Locates the whole network in the center of the active 2D View.
  • Whole World: Changes the zoom of the current 2D view to fit the whole network.
  • Whole World Filtered: Changes the zoom of the current 2D view to fit the current subnetwork filter, if any.
  • Max Zoom for Visible Car Detail: Adapts the 2D view zoom to allow the simulation vehicles to be visualized.
  • Pan to...: Opens a dialog to select the location of the center of the view, which can be input in absolute or lat/lon coordinates.
  • Pan to Object being edited: Centers the view on the object currently being edited.
  • Show Latitude and Longitude: Toggles the display of coordinates as latitude and longitude instead of UTM coordinates.
  • Show Object Tooltips: Activates tooltips in 2D view objects.
  • Reset Camera: Retrieves the initial parameters of the current camera in the active 3D view.
  • Set Camera Parallel To Floor: Removes all the vertical rotations (pitch angle) of the current camera in the active 3D view.
  • Set Camera Perpendicular To Floor: Changes the rotations of the current camera in the active 3D view to make it similar to a 2D View camera.
  • Show/Hide Dynamic Labels: Shows or hides the dynamic labels defined in the currently opened networks.
  • Select Equal Dynamic Labels: Selects all the dynamic labels that are defined the same as the one currently selected.
  • Close All Dynamic Labels: Closes all the dynamic labels.
  • Close Selected Dynamic Labels: Closes all the selected dynamic labels.
  • Close Equal Dynamic Labels: Closes all the dynamic labels that are equal (showing the same attribute) as the selected one.
  • Gray Mode: Visualizes the current 2D view using a gray-scale display.
  • Map Mode: Visualizes the current 2D view with a map style depending on the zoom level and the display capability.

Arrange Menu

  • Group: Groups the current selection of 2D objects.
  • Ungroup: Breaks an object grouping.
  • Align Centers: Translates the current selection to align the center of all selected objects.
  • Change Altitude: Changes the altitude of the selected objects.
  • Move to Layer...: Moves the selected objects to the selected layer (i.e. Network, Network Layers..., Images, Images Layers...).

Project Menu

  • New: Creates objects, in the current project.
  • New Revision: Creates a revision network of the current project.
  • Consolidate Revision in Base: Applies all the changes made in this revision to the base network and removes the link between the base and the revised networks.
  • Consolidate Revision in this Revision: Converts the current open revision network into a base network removing the link between the base and the revised networks.
  • Revision Info: Opens the properties of the current revision.
  • Properties: Opens the properties of the current project.

Tools Menu

  • Set External IDs: Opens a dialog which sets external IDs automatically for objects of a given type.
  • Show Location in Google Maps: Opens a browser and loads into Google Maps the visible location (requires a network in UTM coordinates and a correct UTM Zone in the layers).
  • Make All Matrices External: Stores the matrices in a separate file in the same directory as the .ANG file.
  • Make All Matrices Internal: Stores the matrices in the .ANG file
  • Import Turns from Shapefile: Adds extra information to existing turns. The Shapefile must contain the following attributes: flanea, flaneb, tlanea, tlaneb for the from lanes and to lanes. Other fields read: TURNSPEED, YIELDSIGN, SIGNALGRP.
  • Import Nodes from Shapefile: Adds extra information to existing nodes.
  • Translate Selected Sections: Opens a dialog to move the selected road sections a fixed distance left or right.
  • Centroid Tesselator: Calculates the centroid polygons for the active Centroid Configuration.
  • APA Fixer: Opens the APA fixer dialog which allows the user to modify an APA routes file so it can be applied to variant of the same network.
  • Build HCM Areas: Creates a layer that shows HCM Areas, including Approaches, Merge / Diverge configurations and Weaving Areas.

Data Analysis Menu

Bookmarks Menu

Window Menu

  • Windows: Defines which windows are visible or not. If the window is currently visible, a check mark will appear next to the name in the menu.
  • Tools Toolbar: Lets the user define which groups of tools in the toolbar (Main tools and Pedestrian tools) are visible or not. If the toolbar is currently visible, a check mark will appear next to its name in the menu.
  • Reset to Default Layout Resets the window and toolbar layout to the default.
  • Welcome: Displays the Welcome Window to be able to open a second model.

Help Menu

  • Contents: Displays the Table of Contents of this help text.
  • Index: Displays the index to this help text.
  • Scripting Documentation: Displays the documentation for the Aimsun Next Script interface.
  • Licenses: Opens a window containing a list of all the licenses modules, their expiration date and SUS information.
  • About: Opens the Aimsun Next Intro window showing the software version and build number.
  • About Plug-Ins: Opens the Intro window for the selected component (assuming it has one).

Graphical object context menus

The context menu of any graphical object is opened by right clicking on the desired object in a 2D View.

For all the graphical objects there are several common operations accessible opening their context menu. These commands are:

  • Show Label: In the 2D views, this shows the labels "identifier: External ID" for the object.
  • Dynamic Labels:
    • New:
      • Attribute Dynamic Label: Opens a dialog where to select the attribute the dynamic label in the 2D views will be based on.
    • Select Equal: Selects all the dynamic labels that are equal to the one displayed for the object right-clicked.
    • Close:
      • All: Closes all the current visible dynamic labels
      • Selected: Closes all the selected dynamic labels
      • Equal: Closes all the dynamic labels that are showing the same attribute, but for other objects, as the one that open the context menu.
  • Rename: Opens a dialog where the object can be renamed.
  • Delete: Deletes the object.
  • Properties: Opens the editor for that object type.
  • Arrange:
    • Group: Groups the current selected objects all together.
    • Align Centers: Translates the current selected objects to make their central point be located at the same place.
    • Change Altitude: Changes the object's altitude, that is, places its bottom part where indicated.
    • Move to Layer: Moves the selected objects to the selected layer (i.e. Network, Network Layers…, Images, Images Layers...).

For each graphical object its context menu options are:


  • Convert to Section: Converts the polyline to a section.
  • Convert to Polygon: Converts the polyline to a polygon by adding the line that joins the first and last point.
  • Extrude: Converts the polyline to a 3D polyline.
  • Join: Joins two selected polylines.

Bezier Curve

  • Convert to Section: Converts the Bezier curve to a section.
  • Convert to Polygon: Converts the Bezier curve to a polygon by adding the line that joins the first and last point.


  • Select objects inside: Selects in the 2D view all the objects that have some part inside the polygon.
  • Convert to: Converts the polygon into a grouping, subnetwork, simulation area or transit zone.
  • Extrude: Converts the polygon to a 3D block.


  • Change Section Direction: Changes the direction of the section to the opposite direction.
  • Generate Opposite Direction: Creates a new section next to the current section with the opposite direction.
  • Add curve vertex: Adds a curve vertex to the section.
  • Join: Joins the selected sections.
  • Speed: Opens a dialog to select the new speed for all the selected sections.
  • Capacity: Opens a dialog to select the new capacity for all the selected sections.
  • Lane Width: Opens a dialog to select the new lane width for all the selected sections.
  • Road Type: Changes the road type of the selected sections updating the section attributes to the ones defined in the road type.
  • Road Type (Keeping Attributes): Changes the road type of the selected sections without updating the other attributes of the section.
  • Number of lanes: Changes the number of lanes of the selected sections.
  • Lane Type: Changes the type of the clicked lane.
  • Convert to Polygon: Converts the section to a polygon by adding the line that joins the first and last point.


  • Edit Control Plan: All the defined control plans will be listed, The one to be edited can be selected.
  • Yellow Box: The node will be modeled as a yellow box junction when checked and as a normal node otherwise.
  • Curve Turns: Curves all the turns in the node changing the geometry of each of them.
  • Show/Hide Turns Label: Shows or hides in the 2D views the labels "identifier: name" for all the turns belonging to the node that opened the context menu.
  • Merge: Merges the selected nodes into one.
  • Split: Splits the selected node in several nodes, Each new node is formed from the polygons of the original node i.e a roundabout node can be split into several junction nodes.
  • Advanced Editor: Opens the Advanced editor to edit the connections and conflicts in the node.


  • Split Centroid: Select one (parent) centroid and split it into two or more new centroids.
  • Join Centroids: When two centroids are selected, this option will join all their connections into one centroid updating the OD matrices and OD routes accordingly.
  • Edit Polygon: Draws the points that define the centroid polygon so they can be edited.
  • Hide/Show Connections: Hides or shows the connections of the selected centroids with the sections or nodes.
  • Move centroid connections from nodes to sections: All connections to/from a node will be replaced by connections to the outgoing/incoming sections of that node. If the option "Use Origin Percentages" is checked, then the percentage of the original connection will be distributed among the new connections proportionally to the capacity of each section.

Move Centroid Connections from Nodes to Sections is available as a Fast Track feature for Aimsun Next 22.0.3


  • Hide/Show Connections: Hides or shows the connections of the selected controllers with the nodes.


  • Generate Static Traversal: Generates a traversal from a static experiment.
  • Generate Dynamic Traversal: Generates a traversal from a dynamic experiment.
  • New…
    • Scenario: Creates a new scenario, either dynamic or macro, for the subnetwork.
    • Traffic Demand: Creates a new traffic demand for the subnetwork.
    • Centroid Configurations: Creates a new centroid configuration for the subnetwork.
    • Traffic State: Creates a new traffic state for the subnetwork.

Select objects inside: Selects all the objects in the 2D view that have some part inside the subnetwork.

Non Graphical object context menus

The context menu of any non-graphical object is opened by right clicking on the desired object in the Project Window.

For all the non-graphical objects there are several common operations accessible opening their context menu. These commands are:

  • Rename: Opens a window where the object can be renamed.
  • Delete: Deletes the object.
  • Properties: Opens the object editor.

For each non-graphical object the rest of its operations, if any, are:

Road Type

  • Set As default: Sets the road type as default. Subsequently, all new sections will be created using this road type.

Centroid Configuration

  • New:

    • OD matrix: Creates a new matrix in the selected centroid configuration.
    • OD route: Creates a new route in the selected centroid configuration.
  • Activate: Sets the centroid configuration as the active one.

Dynamic Scenario

  • New Experiment: Creates a new experiment in the selected scenario.

Dynamic Experiment

  • New:
    • Replication: Opens an editor for creating replications in the experiment.
    • Average: Creates a new average in the experiment for a set of replications.



  • Calculate: Calculates the average of the chosen set of replications. If a database is set in the scenario, it stores the average in the database too.
  • Simulate Pending Replications: Simulates those replications with status set as ‘Not simulated yet’.
  • Reset Replications: Sets the status of all the replications that belong to this average to ‘Not simulated yet’.
  • Retrieve Average Data: Loads the average data that was stored into the database.
  • Retrieve Average and Replications Data: Loads the average data that was stored into the database as well as the data for all the replications belonging to it.
  • Retrieve Data using an Aggregation Interval: Retrieves the data but brings up a dialog to change the interval at which it is aggregated.
  • Retrieve Paths: Retrieves the costs for each turn and each exit link.

Transit Line

  • Select Route Sections: Selects those sections that belong to the transit line.


  • New Policy: Creates a new policy for the selected strategy.


Traffic Condition

Python Script

Real Data Set

  • Retrieve: Retrieves the data of the selected real data set.

Grouping Category

  • New…: Creates a new grouping.
  • Build: Adds to the groupings linked to a polygon area the objects inside the polygon that belong to the Grouping Category Object Type.
  • Refresh Statistics: Recalculates the statistics of all the groupings defined in the grouping category.

Layer context menu

The context menu of a layer is opened by right clicking on the desired layer in the Layers Window. The available operations for layers are:

  • Retrieve External Data: Retrieves the layer so all its contents can be accessible by the user.
  • Unload External Data: Unloads the layer contents so they will be no longer accessible by the user and the amount of memory in use will decrease.
  • New Layer: Creates a new sublayer.
  • Activate: Sets the layer as the active one so all the new created objects will be added to it.
  • Center in View: Centers the view on the center point of the layer
  • Move Selection to this layer: Moves all the selected objects to this layer.
  • Select All: Selects all the layer objects in the active 2D View.
  • Show All: Shows all the layer objects in the active 2D View.
  • Hide All: Hides all the layer objects in the active 2D View.
  • Rename: Opens a dialog where the layer can be renamed.
  • Delete: Removes the layer.
  • Properties: Opens the layer’s editor.

Legend context menu

  • Copy snapshot: Copies the contents of the legend to the clipboard.

Log Window context menu

  • Save Log: Saves the log messages into an HTML file.
  • Clear: Clears the log window by removing all of its contents.

Project Folders context menu

Right clicking on root folders within the Project window brings up their context menus. Apart from the Rename option available to all folders, new non-graphical objects relevant to each folder can be created. For example, a New / Vehicle Type can be created from the Vehicle Types and Classes folder’s context menu, which will be placed in this folder.

View Modes folder context menu

The data shown in the 2D view is controlled by the View Mode . View Modes are created and edited using the View Modes Editor to select what data is shown in the map view.

  • Generate Default View Modes: Creates or updates the default view modes and styles.