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Command Line Options

When you start Aimsun Next by using a command, you can add several options to launch it with specific instructions. You can launch Aimsun Next in graphical-user-interface mode or in a console window with no UI. To run the following commands, you must be in the correct directory that contains your installed edition of Aimsun Next.

To start Aimsun Next with the UI, enter:

    "Aimsun Next.exe" --<option> <option parameters>

To start Aimsun Next without the UI, enter:

    aconsole.exe --<option> <option parameters>

The available command options are listed below. Custom file names and values are marked XXXX.


--no-sentry Opens Aimsun Next and prevents a 'minidump' (DMP) file of current user data being sent after a software crash. For more information about crashes and user data, see Privacy Statement.

--project XXXX Loads a document, where XXXX is the Aimsun document file name or its UID.

--force Bypasses any locks on the document you are opening.

--dont_look_for_missing_files Does not open dialogs to look for any missing files not found while loading the document.

                                            The deprecated equivalent option is: *-dontlookformissing*.

--command XXXX Executes an action named XXXX over a target (specified using a target command). The actions currently available are: execute, which runs a simulation or a static traffic assignment, depending on the scenario type in batch mode, with no user interaction, and play, which runs the simulation interactively. Therefore, play is only available for SRC micro and SRC hybrid replications.

                                            The deprecated equivalent option is: *-cmd*.

--target YYYY Object with ID YYYY to execute the action of the command.

--script XXXX Loads and runs the Python script from file XXXX.

--save_as XXXX After the command or the script has been executed it saves the document in the specified file location. XXXX is the full path including the new name for the Aimsun document file.

--save After the command or the script has been executed it saves the Aimsun document file.

--test_plugins Writes a testplugins.txt file, with the plug-ins loaded, and exits Aimsun Next.

                                            The deprecated equivalent option is: *-testplugins*.

--proxy XXXX Indicates the proxy to use, where XXXX is the proxy URL with the format: PROTOCOL://USER_NAME:PASSWORD@ADDRESS:PORT

--locale XXXX Forces the locale to XXXX. Examples: en, es, fr, and more.

--translation XXXX Forces the translation locale to XXXX. Examples: de, en_gb, es, fr, pt, and more.

--stop_at HH:MM:SS Stops an animated simulation at HH:MM:SS.

--home XXXX Sets the Aimsun Next home folder as XXXX.

--instance XXXX Sets the Aimsun Next instance UID to XXXX.

--dongle_id XXXX Forces Aimsun Next to only use dongle XXXX, even though other dongles might be available.

                                            The deprecated equivalent option is: *-dongleid*.

--version Returns the Aimsun Next version number and exits.

--verbose or -v Shows debug messages in the console and the log file (if available).

--silent Don't show any message in the console or the log file.

--log Writes messages in a log file. The log file will be saved where the operating system stores the log files by user and application. For example, in Windows it will be in: "C:/Users/your_user/AppData/Roaming/Aimsun/Aimsun Next/Logs"

--log_file XXXX Writes log messages in a specified file, XXXX. This option implies that the --log option is also active.

--force_number_of_threads XXXX Forces Aimsun Next to run the object executed with XXXX number of threads, or the maximum number that the license permits if the number specified is higher than the latter.

                                            The deprecated equivalent option is: *-force\_th*.

--allowed_plugins XXXX Loads only those plug-ins listed in the file XXXX. The file must contain, on separate lines, the filename of the plug-in information file (without path). For example: 00_angbasicplugin.xml.

                                            The deprecated equivalent option is: *-plugins*.

--dark-mode Windows and Linux only: Switches the user interface to dark mode to match "dark" windows system themes. On a Mac, the windows color theme is always the one defined in System Preferences.

--light-mode Windows and Linux only: Switches the user interface to light mode to match "light" windows system themes. On a Mac, the windows color theme is always the one defined in System Preferences.

--force-pixmap-scale XX Configures Aimsun Next to take advantage of high-resolution displays and scales pixmaps by a factor of XX to improve legibility.


Running a replication with ID = 147 without the UI:

aconsole.exe –-project "C:/models/myproject.ang" --command execute --target 147

Running a macro experiment with ID = 147 without the UI, showing all messages and saving the file in a new ang file after the run:

aconsole.exe –-project "C:/models/myproject.ang" --command execute --target 147 –-verbose --save_as "C:/models/myproject_afterrun.ang"

Starting Aimsun Next with the UI in Spanish and forcing it to use the dongle with ID = 1456274627:

"Aimsun Next.exe" -–dongle_id 1456274627 –-translation es

Running Aimsun Next and logging all messages in a specified file:

"Aimsun Next.exe" --verbose –-log_file C:/models/myproject.log

Aconsole exit codes

1 Task has been cancelled

4 Unknown action

5 Missing target parameter or target object not found

10 Cannot read the Aimsun document

20 Task failed

30 App crashes

50 No license

100 The command requires a valid database for output storage