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SIDRA Interface

The SIDRA Interface exports Network Geometry and Turn Flows from a Traffic Demand of Traffic States, from a Replication, or from a Static Assignment Experiment to a "SIDRA Intersection", and imports the resulting Control Plan from a "SIDRA Intersection"; calibrated using the exported flows. The interface can be used for Fixed Control Plans.


This interface requires a license for the Signal Optimization Interfaces module and SIDRA Intersection 9.1 must be installed.

To use the interface, the work process is:

  • In Aimsun Next, open "File: Export: SIDRA Intersection" dialog to export the nodes to a SIDRA Project.
  • In SIDRA, process the sites.
  • In Aimsun Next, use the "File: Import: SIDRA Intersection" menu option to import the calibrated Control Plan.

Exporting to SIDRA Intersection

Select the menu option File / Export / SIDRA Intersection to export the nodes to a SIDRA Project.

SIDRA Export Menu

The following dialog will appear:

SIDRA Export Dialog

The following parameters should be set:

  • SIDRA Project File : The SIDRA project file to export the information, a SIDRA SIP9 file. It must be a new file or an empty one.

  • Flow Input : The Traffic Demand, Replication, or Static Assignment Experiment to provide the input flows to SIDRA. The available Flow Input list changes depending on which flow origin is chosen:

    • Path Assignment: 'Flow Input' contains a Replication or Static Assignment experiment which has an available path assignment. The path assignment can be retrieved from a previous simulation run or generated by an experiment/replication run. Volumes exported are found in the path assignment.

    • Turns: 'Flow Input' contains a Traffic Demand, Replication, or Static Assignment Experiment. Replication and Static Assignment experiments are listed if they contain time series outputs. Time series can be retrieved from a previous simulation run or generated by an experiment/replication run. Volumes to be exported are found in the time series for turns, in the attribute count or assigned volume depending on the selected input.

  • Geometry:

    • Export All Nodes: Export all the nodes in the network to SIDRA or all nodes in a subnetwork (maximum 20 nodes, due to SIDRA limitations).

    • Export Selected Nodes: Export the selected nodes in the 2D view to SIDRA (maximum 20 nodes, due to SIDRA limitations).

  • Vehicles:

    • Light Vehicle: The type of vehicle designated in SIDRA as a "Light Vehicle". It should match a vehicle type used in the flow input.

    • Heavy Vehicle: The type of vehicle designated in SIDRA as a "Heavy Vehicle". It should match a vehicle type used in the flow input.

  • Interval Flows:

    • From: Select the first time interval to export volumes.

    • To: Select the last time interval to export volumes.

    • Aggregated: Check to export aggregated volumes.

  • Signal Plan:

    • Master Control Plan: This should contain specified control plans of the exported nodes and must be set to use the same time frame as the vehicle flows. If no Master Control Plan is selected, node signal groups are exported as phases.

    • Transfer Red Percentage: Check to export Red percentage found in Master Control Plan to 'End gain' time in SIDRA Project.

Extra information about Exporting

  • The interface cannot export Roundabouts when a Traffic Demand or Traffic State is used.
  • To export Roundabouts when 'Turns' are checked, a Supernode for the Roundabout must be created before running the simulation and it must be selected instead of selecting the node.
  • The interface does not export any data if the selected SIDRA file is already open.

Importing a SIDRA Control Plan

Select the menu option File / Import / SIDRA Intersection to import the SIDRA calibrated Control Plan.

SIDRA Import Menu

The following dialog will appear:

SIDRA Import Dialog

where the SIDRA project file (.sip9) to import is selected.

  • Check/Uncheck Import Isolated Sites, depending on the information available in the SIDRA file. In SIDRA, sites can be processed as isolated sites or as a part of a network.

SIDRA - Aimsun Next Mapping

SIDRA Site - Aimsun Node: The ID attribute of the Aimsun node will be mapped as Site ID in SIDRA. The ID is used to match nodes to sites during the importation process.