Error codes¶
Control error codes¶
CtrlFatalError = -1
- Fatal Error
CtrlControlNotLoaded –1000
- Error. Control Not Loaded
CtrlControlNotInitialazed –1013
- Error. Control Not Initialized
CtrlNotCorrectControl = -1014
- Warning: The number of the control is incorrect, it does not satisfy the condition 0 ≤ elem < Number of Controls
CtrlUnknownSignal = -2002
- Warning: The signal group is unknown
CtrlUnknownState = -2003
- Warning: The state must be 0 : RED or 1: GREEN or 2:YELLOW or 3:FLASH_GREEN
CtrlEventsEnabled = -2004
- Warning: The junction has the events enabled
CtrlUnknownPhase = -2005
- Warning : Phase unknown
CtrlUnknownJunction = -2007
- Warning : Junction unknown
CtrlUnknownMet =-2008
- Warning : Unknown metering
CtrlIncorrectTypeMet =-2009
- Warning : Incorrect type of metering
CtrlJunctionNotControled = -2010
- Warning : Junction is fixed or uncontrolled
CtrlMetNotControled =-2011
- Warning : Metering is fixed or uncontrolled
CtrlNotExternalControl = -2012
- Warning : The control has not been loaded using Aimsun Next API Module
CtrlSameIniTimeControl = -2013
- Warning : The control is not loaded, because has the same initial time as another
CtrlRemovingCurrentControl =-2014
- Warning : The control has not been removed because is the current control.
CtrlUnknownPhaseName =-2015
- Warning : The name of the phase is incorrect.
CtrlUnknownVehTypeName =-2021
- Warning : The vehicle type name is incorrect.
CtrlInvalidIndex =-2022
- Warning : The index is incorrect, either it is negative or greater or equal to the total number of elements.
- Error : greenTime parameter must be greater than or equal to 0.
CtrlPhaseNotActuated = -2024
- Warning : The phase does not belong to an actuated control junction
CtrlJunctionNotCoordinated = -2025
- Warning : The junction is not defined as coordinated
CtrlPhaseWithCoordinationRecall = -2026
- Warning : The phase is defined as coordinated, it therefore does not have the force off and permissive periods defined
CtrlUnknownBusPreemptionNode = -2027
- Error : Junction for Transit priority unknown
CtrlUnknownRing = -2028
- Error : the ring provided does not exist in Junction
Microscopic error codes¶
AKIVmsUnknownPanel = -3001
- Error : Unknown Panel. The VMS name or Identifier is incorrect.
AKIVmsUnknownMessage = -3002
- Error : Unknown Message. The Message is incorrect because it is not defined in the VMS.
AKIVmsIndexNotValid = -3003
- Error : Unknown Message. The Message is incorrect because it is not defined in the VMS.
AKIDETUnknownDetector = -3010
- Warning : Unknown Detector
AKIDETIncorrectInterval = -3011
- Warning : Unknown Interval
AKIDETMeasureNotGathered = -3012
- Warning : The measure is not available in the detector.
AKIDETNoAggregatedDetection = -3013
- Warning : The aggregated detection is not available.
AKIDETIncorrectTypeName = -3014
- Warning : The name of vehicle type is incorrect.
AKIDETNoInstantDetection = -3015
- Warning : The instant detection is not available.
AKIInfVehGetMem = -4001
- Warning : Not enough memory for the vehicle information .
AKIInfVehUnknownSection = -4002
- Warning : The identifier of the section is incorrect.
AKIInfIndexNotValid = -4003
- Warning : The index is incorrect.
AKIInfNotReady = -4004
- Warning : The vehicle type information is not ready.
AKIInfVehUnknownJunction = -4005
- Warning : The identifier of the junction is incorrect.
AKIInfVehNotFound = -4006
- Warning : The identifier of the vehicle is incorrect.
AKIInfVehInvalidParam = -4007
- Warning : The parameter is incorrect.
AKIInfVehNotAvailable = -1
- Warning : The vehicle is not available.
AKIVehInvalidVehicleTypeId = -4008
- Warning : The vehicle type identifier provided is invalid.
AKIInfNetGetMem =-5001
- Warning : Not enough memory for the network information.
AKIInfUnknownId =-5002
- Warning : Invalid Section Identifier.
AKIInfUnknownTurning =-5003
- Warning : Invalid Turn Identifier.
AKIESTUnknownSection = -6001;
- Warning : The section identifier is incorrect.
AKIESTNotAvailable = -6002;
- Warning : The statistical information is not available.
AKIESTUnknownCentroid = -6004;
- Warning : The centroid identifier is incorrect.
AKIESTUnknownStream = -6005;
- Warning : The statistical stream identifier is incorrect.
AKIESTFuelConsumptionNotAvailable = -6006
- Warning : The fuel consumption information is not available
AKIESTPollutionEmissionNotAvailable = -6007
- Warning : The pollution emission information is not available
AKIESTUnknownPollutant = -6008
- Warning : The index of the pollutant is not correct.
AKIESTWrongLane = -6009
- Warning : The index of the lane is not correct.
AKIESTUnknownNode = -6010
- Warning : The node identifier is incorrect.
AKIEnterVehUnknownSection = -7001;
- Warning : The section identifier is incorrect.
AKIEnterVehUnFeasibleLane = -7003;
- Warning : The lane is not available to that vehicle.
AKIEnterVehNotSpace = -7004;
- Warning : There is no space.
AKIEnterVehUnknownCentroid = -7005;
- Warning : The centroid identifier is incorrect.
AKIEnterVehUnFeasiblePath = -7006;
- Warning : There is no available path to reach the destination.
AKIEnterVehNoTrafficFlow = -7008;
- Warning : The traffic conditions are not defined by flow and turning proportions.
AKIEnterVehNoTrafficOD = -7009;
- Warning : The traffic conditions are not defined by the OD matrix.
AKIEnterVehUnknownLane = -7010;
- Warning : The lane identifier is incorrect.
AKIEnterVehUnknownNextSection = -7011;
- Warning : The next section identifier is incorrect.
AKIVehNotTracked = -7012;
- Warning : The vehicle is not tracked.
AKIVehInvalidParameter = -7013;
- Warning : Invalid parameter (new speed or new lane).
AKIVehNextSectionUnreachable = -7014;
- Warning : The next section is unreachable.
AKIEnterVehUnknownVehType = -7016;
- Warning : The vehicle type index specified does not exist.
AKIZeroPedestriansToGenerate -7018
- Error: The number of pedestrians to generate must be greater than 0
AKIZeroTimeInterval -7019
- Error: The time interval to generate pedestrians must be greater than 0
AKIEntranceCentroidNotFound -7020
- Error: Origin Legion centroid does not exist or has not been loaded in the simulation
AKIExitCentroidNotFound -7021
- Error: Destination Centroid does not exist or has not been loaded in the simulation
AKIRouteNotFound -7022
- Error: Legion OD Route does not exist
AKIEntranceCentroidNotInRoute -7023
- Error: The entrance centroid id does not belong to the route
AKIExitCentroidNotInRoute -7024
- Error: The exit centroid id does not belong to the route
AKIIncidentWrongIniTime = -8001
- Warning : The initial time of the incident is invalid.
AKIIncidentWrongPosition = -8002
- Warning : The position of the incident is invalid.
AKIIncidentUnknownLane = -8003
- Warning : The lane of the incident is invalid.
AKIIncidentUnknownSection = -8004
- Warning : The section of the incident is invalid.
AKIIncidentNotPresent = -8005
- Warning : The incident is not correct because is not present.
AKIIncidentWrongLength = -8006
- Warning : The length of the incident is invalid.
AKIIncidentWrongDuration = -8007
- Warning : The duration of the incident is invalid.
AKIPTNotLoaded = -9001
- Warning : The transit is not loaded.
AKIPTVehUnknown = -9002
- Warning : The vehicle is not a transit vehicle.
AKIPTStopUnknown = -9003
- Warning : The transit stop is not valid.
AKIPTVehTypeUnknown = -9004
- Warning : The vehicle type is incorrect.
AKIPTLineUnknown = -9005
- Warning : The transit line is incorrect.
AKIPTVehNotSpace = -9006
- Warning : There is no space for the transit vehicle.
AKIPTIndexNotValid = -9007
- Warning : The index is not valid.
AKIPTVehUnFeasibleLane = -9008
- Warning : the lane is not available to that vehicle.
AKIPTVehCapacityOverflow = -9009
- Warning : the lane capacity has been exceeded.
AKIPTNotAvailable = -1
- Warning : information not available.
AKIDetectorEventsNoTraffic = -10000
-Warning: The traffic demand is not loaded yet it is required
AKIODDemandNoTrafficOD = -11000
-Warning: The traffic conditions are not defined by OD matrix.
AKIODDemandIncorrectNumSlice = -11002
-Warning: The Number of the time slice is incorrect.
AKIODDemandUnknownCentroid = -11003
-Warning: The origin or destination identifier is unknown.
AKIODDemandUnknownODPair = -11004
-Warning: The OD Pair does not have demand defined or is not connected.
AKIPastCostUnknownLink = -12001
-Warning: The link defined by section origin and destination is not correct.
AKIPastCostNoPerVehType = -12002
-Warning: Past Cost is not defined per vehicle type.
AKIPastCostPerVehType = -12003
-Warning: Past Cost is defined per vehicle type.
AKIPastCostPerVehType = -12004
-Warning: Past Cost is not read and is not available.
AKIPastCostIncorrectTypeName = -12005
- Warning: The vehicle type is incorrect.
AKIInfVehPathNotAvailable = -13001
- Warning The vehicle path does not exist.
AKIInfVehDestinationUnreachable = -13002
- Warning The vehicle cannot reach the destination centroid.
AKIInfVehInvalidDestinationCentroid = -13003
- Warning The new destination centroid does not exist.
ANGConUnknownObject = -15001
- Warning. There is no object with the name provided.
AKIStateDemandNoTrafficState = -15000
- Warning. The demand is not defined using traffic states.
AKIStateDemandIncorrectNumSlice = -15002
- Warning. The slice name does not exist.
AKIStateDemandUnknownVehType = -15004
- Warning: The vehicle type index does not exist.
AKIStateDemandTurnDoesNotExist = -15006
- Warning: The turning between origin and destination sections does not exist.