Check and Fix Tool¶
The Check and Fix tool identifies errors in the model that must be solved before running an experiment and warns of conditions in the model that might require attention.
Check and Fix is available in the experiment context menu (right click on an experiment). When Check and Fix is run, Aimsun Next will apply the appropriate set of checks depending on the type of experiment and the data of the selected experiment. This data is the Traffic Demand, the Master Control Plan, the set of Geometry Configurations, the Subnetworks, any Simulation Areas for Meso-Micro Hybrid, for Macro-Meso Hybrid, and Pedestrian Areas, and all objects belonging to these components of an experiment.
After running the Check and Fix Experiment, a message dialog will pop up.
The Check and Fix message dialog has the following capabilities:
Double click on a row: Open the User Manual for the corresponding message.
Click on a row: Mark and center the object in the view.
Click on a link (text in blue and underlined): Open the editor for the object and move the view to the object.
Click on a column header: Sort by column.
Combo boxes: Filter contents.
Check and Fix can report three types of messages:
Warning: For problems that allow the experiment to run but which might cause unexpected behavior or form inconsistent networks (for example an unconnected section).
Fixed: For problems that have been fixed by the Check and Fix (for example a negative time that has been modified to 0). It is recommended that Check and Fix is run a second time when there are fixed messages.
Error: For problems that must be fixed before running the experiment (for example, a negative cost function for which Aimsun Next cannot automatically determine a valid value). It is recommended that Check and Fix is run again after editing these errors.
Error 1002 and 1003¶
A section can only be connected to one node at each end. Remove or change turns to satisfy this restriction.
Error 1004¶
A section must have at least one main lane. See section lanes editing.
Warning 1005¶
Capacity must be greater than 0. See section capacity editing.
Warning 1006¶
Attractiveness must be greater than 0. See section dynamic model data editing.
Warning 1010¶
Speed must be greater than 0. See section speed editing.
Fixed 1017¶
Central lanes cannot be side lanes (i.e. entrance or exit lanes). To fix this, the lane offset has been set to 0. See section lanes editing.
Warning 1018¶
Floating section: The section is not connected at both entrance and exit. Connect the section to a node or centroid. See connection tool.
Warning 1019 and 1020¶
The section does not have all the lanes connected at entrance or exit. Connect the unconnected lanes to a node or centroid. See connection tool and turn creation.
Micro simulation¶
Warning 1012 and 1013¶
The entrance/exit angle of the section is too sharp. Edit the section control points to correct it, otherwise vehicles might behave unexpectedly. See section editing.
Warning 1016¶
The distance between a metering and the end of an on-ramp lane must be greater than the on-ramp cooperating distance. The on-ramp cooperating distance is calculated by applying the maximum Look-Ahead Factor from the vehicles in the demand of the experiment to the section Side Lane Cooperation Distance. See section micro simulation editing.
Error 1032¶
A Transit Stop cannot overlap with a Pedestrian Crossing.
Two-way (micro simulation)¶
Warning 1027¶
In a two-way section, one of the two sections exists in this scenario but the other does not. Correct this inconsistency or the vehicles might display unexpected behavior. Note that a section can be hidden by a Geometry Configuration, but both sections must be hidden in a two-way road to be consistent.
Error 1028¶
In a two-way section, the origin node must be the same as the mirror section destination node and destination node must be the same as the mirror section origin node. Otherwise the vehicles might display unexpected behavior.
Error 1029 and 1030¶
In a two-way section, this section can only be connected to a turn at the side lane corresponding to the rule of the road.
For example, if the rule of the road is right, the two-way sections can only be connected to a turn at the right side lane.
Meso simulation¶
Fixed 1008¶
Section Jam Density must be greater than 0. Check and Fix detected that Jam Density was 0 and has changed it to 200. See section meso simulation data editing.
Fixed 1009¶
Section Reaction Time Factor must be greater than 0. Check and Fix detected that Reaction Time Factor was 0 and has changed it to 1. See section meso simulation data editing.
Warning 1014¶
The section is too short. It must be at least 5m not including pedestrian crossings. Otherwise this could cause anomalous jam density statistics. See section editing.
Meso and micro simulation¶
Error 1001¶
Road Type must be defined in section editor. See section road type editing.
Warning 1023¶
One of the user defined costs is negative. Set it to a positive value. See Section Editing.
Warning 1015¶
Section slope must be a value between -20% and 20%. Edit the section altitude to satisfy this restriction. See Section Altitude Editing.
Fixed 1033¶
When Calculate Intermediates is active for a section, a bad modification from a script or imported data can generate an inconsistency in section altitude values.
Hybrid meso-micro simulation¶
All micro simulation and meso simulation checks are applied to microscopic and mesoscopic sections respectively.
Warning 1025¶
The distance between the start of a microsimulation area entrance section and its traffic light is to short for meso-micro change. The vehicle enters the micro part at a high speed and does not have time to brake before the traffic light. Extend the distance from the border of the microsimulation area to the traffic light to avoid this problem.
Warning 1026¶
The distance between the start of the microsimulation area in an entrance section and its transit stop is too short for meso-micro change. The vehicle does not have enough time to brake and might skip the transit stop. Move either the transit stop, or the border of the microsimulation area to avoid this problem.
Hybrid macro-meso simulation¶
All macro assignment and meso simulation checks are applied to macroscopic and mesoscopic sections respectively.
Static Traffic Assignment Model¶
Error 1024¶
Negative additional volume. Set it to a positive value or zero. See section editing for user defined costs and section static model data editing for volume.
Error 1037¶
Wrong function type selected as Volume Delay function. Set it to a function of type Volume Delay.
OD Matrices¶
These checks are only applied if the experiment contains an OD Matrix based Traffic Demand.
Warning 1021 and 1022¶
The section is not connected at entrance or exit. Connect the section to a node or centroid. See connection tool.
HCM Statistics¶
These checks are only applied if the experiment has HCM statistics activated.
Warning 1031¶
For sections with HCM road type Multilane Highway, the speed limit should not exceed 60 mph (96.6 km/h); HCM statistics might be unreliable.
Warning 2000¶
A section segment can only contain one metering. Delete one of the meterings, or move it to another segment. See metering editing.
Transit Stop¶
Fixed 3000¶
The Transit Stop was on an incorrect section lane and has been moved to the nearest side lane. See section lanes editing.
Warning 3001 and 3002¶
A Transit Stop must be on a side lane. Move it to one of the side lanes. See section lanes editing.
Warning 3003¶
Overlapped Transit Stops are not good practice. Either unify them to a single stop or separate them so that they do not overlap. See transit stop editing.
Fixed 3004¶
The Transit Stop was positioned at a non-existent segment of an entrance/exit side lane and has been moved to the nearest existing position of this entrance/exit side lane. See section lanes editing.
Micro simulation¶
Error 3005¶
In two-way sections, a transit stop must be on the correct section with respect to the real direction of the lane. Otherwise the transit vehicles might display unexpected behavior caused by overtaking. To solve this, move the transit stop to the right most lane (if the bus stop is on an incorrect lane as in warning 3001) or move the transit stop to the mirror section.
Transit Assignment model¶
Error 3100¶
Waiting Time Function must be defined in the Transit Stop.
Warning 3101¶
Boarding Cost Function must be defined in the Transit Stop.
Error 3102¶
The Walking Time Cost defined between two Transit Stops is negative. Set it to a positive value. See Transit Stop.
Error 3103¶
The Walking Time Cost defined between a Transit Stop and a Transit Station is negative. Set it to a positive value. See Transit Stop.
Pedestrian Crossing¶
Error 4000 and 4001¶
A pedestrian crossing cannot completely cover the entrance/exit side lane because the vehicle has to be able to stop in the entrance/exit side lane. Either shorten the crossing or lengthen the side lane. See section lanes editing and pedestrian crossing editing.
Road Type¶
Meso simulation¶
Warning 5001¶
Road type Jam Density must be greater than 0.Check and Fix has adjusted it to 200. See section road type editing.
Warning 5002¶
Road type Reaction Time Factor must be greater than 0. Check and Fix has adjusted it to 1. See section road type editing.
Static Traffic Assignment Model¶
Error 5000¶
A Road Type must have a Volume Delay Function defined. See road type editing.
Vehicle-Based Simulation¶
Warning 6002¶
Turns with simultaneous green light have conflicts. Add either a yield or a stop to allocate turn priority. See node editing.
Signal Groups¶
Note that Check and Fix will only check the signals used in the Master Control Plan for the given scenario. Signals not referenced in the plan are not checked.
Warning 6003¶
Signals never achieve a green (go) state. Revise the Master Control Plan. See master control plan editor.
Warning 6004¶
Signals have no turns assigned, and will be never used. Revise this signal. See signal groups editing.
Warning 6011¶
The distance parameter for a signal group, must be less than or equal to origin section length minus any pedestrian crossings, otherwise the traffic light will be placed on a pedestrian crossing or out of the section. Note that this is checked on editing the model, but might have been changed in scripts.
Control Plan¶
Warning 6005¶
The combination of values of locking and presence parameters is inconsistent. Revise these two parameters. See detector parameters control plan editing to modify the locking parameter and detector editing to modify the presence parameter.
Warning 6006¶
The combination of values of locking and count parameters is inconsistent. Revise these two parameters. See detector parameters control plan editing for the locking parameter and detector editing to modify the count parameter.
Warning 6007¶
The combination of phase parameters Recall, Interphase and Call Phase are inconsistent and the signal will never be called because no detector has been associated to the phase. Change the value of one of these parameters.
Warning 6008¶
The combination of phase parameters Recall as Minimum and a Detector with Extend Green Time are inconsistent and the signal only stay green for the minimum green time. Change the value of one of these parameters in order to extend green time for this phase.
Warning 6009¶
Setting Seconds per Actuation to 0 has no meaning in Actuated Phase Parameters. Set it to a value greater than 0.
Warning 6010¶
Setting Passage Time to 0 has no meaning in Actuated Phase Parameters. Set it to a value greater than 0.
Warning 6012¶
For Actuated Control Plans, in rings that contain a coordinated phase, the Permissive period to: parameter for a non-coordinated phase cannot be less than the force off parameter for the ring's coordinated phase. Otherwise the phase will never be active. Note that this is checked on editing the model, but might have been changed in scripts.
Fixed 6016¶
Cycle duration must be long enough to encompass all the defined phases in the Control Junction.
Warning 6017¶
A node is set as a Roundabout but the lanes for the movements inside the roundabout do not cover all lanes. It is recommended to deactivate the Roundabout checkbox in the node editor for a better vehicle behavior.
Fixed 7000 and 7001¶
Origin/destination turn lanes were outside the origin/destination section lane range and have been adjusted to be in the section lane range.
Warning 7005¶
The automatic turn speed is potentially too low. Revise the parameters of the automatic turn speed calculation, consider altering the shape of the turn or revise the origin and destination section speeds.
Warning 7007¶
A turn can only be assigned to one signal group using the same vehicle type. Revise the node editor to satisfy this restriction.
Warning 7010¶
The turn has zero capacity. Check the consistency of the user-defined capacities in the node.
Micro simulation¶
Warning 7002 and 7003¶
Two different turns should not share more than one section at origin or destination. Modify the lanes used in this turn to avoid this problem.
Error 7004¶
A turn with a stop line must have a warning sign. Either delete the stop line or add the warning sign.
Warning 7006¶
A stop line of a turn cannot be on a conflict area with other turn as this can cause unexpected vehicle behavior. Move the stop line out of the conflict area.
Warning 7008¶
If a turn entity has crossing connections, vehicles using that turn might clash with each other.
Static Traffic Assignment Model¶
Error 7009¶
One of the user defined cost or volume parameters is negative. Set it to a positive value. See dynamic models node editing.
Error 7011¶
Wrong function type selected as Turn Penalty function. Set it to a function of type Turn Penalty.
Error 7012¶
Wrong function type selected as Junction Delay function. Set it to a function of type Junction Delay.
A Route is a list of consecutive connected sections. In particular route checks are applied to Subpaths (Statistical Subpaths and Forced Turn Subpaths), OD Routes, Weaving Areas and Transit Lines.
Warning 8000¶
A route is a list of sections that must be connected using nodes and must take account of the geometry configurations of the scenario. Ensure that the route is connected. This issue cannot be automatically fixed if there are geometry configurations in the network.
Warning 8001¶
A section is invalid in a route because it has been deleted or does not exist in the scenario.
OD Route¶
Warning 9000 and 9001¶
The origin/destination centroid is not connected to the origin/destination section of the route. Either specify a connected centroid or connect it to the relevant section.
Warning 9002 and 9003¶
The origin/destination centroid does not exist in this scenario. Replace this centroid with an existing one which is also consistent with the scenario geometry configurations.
Warning 9004 and 9005¶
The origin/destination centroid is not defined.
Transit Line¶
Fixed 10001¶
A bus stop is in a timetable, but is not on the Transit Line of this timetable. Check and Fix has deleted this bus stop from the timetable.
Warning 10002¶
All the Slices from a Timetable in a Transit Line must have a Vehicle Type defined. Otherwise, the Transit Line will not be used for Dynamic Models and would have unpredictable behavior for Static Models.
Transit Line Static Transit Assignment Model¶
Error 10100¶
A Transit Stop cannot be defined more than once in a Transit Line for a Transit Assignment Experiment.
Cost Function¶
Error 11000¶
The cost function is not correctly defined. Revise the function code. See Cost Function Editing.
Traffic Management Actions¶
Traffic management actions are only checked if they are active in the experiment. A traffic management action is active in a experiment if:
Its policy is active in this experiment.
Its strategy is active in the parent scenario.
Note that traffic management actions only are used in vehicle-based simulators experiments.
Warning 22000¶
There is a traffic management action with a required parameter that is not defined. Ensure that the action is completely defined, otherwise it will not be executed by the simulators. See the traffic management editing.
Warning 22001¶
There is a traffic management action with a required object parameter that does not exist in the given scenario. Ensure that all objects are correctly defined, otherwise the traffic management action will not be executed by simulators. See the traffic management editing.
Note that an object could be absent in a scenario because it is hidden by a Geometry Configuration, it is not in the subnetwork, or it is not in the Centroid Configuration used in the traffic demands in this scenario (only for centroids).
Warning 22002¶
There is a traffic management action with a required centroid parameter that is present in one of the given scenario traffic demands, but is hidden by a Geometry Configuration. Ensure that the centroid is not hidden or this traffic management action will not be executed by the simulators. See the traffic management editing.
Note that this warning is a specific case of warning 22001, but with the additional information about traffic demand.
Warning 22003¶
There is a traffic management action with a centroid configuration parameter that is not present in any of the given scenario traffic demands. Include the respective centroid configuration in the traffic demand or change the traffic management action parameter, otherwise the traffic management action will not be executed by the simulator. See the traffic management editing.
Warning 22004¶
The traffic management action new destinations percentages must add 100 (not all actions have this parameter), Ensure that this requirement is met, otherwise the traffic management action will not be executed by simulators. See the traffic management editing section. Note that editor checks this on entry, but values might have been overwritten by scripting.
Warning 22005¶
Centroids of a traffic management action must be in the associated centroid configuration. Ensure that the correct centroid configuration has been selected, otherwise the traffic management action will not be executed by the simulators. See traffic management editing.
Warning 22006¶
Origin and destination centroids of a traffic management action must be in the same centroid configuration. Ensure that the correct centroid configuration has been selected, otherwise the traffic management action will not be executed by the simulators. See traffic management editing.
Forced turns¶
Warning 12000¶
The origin section of the Forced Turn must be connected by a turn to the possible destination sections. See Forced Turn editing.
Warning 12001¶
A destination section for a Forced Turn must exist in this Scenario, otherwise the Forced Turn will not be used by the simulator.
Warning 12002¶
A Section defined as Section in Path in a Forced Turn must exist in this Scenario, otherwise the Forced Turn will not be used by the simulator.
Traffic Demand Based Models¶
These checks are only applied if the experiment contains at least one OD Matrix in its Traffic Demand.
Warning 14000¶
There is an unconnected Centroid; either connect or delete it. Note that a Geometry Configuration will hide connections to hidden sections. See centroid editing.
Meso and micro simulation¶
Warning 14004 and 14005¶
A Centroid using either origin or destination percentages with percentages defined that do no sum up to 100%. The simulation will be run splitting the missing percentage proportionally among the available connections.
Static Traffic Assignment Model¶
Error 14002 and 14003¶
A Centroid cannot be connected twice to the same section in the same direction. When a centroid is connected to a node, Static Traffic Assignment Models consider that the centroid is connected to all origin/destination sections of the node.
Generation/Attraction Model¶
Error 14100¶
All centroids in the Generation/Attraction Dataset of the Generation/Attraction Scenario must have a Generation/Attraction Area defined.
OD Matrix¶
Micro and Meso simulation¶
Warning 15000, 15001 and 15002¶
In a given OD matrix, for each pair of centroids with trip defined,a path must exist between them. If origin or destination percentages are used, a path must exist from all sections connected to origin or destination centroids respectively. Note that Geometry Configurations can hide connections if sections are hidden. See centroid editing and OD matrix editing.
Static Traffic Assignment Model¶
Warning 15003¶
Trips are defined with the same Origin and Destination centroid. See OD matrix cells editing.
Transit Assignment Model¶
Warning 15004¶
Trips are defined with an Origin or a Destination that is not connected to a Transit Stop. See OD matrix cells editing.
Distribution + Modal Split Model¶
Error 15100¶
The Skim Matrix cannot be read correctly, or is empty.
Error 15101¶
The Through Trips Matrix cannot be read correctly, or is empty.
Error 15102 and 15103¶
Modal Split values must be defined in the Skim Matrix.
Traffic State¶
Warning 16000¶
A Traffic State will generate no vehicles if all the percentages with the same origin section are 0. See traffic state editing.
Error 16001¶
Traffic state percentages with the same origin section must addup to 0 or 100, otherwise vehicles might display unexpected behavior. Modify the traffic state percentages to satisfy this restriction. See traffic state editing.
Vehicle Type¶
Static Traffic Assignment Model¶
Warning 17000¶
The Vehicle Type PCUs parameter must be greater than 0. See Vehicle Type static models editing.
Dynamic experiments¶
Warning 18000, 18001, 18002, and 18003¶
Reaction time at traffic light must be less than 10, otherwise vehicles might display unexpected behavior. Set it to a value that satisfies this restriction.
Warning 18010¶
If the dynamic transit assignment is not enabled in the experiment, the mesoscopic pedestrian simulator will not be active. Pedestrians will not be generated.
Pedestrian Plug-in¶
Pedestrian checks are only active when the pedestrian plug-in is loaded and are only applied to micro simulation experiments.
Pedestrian area¶
See pedestrian navigation areas editing.
Error 19000 and 19001¶
A pedestrian object cannot be outside its pedestrian area because a pedestrian cannot go outside its pedestrian area.
Fixed 19002¶
A pedestrian obstacle was totally inside another pedestrian obstacle and has been deleted. Pedestrians would be been unaffected by the deleted obstacle.
Error 19003¶
These pedestrian objects cannot overlap with a pedestrian obstacle: pedestrian node, pedestrian entrance, pedestrian exit, pedestrian service point, and pedestrian level change; otherwise pedestrians might behave in an unexpected manner.
Vehicle type¶
Warning 17001 and 17002¶
When using pedestrian areas, the vehicle types assigned to the transit plan must have entrance and exit doors, otherwise the pedestrians cannot interact correctly with the vehicle and will have unexpected behavior. See vehicle type doors editing.
Pedestrian type¶
Pedestrian OD matrix checks¶
Warning 21000¶
For each group of path assignments with the same origin and destination in a pedestrian OD matrix, the percentages of this path assignment group must add to 100%, otherwise the pedestrians might display unexpected behavior. See pedestrian OD matrix path assignment editing.
Warning 21001¶
For each pedestrian OD matrix trip greater than 0, its OD matrix must have a pedestrian OD route defined in its pedestrian centroid configuration. Note that geometry configurations can hide centroids and consequently their trips will be considered as 0.
Generation/Attraction Scenario¶
Error 23000¶
The Time Period must be defined in the Generation/Attraction Scenario.
Error 23001¶
At least one Trip Purpose must be selected in the Generation/Attraction Scenario.
Error 23002¶
At least one Transportation Mode must be selected in the Generation/Attraction Scenario.
Error 23005¶
All trip purposes included in the G/A Scenario should have a Balancing Method selected for the total number of generated trips to be equal to the total number of attracted trips. Otherwise, the Distribution step cannot be executed.
Distribution and Modal Split Data Set¶
Error 25000¶
A Distribution and Modal Split Data Set must have the Distribution Area defined for all its centroids.
Land Use Data Set¶
Error 25100¶
A Land Use Data Set must have the Generation/Attraction Area defined for all its centroids.
Generation/Attraction Vector¶
Error 27000¶
The Generation/Attraction vectors Generated Total and Attracted Total must be equal with a rounding error less than of 0.1.
Error 27001¶
At least one Trip Purpose must be selected in the Generation/Attraction Vector.
Distribution + Modal Split Scenario¶
Error 28000¶
All the active User Classes of the Distribution Scenarios and Modal Split Scenarios must have a Skim Matrix assigned.
Error 28002¶
At least one Generation/Attraction Vector must be selected in the Distribution Scenario.
Error 28003¶
The Distribution Scenario and its assigned Generation/Attraction Vector must have the same Time Period
Error 28004¶
A Distribution Data Set must be defined in the Distribution Scenario.
Error 28005¶
In the Distribution and Modal Split Areas, Trip Purposes must have the Distribution Function Modal Split Function defined.
Generic Scenario¶
Traffic Demand Based Models¶
Error 29000¶
A Traffic Demand must be defined in the Scenario.
Static Traffic Assignment Model¶
Error 29001¶
The Traffic Demand defined in a Macro Scenario must contain items of type OD Matrix.
Error 29002¶
The total duration of the Traffic Demand defined in the Scenario cannot be greater than 24 hours.
Static Transit Assignment Model¶
Error 29003¶
The Traffic Demand defined in the Transit Assignment Scenario cannot be empty.
Micro and Meso simulation¶
Error 29004¶
The Traffic Demand time period must be contained in the Master Control Plan time period for the Scenario.
Traffic Demand¶
Error 30000¶
A Traffic Demand cannot define overlapping items for the same time.
Error 30001¶
All Traffic Demand Items defined in the Scenario Traffic Demand must have a Vehicle Type defined.
Static Assignment Experiment¶
Error 31000¶
When Path Assignment Store is checked in Static Assignment Experiment a Path Assignment object must be defined to store the output.
Error 31001¶
When Path Assignment Store Subset is checked in Static Assignment Experiment a Path Assignment Subset object must be defined to store the output.
Error 31002¶
When Path Assignment Store and Store Subset are checked in Static Assignment Experiment a different Path Assignment object must be defined for each case.
Stochastic Traffic Assignment¶
Error 31100¶
A Discrete Choice function must be defined in the Stochastic Static Assignment Experiment.
Error 31101¶
Initial Volumes must be defined in the Stochastic Static Assignment Experiment.
Static OD Adjustment Scenario¶
Error 32000¶
A Real Data Set must be defined in the Static OD Adjustment Scenario.
Error 32001¶
All the Traffic Demand Items must belong to the same Centroid Configuration in the Traffic Demand defined at Static OD Adjustment Scenario.
Error 32002¶
When the Traffic Demand defined in Static OD Adjustment Scenario is modified and the User Classes have changed, internal parameter data will be inconsistent. To resolve this, open the Static OD Adjustment Scenario editor and click accept.
Error 32003¶
The Deviation Factors must be -1, 0, 1 or greater than 1 in a Static OD Adjustment Scenario.
Warning 32004¶
The Exclusive Objects option is not active for the Grouping Category selected in the Adjustment Constraints folder of the Static Adjustment experiment.
Real Data Set¶
Error 33000¶
The Real Data Set cannot be restored. See the Aimsun Next Log for more details.
Path Assignment¶
Error 34000¶
The file defined in the Path Assignment was not found.
Static OD Departure Adjustment Scenario¶
Error 35000¶
A Real Data Set must be defined in the Static OD Departure Adjustment Scenario.
Error 35001¶
A Path Assignment must be defined in the Static OD Departure Adjustment Scenario.
Error 35002¶
No Detection data found in the Real Data Set defined in the Static OD Departure Adjustment Scenario.
Error 35003¶
The Detection Interval of the Real Data Set must be a factor of both the Traffic Demand Duration and the Warm-up for the Static OD Departure Adjustment Scenario.
Transit Assignment Scenario¶
Error 36000¶
A Transit Plan must be defined in the Transit Assignment Scenario.
Error 36002¶
The Transit Plan defined in the Transit Assignment Scenario must contain at least one scheduled Transit Line in this Scenario Traffic Demand time period.
Error 36003 and 36004¶
All Transit Line Timetables in the Transit Plan defined in the Transit Assignment Scenario must be in this Scenario Traffic Demand time period.
Transit Assignment Experiment¶
Warning 37000¶
A Transfer Penalty Function must be defined in the Transit Assignment Experiment.
Transit OD Adjustment Scenario¶
Error 38000¶
A Real Data Set must be defined in the Transit OD Adjustment Scenario.
Error 38001¶
A Source Transit Assignment Experiment must be defined in the Transit OD Adjustment Scenario.
Error 38002¶
The Source Transit Assignment Experiment defined in the Transit OD Adjustment Scenario cannot be retrieved. See the Aimsun Next Log for more details.
Four-Step Model Experiment¶
Error 39000¶
An Associated Item must be defined for all the boxes in the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Error 39001¶
All boxes must have all slots connected in the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Error 39003¶
Loops are not allowed in the Canvas Graph for a Four-Step Model Experiment.
Error 39004¶
A Node Compositor used by scripts in the Four-Step Model Experiment has a NULL value.
Static Assignment Box¶
Error 39050¶
Path Assignment Statistics must be active in the Static Assignment Scenario for the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Error 39051¶
Section and Turn Statistics must be stored in the Static Assignment Scenario for the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Error 39052¶
Path Assignment Statistics must be stored in the Static Assignment Experiment for the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Error 39053¶
A Path Assignment Object must be defined in the Static Assignment Experiment for the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Error 39054¶
The Path Assignment File must exist for the Static Assignment Experiment for the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Static OD Adjustment Box¶
Error 39100¶
Adjustment Outputs must be stored in the Static OD Adjustment Scenario for the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Distribution + Modal Split Box¶
Error 39150¶
Distribution Results must be stored in the Distribution Experiment for the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Error 39151¶
For all Generation/Attraction Scenario boxes connected to a Distribution Experiment box, the Experiment box must be connected to a Skim Matrix for all Generation/Attraction Vector Transportation Mode + Trip Purposes possible combinations.
Error 39152¶
For all Generation/Attraction Vector boxes connected to a Distribution Experiment box, the Experiment box must be connected to a Skim Matrix for all Generation/Attraction Vector Transportation Mode + Trip Purposes possible combinations.
Generation/Attraction Box¶
Error 39200¶
Generation/Attraction Results must be stored in the Generation/Attraction Scenario for the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Transit Assignment¶
Error 39250¶
Path Assignment Statistics must be active in the Transit Assignment Scenario for the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Error 39251¶
Section and Turn Statistics must be stored in the Transit Assignment Scenario for the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Error 39252¶
Path Assignments must be stored in the Transit Assignment Experiment for the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Error 39253¶
A Path Assignment Object must be defined in the Transit Assignment Experiment for the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Error 39254¶
The Path Assignment File must exist for the Transit Assignment Experiment for the Four-Step Model Experiment.
Static Assignment Scenario¶
Fixed 40000¶
Aimsun Next has not found the Outputs Database File and has created a new one.
Error 40001¶
Aimsun Next has not found the Outputs Database File and has encountered an error when creating a new one.
Error 40002¶
Aimsun Next cannot read the Outputs Database file.
Policy and Traffic Condition¶
Error 41000¶
Trigger target conditions defined as Policy/Traffic Condition start and stop conditions must exist in this scenario.
Generation/Attraction Area¶
Warning 42000 and 42001¶
Generation/Attraction Area Factors cannot be negative.
Transit Station¶
Transit Assignment model¶
Error 43100¶
The Walking Time Cost defined between a Transit Station and a Transit Stop is negative. Set it to a positive value. See Transit Station.
Error 43101¶
The Walking Time Cost defined between two Transit Stations is negative. Set it to a positive value. See Transit Station.