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API Changes

The changes to the API in recent releases of Aimsun Next are:

Changes in version 24.0.3

Functions relevant to simulated vehicles

Info struct DynInfVeh has been returned by a new function, the AKIVehGetVehicleTrackedDynInf:

struct A2KERNELEXPORT DynInfVeh{
    int report;
    double xCurrentPos;
    double yCurrentPos;
    double xCurrentPosBack;
    double yCurrentPosBack;
    double currentSpeed;
    int downstreamObjectId;


  • report: Error code returned (0 means success).
  • xCurrentPos, yCurrentPos: World coordinates of the middle point of the vehicle front bumper for the current position
  • xCurrentPosBack, yCurrentPosBack: World coordinates of the middle point of the vehicle rear bumper for the current position
  • currentSpeed: Current speed (km/h or mph, depending the units defined in the network).
  • downstreamObjectId: Downstream object Id.

Changes in version 24.0.2

Functions relevant to Traffic management

Two new high-level functions in micro to inform that a traffic management action has been activated or deactivated, have been added:

  • AAPIActionActivated(int idAction);
  • AAPIActionDeactivated(int idAction);

Note that all existing Python APIs need to be updated adding the above 2 functions in order to be loaded in the simulation as expected.

Functions relevant to simulated vehicles

One new parameter has been returned by a new function, the AKIVehTrackedGetCOPERTEmissionVehicleTypeId:

  • COPERTEmissionVehicleTypeId, emission vehicle type including in the vehicle type for the COPERT model (depends on vehicle category): Car, LargeGoodsVehicle, HeavyGoodsVehicle, Coach, Bus, MicroCar, Motorbike, Quad.

Changes in version 23.0.2

Functions relevant to Detection Pattern Events

Parameter isSection has been removed from the following functions:

  • int AKIInfNetGetIdObjectofOriginCentroidConnector(int aid, int elem);
  • int AKIInfNetGetIdObjectofDestinationCentroidConnector(int aid, int elem);
  • int AKIInfNetGetIdObjectANGofOriginCentroidConnector(int aid, int elem);
  • int AKIInfNetGetIdObjectANGofDestinationCentroidConnector(int aid, int elem);


Changes in version 23.0.1

Functions relevant to Detection Pattern Events

In previous versions the function to add Detector Pattern Events required the start and end time of the event to be expressed as time of the simulation, in seconds from midnight. This made it impossible to execute events during a warmup. A new function to add events with relative times has been added:

Old functions are kept for compatibility reasons but are considered deprecated and will be removed in future versions.

Changes in version 23

Attributes added or modified to InfVeh and InfPTVeh

  • Added isLost attribute, used for return whether the vehicle cannot longer reach its destination, to both InfVeh and InfPTVeh.
  • From InfPTVeh, the misspelled theoricalGenerationTime renamed to theoreticalGenerationTime.

Attribute added to StaticInfPed

  • Added typeID attribute to be able to get the pedestrian type of the pedestrian.

Changes in version 22.0.2

Added all missing variables for global, partial and current period in the following entities:


  • int vehOut: Vehicles which are left from the network.

  • int totalNumStops: Total number of stops.

  • double waitingTimeVirtualQueue, waitingTimeVirtualQueueDev: Average time in seconds that vehicles remained waiting in a virtual queue. Only in entry sections.


  • int numVehiclesInVQ: Total number of vehicles in virtual queues.

  • double waitingTimeVirtualQueue, waitingTimeVirtualQueueDev: Average time in seconds that vehicles remained waiting in a virtual queue. Only in entry sections.

It has not added the missing stats of dTimeTTime because is allow to calculate from the delay Time and the travel time.


  • int count: Count.

  • int inputCount: Input count.

  • int inputFlow: Input Flow.

  • double STa,STd: Average and deviation of the stop time.

  • double waitingTimeVirtualQueue, waitingTimeVirtualQueueDev: Average time in seconds that vehicles remained waiting in a virtual queue. Only in entry sections.

It has not added the missing stats of dTimeTTime because is allow to calculate from the delay Time and the travel time.


  • int count: Count.

  • int inputCount: Input Count.

  • int inputFlow: Input Flow.

  • double virtualQueueAvg: Average of virtual queue.

  • int virtualQueueMax: Maximum of virtual queue.

  • int vehLost: Total number of lost vehicles.

  • int vehMissed: Total number of missed vehicles.


  • int count: Count.

  • int inputCount: Input Count.

  • int inputFlow: Input Flow.

  • int vehLost: Total number of lost vehicles.

  • double dwellTime, dwellTimeDev: Time spends by a vehicle at a scheduled stop without moving. Only in Transit line vehicles.

  • double waitingTimeVirtualQueue, waitingTimeVirtualQueueDev: Average time in seconds that vehicles remained waiting in a virtual queue. Only in entry sections.


  • int count: Count.

  • int inputCount: Input Count.

  • int inputFlow: Input Flow.

  • int vehLost: Total number of lost vehicles.

  • double dwellTime, dwellTimeDev: Time spends by a veh at a scheduled stop without moving. Only in Transit line vehicles.

  • double waitingTimeVirtualQueue, waitingTimeVirtualQueueDev: Average time in seconds that vehicles remained waiting in a virtual queue. Only in entry sections.

Changes in version 22

Functions relevant to Transit Management

Obsolete parameters VehType, acomplianceLevel and visibilityDistance have been removed from:

Attributes added to StaticInfVeh and StaticInfPTVeh

  • Added engineTypeId identifier, used for classify vehicles by engine in MFC acceleration model, emission models, consumption models, where: None = 0, Petrol = 1, Diesel = 2, Electric = 3, LPG = 4.
  • Added (for the moment only to StaticInfVeh) chassisId identifier, used for classify vehicles by segment (profiles) in MFC acceleration (MFC acceleration model and battery consumption model).
  • Added EUEmissionId identifier, used for classify vehicles by emission type LEM model (London Emission Model).
  • Added energyCapacity parameter, fuel tank capacity (l) or battery capacity (kW) for energy consumption model (Energy consumption model).

Attributes added to InfVeh and InfPTVeh

  • Added energyState variable, current fuel level or current battery capacity (%) (Energy consumption model).

New struct added LeaderInfVeh

It contains the following info about leader:

  • report: 0, OK, else error code
  • idVeh: vehicle identifier
  • idLeaderVeh: leader vehicle identifier, 0 if no leader
  • headway: time between the front bumper of a vehicle and the front bumper of the following vehicle (s)
  • gap: time between the rear bumper of a vehicle and the front bumper of the following vehicle (s)
  • spacing: space between the front bumper of a vehicle and the front bumper of the following vehicle (m)
  • clearance: space between the rear bumper of a vehicle and the front bumper of the following (m)

Functions relevant to simulated vehicles

Four new functions have been added to provide access to the new struct named LeaderInfVeh and to get info about the leader vehicle:

Four new parameters have been added to the StaticInfVeh structure returned by the AKIVehTrackedGetStaticInf call, the AKIVehGetVehicleStaticInfSection call and the AKIVehGetVehicleStaticInfJunction call:

  • engineTypeId, identifier used for classify vehicles by engine in MFC acceleration, emission models, consumption models, where: None = 0, Petrol = 1, Diesel = 2, Electric = 3, LPG = 4.
  • chassisId, identifier, used for classify vehicles by segment (profiles) in MFC acceleration.
  • EUEmissionId, identifier used for classify vehicles by emission type LEM model.
  • energyCapacity, fuel tank capacity (l) or battery capacity (kW) for energy consumption model.

Two new parameters have been returned by the two new functions AKIVehTrackedGetVehicleCategoryId call, the AKIVehTrackedGetLEMEmissionVehicleTypeId call:

  • vehicleCategoryId, vehicle category identifier including in the vehicle type for engine composition: Car, Commercial vehicle, Bus, Motorbike and Non-motorized.
  • LEMEmissionVehicleTypeId, emission vehicle type including in the vehicle type for the LEM model (depends on vehicle category): Car, Taxi, LGV, HGV, Single-Decker Bus, Double-Decker Bus, Coach.

Functions relevant to entities


  • StructAkiEstadSystem AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsSystemBatteryCons(int VehType, double& batteryConsumption);
  • StructAkiEstadSystem AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsSystemBatteryCons(double time, int VehType, double &batteryConsumption);
  • double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsSystemBatteryConsumption(int VehType);
  • double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsSystemBatteryConsumption(double time, int VehType);


  • StructAkiEstadSection AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsSectionBatteryCons(int aidarc, int VehType, double& batteryConsumption);
  • StructAkiEstadSection AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsSectionBatteryCons(int aidarc, double time, int VehType, double& batteryConsumption);
  • StructAkiEstadSection AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsSectionBatteryCons(int aidarc, int VehType, double & batteryConsumption);
  • double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsSectionBatteryConsumption(int aidarc, int VehType);
  • double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsSectionBatteryConsumption(int aidarc, double time, int VehType);
  • double AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsSectionBatteryConsumption(int aidarc, int VehType);


  • StructAkiEstadTurning AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsTurningBatteryCons(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int VehType, double& batteryConsumption);
  • StructAkiEstadTurning AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsTurningBatteryCons(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, double time, int VehType, double& batteryConsumption);
  • StructAkiEstadTurning AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsTurningBatteryCons(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int VehType, double& batteryConsumption);
  • double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsTurningBatteryConsumption(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int VehType);
  • double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsTurningBatteryConsumption(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, double time, int VehType);
  • double AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsTurningBatteryConsumption(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int VehType);
  • StructAkiEstadTurning AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsLinkBatteryCons(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int VehType, double& batteryConsumption);
  • StructAkiEstadTurning AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsLinkBatteryCons(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, double time, int VehType, double& batteryConsumption);
  • StructAkiEstadTurning AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsLinkBatteryCons(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int VehType, double& batteryConsumption);
  • double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsLinkBatteryConsumption(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int VehType);
  • double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsLinkBatteryConsumption(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, double time, int VehType);
  • double AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsLinkBatteryConsumption(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int VehType);


  • StructAkiEstadODPair AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsODPairBatteryCons(int idOrigin, int idDestination, int VehType, double& batteryConsumption);
  • StructAkiEstadODPair AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsODPairBatteryCons(int idOrigin, int idDestination, double time, int VehType, double &batteryConsumption);
  • double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsODPairBatteryConsumption(int idOrigin, int idDestination, int VehType);
  • double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsODPairBatteryConsumption(int idOrigin, int idDestination, double time, int VehType);


  • StructAkiEstadStream AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsStreamBatteryCons(int aidstream, double time, int VehType, double& batteryConsumption);
  • StructAkiEstadStream AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsStreamBatteryCons(int aidstream, int VehType, double& batteryConsumption);
  • double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsStreamBatteryConsumption(int aidstream, double time, int VehType);
  • double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsStreamBatteryConsumption(int aidstream, int VehType);

New Python version for APIs in Python

Aimsun Next 22 is released with Python 3 only. Support for Python 2 has been discontinued. The Ubuntu release uses Python 3.7 and the Mac and Windows releases require Python 3.10.

Changes in version 20

Functions relevant to traffic management

A new parameter to specify the section that will affect path calculation costs has been added to these two functions:

  • void * AKIActionAddCloseTurningODAction(int sectionId, int anewSection2Close, int aOrigin, int aDest, int vehType, double acomplianceLevel, double visibilityDistance, bool localEffect, int sectionAffectingPathCostId )

  • void * AKIActionAddCloseTurningODActionByID(int sectionId, int anewSection2Close, int aOrigin, int aDest, int vehType, double acomplianceLevel, double visibilityDistance, bool localEffect, int sectionAffectingPathCostId )

New functions added:

  • void * AKIActionAddTurnSpeedActionByID( int idAction, int nbTurns, int * turnIDs, double speed, int vehicleType, double complianceLevel, bool considerSpeedAcceptance )

Functions and attributes relevant to yellow box speed

  • The yellow box speed in sections is no longer available. A2KSectionInf and A2KSectionBehaviourParam structs obsolete "double yellowBoxSpeed" parameter has been removed.
  • A2KTurnInf have a new parameter to know whether a turn will take into account the yellow box .

Attributes removed from StaticInfVeh and StaticPTVeh

  • Obsolete minSafetyDistance parameter has been removed from StaticInfVeh and StaticPTVeh.

Three new parameters have been added to allow 2 dimensional positioning of a vehicle:

  • int AKIPutVehTrafficOD(int asection, int idLane, int vehTypePos, int idCentroidOr, int idCentroidDest, double initPosition, double initSpeed, int tracking, bool use2Dim, double initYPosition, double initYSpeed );

New Python version for APIs in Python

Aimsun Next 20 is released with 2 different versions of Python. The Python 2 installer version uses Python 2.7 meanwhile the Python 3 installer uses Python 3.7.

Changes in version 8.4.3

New Visual Studio version for APIs in C

Aimsun Next 8.4.3 uses Visual Studio 2019. It will be needed to rebuild any API developed in 8.4.2 or previously with the new libs supplied.

Up to Aimsun Next 8.4.2 the Visual Studio version was VS2013.

Functions relevant to detectors

Functions relevant to simulated vehicles

New structure StaticInfVehACCParams has been created. These are the parameters.

Parameters common to all simulated vehicles:

  • report: Error code returned (0 means success).
  • idVeh: The simulated vehicle's ID.
  • accType: The simulated vehicle's ACC module (0: None, 1: ACC, 2: CACC).

ACC Model Parameters:

(All these parameters will be -1 when the module is disabled)

  • minClearanceDistance: The lower threshold for the space between the rear bumper of a vehicle and the front bumper of the following (m).
  • maxClearanceDistance: The upper threshold for the space between the rear bumper of a vehicle and the front bumper of the following (m).
  • speedGainFreeFlow: The gain on the speed difference between the free flow speed and the subject vehicle’s current speed (s-1).
  • distanceGain: The gain on the position difference between the preceding vehicle and the subject vehicle (s-2).
  • speedGainPrec: The gain on the speed difference between the preceding vehicle and the subject vehicle (s-1).
  • desiredTimeGap: The desired time gap of the ACC controller (s).

CACC Model Parameters:

(All these parameters will be -1 when the module is disabled)

  • connectedDistanceGain: The gain on the position difference between the preceding connected vehicle and the subject CACC vehicle (s-1).
  • connectedSpeedGain: The gain on the speed difference between the preceding connected vehicle and the subject CACC vehicle.
  • minTimeGapThreshold: The lower threshold for the time gap (s).
  • maxTimeGapThreshold: The upper threshold for the time gap (s).
  • followerTimeGap: The constant time gap between the last vehicle of the preceding connected string and the subject CACC vehicle (s).
  • leaderTimeGap: The constant time gap between the last vehicle of the preceding connected string and the subject CACC vehicle (s).

The following functions can be used to obtain information from simulated vehicles with ACC/CACC modules.

The following functions can be used to modify the parameters of simulated vehicles with ACC/CACC modules.

Functions relevant to modify traffic actions

New functions to create new force turn actions following a sub-route by ID have been added:

  • void * AKIActionAddNextSubPathODActionByID(int actionId, int ang_sectionId, int nbNextSections, int * anextSections, int aOrigin, int aDest, int VehType, int asectionInPath, double acomplianceLevel, double visibilityDistance);

  • void * AKIActionAddNextSubPathResultActionByID(int actionId, int ang_sectionId, int nbNextSections, int * anextSections, int VehType, double acomplianceLevel);

Changes in version 8.4.2

Functions relevant to modify traffic actions

New functions to change the level of compliance in a Force Path Update action.

  • void AKIActionModifyEnRouteAssignmentAction(void *a2kaction, double acomplianceLevel);

  • void AKIActionModifyEnRouteAssignmentActionByID(int a2kactionId, double acomplianceLevel);

Functions relevant to managing Control plans

Several functions to get the yellow time when transitioning from red to green are now available.

New functions to get and set the yellow time before green of a control plan phase:

New functions to get and set the yellow time before green of a control plan junction:

New function to get the yellow time before green of a control plan signal in a control plan junction:

Functions relevant to Parking

A new high-level function in micro to inform that a new vehicle starts a parking maneuver has been added:

  • AAPIVehicleStartParking (int idveh, int idsection, double time);

Functions for simulation events in the Meso API

Two new functions to interact with the simulator before the statistical cycle and the detection statistical cycle have been implemented:

  • int MesoAPINewStatisticalInterval(void * simhandler)

  • int MesoAPINewDetectorStatisticalInterval(void * simhandler)

Funtions relevant to a change in vehicle's state in the Meso API

Functions called when the state of a vehicle changes.

  • int MesoAPIVehicleAtPTStop(void * simhandler, void * vehhandler, int section, int transitstop)

Changes in version 8.4.1

Functions relevant to detectors

The following functions relevant to detectors have been added:

Functions relevant to traffic management

Functions to deactivate a reserved lane using a traffic management action have been added:

Functions to create traffic management actions to force turns with subpaths have been also added. The existing ones have been marked as deprecated. Check the Activate a Force Next Turn Action section for more details:

Functions relevant to incidents

The function used to create an incident with different visibility distances per vehicle type. The modified function is:

  • int AKIGenerateIncidentDistancePerVehTypeint asection, int alane, double position, double length, double initime, double duration, double visibilityDistanceGeneral, int nbVehTypes, int * vehType, double * visibilityDistances, bool updateidGroup, bool applySpeedReduction, double upstreamDistanceSR, double downstreamDistanceSR, double maxSpeedSR)

A new function to assign a trajectory based on specific lanes in sections for a vehicle is now available.

Changes in version 8.4.0

Functions relevant to simulated vehicles

Three new parameters have been added to the StaticInfVeh structure returned by the AKIVehTrackedGetStaticInf call and the AKIVehGetVehicleStaticInfSection call:

  • laneChangingCooperation: The vehicle is at present co-operating in another vehicle's lane-change maneuver.
  • laneChangingAggressivenessLevel: The aggressiveness factor for this vehicle in lane-changing where 0% means the full safety gap is required for the lane change and 100% means the minimum gap is accepted in the lane-change.
  • distanceZoneFactor: The multiplier this vehicle applies to the zone 1,2,3 distances which control when it starts to consider a forthcoming lane change. A value > 1 implies it tries to get into lane earlier than normal and a value < 1 implies it tries to get into lane later than normal.

Functions relevant to vehicle types

Functions to modify the parameters related to the lane-changing behavior for the vehicle types have been added. The functions are:

Changes in version 8.3.0

Functions relevant to transit priority

Functions relevant to control plan

Functions to remove or modify traffic management actions using the action identifier.

  • void AKIActionAddSpeedActionByID(int idAction, int nbSections, int *sectionIDs, double newSpeed, int vehTypePos, double compliance, bool considerSpeedAcceptance);
  • void AKIActionAddDetailedSpeedActionByID(int idAction, int nbSections, int *sectionIDs, int laneId, int and_fromSegmentId, int and_toSegmentId, double newSpeed, int vehType, double complianceLevel, bool considerSpeedAcceptance);
  • void AKIActionAddChangeDestActionByID(int idAction, int sectionId, const std::vector& aNextSections, int originCent, int destCent, int vehTypePos, double compliance);
  • void AKIActionAddChangeDestParkRideActionByID(int idAction, int sectionId, const std::vector& aNextSections, int originCent, int destCent, int vehTypePos, double compliance, double scaleFactor);
  • void AKIActionAddEnRouteAssignmentAction(int actionId, int sectionId, int sectionInPath, int originCent, int destCent, int vehTypePos, double compliance, bool reevaluateAction, int routeChoiceType, double routeChoiceParam1, double routeChoiceParam2, double routeChoiceParam3);

Changes in version 8.2.4

Functions relevant to control plans

Read the current time in cycle in a ring of a junction:

Changes in version 8.2.3

Functions relevant to Transit Management

It is now possible to change the route of Transit vehicle:

  • int AKIPTVehReroute(int aidVeh, int nbsections, int aSections, int aNewstops, double aDwellTime, double aOffset);

  • int AKIActionAddNextSubPathPTAction(int ang_sectionId, int nbSections, int * aSections, int idline, int VehType, double acomplianceLevel, double visibilityDistance);

  • int AKIActionAddNextSubPathAndStopsPTAction(int ang_sectionId, int nbSections, int * aSections, int aStops, double aDwellTime, double *aOffset, int idline, int VehType, double acomplianceLevel, double , double visibilityDistance);

Changes in version 8.2.2

Functions relevant to control plans

It is now possible to check whether a junction is events-enabled:

Changes in version 8.2.1

Functions relevant to Control Plans

Function to get the ID of a signal group in a junction providing the signal group position in the junction's list of signal groups.

Changes in version 8.2.0

Functions relevant to section statistics

Functions to get the current aggregated interval statistics. The statistics returned can vary during the statistical time period and are reset after a statistical period is closed.

Functions to get the current aggregated interval statistics. The statistics returned can vary during the statistical time period and are reset after a statistical period is closed.

Functions relevant to Traffic States

Function to change the turn percentage in a traffic state demand

Functions relevant to incidents

The function used to create an incident needs four additional parameters to define whether to apply a speed reduction around the incident or not. The modified function is:

  • int AKIGenerateIncident(int asection, int alane, double position, double length, double initime, double duration, double visibilityDistance, bool updateIdGroup, bool applySpeedReduction, double upstreamDistanceSR, double downstreamDistanceSR, double maxSpeedSR);

Functions relevant to Traffic Management

Functions to remove and modify traffic management actions using the identifier.

Functions relevant to vehicle information

Changes in version 8.1.5

Functions to get the information in a junction control plan.

  • int ECIGetTypeControlofJunction(int elemControl,int ajunction);
  • int ECIGetNbPhasesofJunction(int elemControl, int ajunction);
  • int ECIGetNumberPhasesInRingofJunction(int elemControl, int idJunction, int ring);
  • int ECIGetDurationsPhaseofJunction(int elemControl, int ajunction, int aidphase, double amax, double dur, double *amin);
  • double ECIGetYellowTimeofJunction(int elemControl, int ajunction);
  • int ECIGetYellowTimePhaseofJunction(int elemControl, int idJunction,int idPhase,double timeSta,double *yellow);
  • int ECISetYellowTimePhaseofJunction(int elemControl, int idJunction,int idPhase, double yellow);
  • int ECIIsAnInterPhaseofJunction(int elemControl, int idJunction,int idPhase);

Changes in version 8.1.4

Functions to get the detector measures.

  • StructAkiEstadDetector AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsDetector(int detectorId, int vehType);
  • StructAkiEstadDetector AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsDetector(int detectorId, double time, int vehType);

Functions relevant to Control

Functions to get the number of phases in a ring, the current phase in a ring and the number of rings and barriers in a junction control plan.

  • int ECIGetNbRingsJunction(int elemControl, int ajunction);
  • int ECIGetCurrentNbRingsJunction(int ajunction);
  • int ECIGetNbBarriersJunction(int elemControl, int ajunction);
  • int ECIGetCurrentNbBarriersJunction(int ajunction);
  • int ECIGetCurrentPhaseInRing(int idJunction, int ring);
  • int ECIGetNumberPhasesInRing(int idJunction, int ring);

Changes in version 8.1.3

Functions relevant to priority sets

Functions to get all information from priority have been unified between Python and C++ so that the usage would be the same in both programming languages.

  • int ECIGetPreemptionSetNbLinesPython(int idJunction, double timeSta, int index);
  • int ECIGetPreemptionSetLinesPython(int idJunction, double timeSta, int index, int nblines, int *lines);
  • int ECIGetPreemptionSetNbPhasesPython(int idJunction, double timeSta);
  • int ECIGetPreemptionSetPhasesPython(int idJunction, double timeSta, int index, int nbPhases , int *phases);
  • int ECIGetPreemptionSetNbRequestDetectorsPython(int idJunction, double timeSta, int index);
  • int ECIGetPreemptionSetRequestDetectorsPython(int idJunction, double timeSta, int index, int nbDetectors, int * detector);
  • int ECIGetPreemptionSetNbEndDetectorsPython(int idJunction, double timeSta, int index);
  • int ECIGetPreemptionSetEndDetectorsPython(int idJunction, double timeSta, int index, int nbDetectors, int * detectors);

To do so, the function names have been changed to:

and the C++ specific method has been deleted.

Changes in version 8.1.2

Functions relevant to control plans

It is now possible to get the External ID of a Signal Group:

Changes in version 8.1.0

Functions relevant to Detectors

The detectors (structA2KDetector) no longer have the DistinguishType attribute as it was always true. All detectors in Aimsun Next can distinguish by vehicle type.

Functions relevant to Traffic Management

It is now possible to get information about the traffic management actions that are linked to the current simulation:

New mesoscopic API functions

In version 8.1 the mesoscopic API has been included with a initial set of callback functions and some helper functions.

Functions relevant to control plans

Some functions changed their input parameters:

Functions relevant to meterings

Two new methods have been added to obtain the static information about meterings.

Functions relevant to vehicle types

Two new methods have been added to activate or deactivate the lane-changing behavior for the vehicle types:

Some methods to modify the parameters related to the lane-changing behavior for the vehicle types have been removed. These are:

  • double AKIVehTypeGetPercentageForImprudentLaneChanging(int idVehicleType);
  • int AKIVehTypeSetPercentageForImprudentLaneChanging(int idVehicleType, double newPercentage);
  • double AKIVehTypeGetSensitivityForImprudentLaneChanging(int idVehicleType);
  • int AKIVehTypeSetSensitivityForImprudentLaneChanging(int idVehicleType, double newSensitivity);

Functions relevant to Node Statistics

The "Node Level of Service" statistics have changed name to "Avg Approach Delay". The functions to get the values have also changed to:

Changes in version 8.0.4

Strings usage

There is a new method to delete ASCII strings:

Function relevant to Network Information

There is a new method to get the total network length:

Changes in version 8.0.3

Functions relevant to Signal Group information

Now, it is possible to get the total green, yellow, and red times in the current control plan.

Functions relevant to turn information

It is now possible to access to static turn information by using the following API functions:

Functions relevant to Network Information

Two new methods are available to get the shortest path between two sections in the model:

Changes in version 8.0.2

Functions relevant to node statistics

All information related to the node outputs such as the number of lost vehicles and number of missed turns is accessible by using the following API functions:

Functions relevant to pedestrians

Two new functions to generate pedestrians in a microsimulation using the pedestrian simulator have been included:

int pointer parameters usage

Functions with int * representing an int array as input parameters are now supported by intArray class. For example:

nextSections = intArray( 3 )
nextSections [0] = 182
nextSections [1] = 183
nextSections [2] = 184
AKIActionAddNextSubPathODAction(182, 3, nextSections, 286, 285, 0, 110, 100, 100)

Changes in version 8.0.1

Functions relevant to vehicle information

A new attribute to distinguish between the time a vehicle was generated and the time it actually was able to enter into the first section has been included.

Refer to attributes SystemGenerationT and SystemEntranceT in the InfVeh structure. See sections to Read the information of a Vehicle in a Detector, Read the information of a Transit Vehicle and Read the information of a Tracked Vehicle for details.

Changes in version 8.0

Functions relevant to transit priority

All information related to priority is now accessible by using the following API functions.

Functions relevant to green meterings by lane

Two functions to get and set the green time by lane ramp meters parameters have been defined:

Functions relevant to traffic demand

The number of slices in a traffic demand based on states are vehicle dependent; a new parameter to identify the vehicle type has been added.

Functions relevant to vehicle types

Functions to modify the parameters related to the lane-changing behavior for the vehicle types have been added. The functions are:

  • double AKIVehTypeGetPercentageForImprudentLaneChanging(int idVehicleType);
  • int AKIVehTypeSetPercentageForImprudentLaneChanging(int idVehicleType, double newPercentage);
  • double AKIVehTypeGetSensitivityForImprudentLaneChanging(int idVehicleType),
  • int AKIVehTypeSetSensitivityForImprudentLaneChanging(int idVehicleType, double newSensitivity);
  • double AKIVehTypeGetPercentageForStayingInFastLane(int idVehicleType);
  • int AKIVehTypeSetPercentageForStayingInFastLane(int idVehicleType, double newPercentage);

Functions relevant to transit vehicles

A function to modify the parameters related to the transit vehicles have been added:

In the structure of InfPTVeh, two new attributes have been added:

double observedLastStopTime;
double observedLastInitialStopTime;

and the attribute currentLoad has been moved from the structure StaticInfPTVeh to InfPTVeh.

Changes in version 7.0.4

Function relevant to vehicle tracking

A new function to modify the next sections of a tracked vehicle has been added.

Functions relevant to transit priority

Functions to check if there is any priority defined in a node, to deactivate them and to reactivate them have been added. The functions are:

Changes in version 7.0.1

Functions relevant to traffic demand

Now the number of slices in a traffic demand are vehicle dependent; a new parameter to identify the vehicle type has been added.

Trips are internally represented as integers.

Functions relevant to transit vehicles

It is now possible to find the time in seconds that a transit vehicle has been stopped at the current transit stop.

Changes in version 7

Functions relevant to statistics

A new function to read section instant virtual queue statistics has been added:

  • double AKIEstGetInstantVirtualQueueSection(int aidarc,int vehTypePos);

New functions to read link statistics have been added:

Functions relevant to actuated signal control

Two new functions to get and modify the Force Off and Permissive period parameters for an actuated control junction have been added:

Functions depending on vehicle type

The vehicle type reference in several functions has been changed from the vehicle type name to the vehicle type ID. The modified functions are:

Functions relevant to incidents

The function used to create an incident needs two additional parameters to define the incident’s visibility distance and whether it would be a part of a group of incidents or not. The modified function is:

  • int AKIGenerateIncident(int asection, int alane, double position, double length, double initime, double duration, double visibilityDistance, bool updateIdGroup)

Obsolete Functions

Obsolete or redundant functions are no longer available. These functions were:

  • structA2KDetector AKIDetGetPropertiesDetectorANG(int elem);
  • structA2KDetector AKIDetGetPropertiesDetectorANGById(int IdDetector);

Changes in version 6.1.4

Functions relevant to strings in Python

New functions to read the network name and path, traffic demand name, and pollutant name (if they are ascii) have been added to the Python version. These functions are:

Changes in version 6.1.2

Functions relevant to Route Choice Calculation

A new high-level function to inform that a new route choice cycle is about to be calculated has been added:

  • int AAPIPreRouteChoiceCalculation(double time, double timeSta);

New functions to read and modify the section parameters that are used in the route choice calculation have been added. These functions are:

Functions relevant to Actuated Control

New functions to read and modify the actuated parameters of a control plan have added. These functions are:

Changes in version 6.1

Functions relevant to managing Control plans

A new function to get the yellow time of a control plan phase has been added:

Functions relevant to managing meterings

New functions to get and modify the parameters of the Flow-ALINEA meterings has been added:

Functions relevant to Traffic management

A new function to create a change speed action that affects just one lane or one segment in a section has been added:

A new function has been added to create a close lane action specifying if the two-lanes car-following model will be considered or not.

New functions to modify the compliance level of previously created traffic management actions have been added:

Functions relevant to fuel consumption and pollution emission statistics

Functions to get the fuel consumption and pollution emission rates for each statistical time period as well as for the whole simulation have been added:

Functions relevant to vehicle information

The StaticInfVeh structure contains a new field to get and modify the vehicle’s reaction time at traffic light.

Changes in version 6

Visual C++

In the previous version the project to build Aimsun Next API was Visual C++ 6.0. In version 6, a sample project built using Visual Studio 2005 was made available at $AIMSUN_HOME/AAPI60/AAPIVisual

Strings usage

In previous versions there were many functions using char as a parameter, which could be the name of the object, the name of a column, etc. Due to the change to Qt, all these function parameters have been converted into const unsigned short*. Therefore, there are two new functions available to transform a char into const unsigned short* and vice versa:

  • const char AKIConvertToAsciiString(const unsigned short string, bool deleteUshortString, bool *anyNonAsciiChar);
  • const unsigned short AKIConvertFromAsciiString(const char ascii);

A function which deletes any unsigned short* previously created has been added.

Basic Pointer usage

In the current version the way to create pointers to basic types such as int, double, etc. has changed.

The following pointer classes are available:

  • intp : integer pointer
  • floatp: float pointer
  • doublep : double pointer
  • boolp: Boolean pointer

The way to assign a value to a pointer is using the function:

  • void assign( type value );

The way to get the value of a pointer is using the function:

  • type value();


aa.assign( 888.87 )

AAPIManage and AAPIPostManage functions

The four parameters that the AAPIManage and AAPIPostManage functions receive as input: time, timeSta, timeTrans and cycle have changed from ‘float’ type to ‘double ‘type’ to increase accuracy with all the possible simulation steps.

Functions relevant to managing Meterings

In previous versions all the functions related to meterings were accessed using the section identifier where the metering was located making it impossible to have access to more than one metering per section.

New functions accessible using the metering identifier directly have been added. Old functions are kept for compatibility reasons but are considered deprecated and will be removed in future versions.

A new function to access a metering by position inside a section has also been added:

Functions relevant to Actions

Functions relevant to actions had the name of the vehicle type as parameters in versions prior to 6. As the name can be not unique, the functions relevant to actions have been changed and the vehicle type is now identified by the position in the list of vehicle types being used. The total number of vehicles can be get using the function AKIVehGetNbVehTypes ().

Three new functions have been added:

Changes in version 5.1

Equipped Vehicles

The function: bool AKIDetIsInfEquippedVehGather (int Capability) has been changed to function bool AKIDetIsInfEquippedVehGather (int Capability)

The name of the equipped vehicle attribute equipped has been changed to attribute equipped in the following structures:

  • StaticInfVeh
  • StaticInfPTVeh

The structure EquippedInfVeh has been changed to structure EquippedInfVeh.

Functions relevant to managing Control Plans

The following functions have been removed.

  • int ECIAddNewControl (char *name, double initime)
  • int ECIRestoringInitialDurations ()

Retrieve current simulation time

The function AKIGetCurrentSimulationTime() has been added so that during the simulation the current simulation time can be obtained.

Python Version

In order to use Python to create an Aimsun Next API, Python 3.7 must be installed for Ubuntu, Python 3.10 for Mac and Windows. It is possible to freely download from website.

Refer to the ‘Before starting’ section in the Aimsun Next Scripting manual for information about the differences between C++ and Python syntax for functions.