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Aimsun Next Micro API Example 7:

Example of an ANG Connection (Updating an ANG Simulation Vehicle attribute)

This example shows how to create a new attribute "VehStatus" (as an integer) in the ANG Simulation Vehicle object and then set a value depending on the section where the vehicle is located (in section 241 the attribute is set to 1 meanwhile in section 250 is set to 2).

C++ Version

#include "AKIProxie.h"
#include "CIProxie.h"
#include "ANGConProxie.h"
#include "AAPI.h"
#include <stdio.h>

void * vehStatusAtt;

// Procedures could be modified by the user
int AAPILoad()
    return 0;

int AAPIInit()
//getting the attributes by name. A UNICODE conversion is required by using AKIConvertFromAsciiString method
    vehStatusAtt = ANGConnCreateAttribute( AKIConvertFromAsciiString("GKSimVehicle"),
                    AKIConvertFromAsciiString("Vehicle Status"), INTEGER_TYPE, EXTERNAL);
    return 0;
int AAPISimulationReady()
    return 0;
int AAPIManage(double time, double timeSta, double timeTrans, double acycle)
    return 0;

int AAPIPostManage(double time, double timeSta, double timeTrans, double acycle)
    int         nbvehs, i, idVehANG;
    InfVeh      infveh;

    nbvehs = AKIVehStateGetNbVehiclesSection(241, true);
    for (i=0; i< nbvehs; i++) {
        infveh = AKIVehStateGetVehicleInfSection(241,i);
        if (>=0) {
            idVehANG = ANGConnVehGetGKSimVehicleId(infveh.idVeh);
            if ( idVehANG > 0 ) {
                ANGConnSetAttributeValueInt(vehStatusAtt, idVehANG, 1);
    nbvehs = AKIVehStateGetNbVehiclesSection(250, true);
    for (i=0; i< nbvehs; i++) {
        infveh = AKIVehStateGetVehicleInfSection(250,i);
        if (>=0) {
            idVehANG = ANGConnVehGetGKSimVehicleId(infveh.idVeh);
            if ( idVehANG > 0 ) {
                ANGConnSetAttributeValueInt(vehStatusAtt, idVehANG, 2);
    return 0;

int AAPIFinish()
    return 0;

int AAPIUnLoad()
    return 0;

Python Version

from AAPI import *

def AAPILoad():
    return 0

def AAPIInit():
    # getting the attributes by name. A UNICODE conversion is required by using AKIConvertFromAsciiString method
    global vehStatusAtt
    vehStatusAtt = ANGConnCreateAttribute( AKIConvertFromAsciiString("GKSimVehicle"),
                    AKIConvertFromAsciiString("Vehicle Status"), 1, 2)
    return 0

def AAPISimulationReady():
    return 0

def AAPIManage(time, timeSta, timeTrans, acycle):
    return 0

def AAPIPostManage(time, timeSta, timeTrans, acycle):
    nbvehs = AKIVehStateGetNbVehiclesSection(241, True)
    for i in range(0, nbvehs):
        infveh = AKIVehStateGetVehicleInfSection(241,i)
        if >= 0 :
            idVehANG = ANGConnVehGetGKSimVehicleId(infveh.idVeh)
            if idVehANG > 0:
                ANGConnSetAttributeValueInt(vehStatusAtt, idVehANG, 1)
    nbvehs = AKIVehStateGetNbVehiclesSection(250, True)
    for i in range(0, nbvehs):  
        infveh = AKIVehStateGetVehicleInfSection(250,i)
        if >= 0:
            idVehANG = ANGConnVehGetGKSimVehicleId(infveh.idVeh)
            if idVehANG > 0:
                ANGConnSetAttributeValueInt(vehStatusAtt, idVehANG, 2)
    return 0

def AAPIFinish():
    return 0

def AAPIUnLoad():
    return 0