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Aimsun Next API Statistical Data


The structures returned by this set of functions are one of the following:

struct StructAkiEstadSystem{
    int report;             /* 0, OK, else error code */
    int Flow;               /* Flow  (veh/h) */
    double TTa,TTd;         /* Travel Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds/km or seconds/mile)*/
    double DTa, DTd;        /* Delay Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds/km or seconds/mile) */
    double Sa, Sd;          /* Speed  : Average & Deviation (km/h or mph) */
    double SHa, SHd;        /* Harmonic Speed  : Average & Deviation (km/h or mph)*/
    double Density;         /* Density : (Veh/km or Veh/mile per lane) */
    double STa, STd;        /* Stop Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds/km or seconds/mile)*/
    double NumStops;        /* [Number of Stops]( (#/Veh/km or #/Veh/mile)*/
    int totalNumStops;      /* Total number of Stops */
    double TotalTravel;     /* Total Distance  traveled */
    double TotalTravelTime; /* Total Time  traveled */ 
    double virtualQueueAvg; /*VirtualQueue Avg (veh)*/
    int virtualQueueMax;    /*VirtualQueue Max (veh)*/
    int count;              /*volume (vehs) */
    int inputFlow;          /*vehicle flow that have entered the section (veh/h)*/
    int inputCount;         /*vehicle count that have entered the section  (vehs)*/
    int vehsWaiting;        /*vehicles waiting to enter (vehs)*/
    int vehIn;              /* vehicles in network (vehs)*/
    int vehOut;             /* vehicles which are left from the network (vehs)*/
    int vehsLostIn;         /* vehicles lost inside the network (vehs)*/
    int vehsLostOut;        /*vehicle lost outside the network (vehs)*/
    int missedTurns;        /* number of missed turns*/
    double laneChanges;     /* number of lane changes per km */
    int totalLaneChanges;   /* total number of lane changes */
    double waitingTimeVirtualQueue, waitingTimeVirtualQueueDev;/* Average time that vehicles remained waiting in a virtual queue. Only in entry sections. (seconds) */

struct StructAkiEstadSection{
    int report;             /* 0, OK, else error code */
    int Id;                 /* Section Identifier*/
    int Flow;               /* Flow  (veh/h) */
    double TTa,TTd;         /* Travel Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds)*/
    double DTa, DTd;        /* Delay Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds) */
    double Sa, Sd;          /* Speed  : Average & Deviation (km/h or mph) */
    double SHa, SHd;        /* Harmonic Speed  : Average & Deviation (km/h or mph) */
    double Density;         /* Density : (Veh/km or Veh/mile per lane) */
    double STa, STd;        /* Stop Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds) */
    double NumStops;        /* [Number of Stops]( (#/Veh)*/
    double LongQueueAvg;    /* Average Queue Length (veh) */
    double LongQueueMax;    /* Maximum Queue Length (veh) */
    double TotalTravel;     /* Total Distance  traveled */
    double TotalTravelTime; /* Total Time  traveled */ 
    double virtualQueueAvg; /*VirtualQueue Avg (veh)*/
    int virtualQueueMax;    /*VirtualQueue Max (veh)*/
    int count;              /* volume (vehs)*/
    int inputFlow;          /* vehicle flow that have entered the section (veh/h)*/
    int inputCount;         /* vehicle count that have entered the section (vehs)*/
    double flowCapacity;    /*flow / section capacity*/
    double laneChanges;     /* nb of lane changes in section*/
    double totalLaneChanges;    /* total number of lane changes */
    int numVehiclesInVQ; /* total number of vehicles in virtual queues (vehs)*/
    double waitingTimeVirtualQueue, waitingTimeVirtualQueueDev; /* Average time in seconds that vehicles remained waiting in a virtual queue. Only in entry sections.(seconds) */

struct StructAkiEstadSectionLane{       
    int report;             /* 0, OK, else error code */        
    int IdSection;          /* Section Identifier*/
    int count;              /* count (veh)*/    
    int Flow;               /* Flow (veh/h)*/
    int inputFlow;          /* Input Flow (veh/h)*/
    int inputCount;         /* Input Count (veh)*/      
    double TTa, TTd;        /* Travel Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds)*/       
    double DTa, DTd;        /* Delay Time  : Average & Deviation */                     
    double Sa, Sd;          /* Speed  : Average & Deviation */          
    double SHa, SHd;        /* Harmonic Speed  : Average & Deviation */
    double Density;         /* Density : (Veh/km or Veh/mile) */    
    double STa,STd;         /* Stop Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds) */
    double LongQueueAvg;    /* Average Queue Length (veh) */    
    double LongQueueMax;    /* Maximum Queue Length (veh) */
    double waitingTimeVirtualQueue, waitingTimeVirtualQueueDev;/* Average time that vehicles remained waiting in a virtual queue. Only in entry sections. (seconds) */

struct StructAkiEstadTurning{
    int report; 
    int IdSectionFrom;
    int IdSectionTo;
    int count;              /* Count (veh)*/
    int Flow;               /* Flow (veh/h) */
    int inputCount;         /* Input Count (veh)*/
    int inputFlow;          /* Input Flow (veh)*/
    double TTa,TTd;         /* Travel Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds) */
    double DTa, DTd;        /* Delay Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds) */
    double Sa, Sd;          /* Speed  : Average & Deviation (km/h or mph) */
    double SHa, SHd;        /* Harmonic Speed  : Average & Deviation (km/h or mph) */
    double STa, STd;        /* Stop Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds) */
    double NumStops;        /* [Number of Stops]( */
    double LongQueueAvg;    /* Average Queue Length (veh) */
    double LongQueueMax;    /* Maximum Queue Length (veh) */
    double TotalTravel;     /* Total Distance  traveled (km or miles) */
    double TotalTravelTime; /* Total Time  traveled (seconds) */
    double virtualQueueAvg; /*VirtualQueue Avg (veh)*/
    int virtualQueueMax; /*VirtualQueue Maximum (veh)*/     
    double laneChanges;     /* nb of lane changes in turn per vehicle*/
    double totalLaneChanges;    /* total number of lane changes */
    int vehLost;                /* Total number of lost vehicles (veh)*/
    int vehMissed;              /* Total number of missed vehicles (veh)*/

struct StructAkiEstadODPair{
    int report; 
    int IdOrigin;
    int IdDest;
    int count;              /* Count */
    int Flow;               /* Flow: #vehicles */
    int inputCount;         /* Input Count (veh)*/
    int inputFlow;          /* Input Flow (veh)*/
    double TTa, TTd;        /* Travel Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds) */
    double DTa, DTd;        /* Delay Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds) */
    double Sa, Sd;          /* Speed  : Average & Deviation (km/h or mph) */
    double SHa, SHd;        /* Harmonic Speed  : Average & Deviation (km/h or mph) */
    double STa, STd;        /* Stop Time  : Average & Deviation (seconds) */
    double NumStops;        /* [Number of Stops]( */
    double TotalTravel;     /* Total Distance  traveled (km or miles) */
    double TotalTravelTime; /* Total Time  traveled */
    int vehLost;            /* Total number of vehicle lost */
    double dwellTime, dwellTimeDev; /* Time spends by a veh at a scheduled stop without moving. Only in Transit line vehs. (seconds)*/  
    double waitingTimeVirtualQueue, waitingTimeVirtualQueueDev;/* Average time that vehicles remained waiting in a virtual queue. Only in entry sections. (seconds) */

struct StructAkiEstadStream{
    int report; 
    int Id;
    int count;              /* Count */
    int Flow;               /* Flow */
    int inputCount;         /* Input Count (veh)*/
    int inputFlow;          /* Input Flow (veh)*/
    double TTa,TTd;         /* Travel Time  : Average & Deviation */
    double DTa,DTd;         /* Delay Time  : Average & Deviation */
    double Sa,Sd;           /* Speed  : Average & Deviation */
    double SHa,SHd;         /* Harmonic Speed  : Average & Deviation */
    double Density;
    double STa,STd;         /* Stop Time  : Average & Deviation */
    double NumStops;        /* [Number of Stops]( */
    double LongQueueAvg;    /* Average Queue Length */
    double LongQueueMax;    /* Maximum Queue Length */
    double TotalTravel;     /* Total Distance  traveled */
    double TotalTravelTime; /* Total Time  traveled */
    int vehLost; /* Total number of lost vehicles */
    double dwellTime, dwellTimeDev; /* Time spends by a veh at a scheduled stop without moving. Only in Transit line vehs. (seconds)*/      
    double waitingTimeVirtualQueue, waitingTimeVirtualQueueDev;/* Average time that vehicles remained waiting in a virtual queue. Only in entry sections. (seconds) */

Information about pollutants and emission is also available.

Check if the statistics are gathered

In C++ and Python


Check if the statistical data is being gathered during the simulation.

int AKIIsGatheringStatistics()


  • ≥ 0: 1 the statistical data is being gathered, 0 otherwise.
  • < 0: Error.

Read the statistics interval

In C++ and Python:


Read the statistic interval (seconds).

double AKIEstGetIntervalStatistics ()
Parameters: None.
  • ≥ 0: The statistic interval. 0 means no periodic statistics are gathered.
  • < 0: Error.

Check whether a new statistic interval is available

In C++ and Python


Check whether a new statistic interval is available. This function returns true just in the first postmanage and manage calls after the end of the new statistic interval.

bool AKIEstIsNewStatisticsAvailable()


  • true: The statistic interval is available.
  • false: No is available.

Read the number of pollutants defined for the simulation

In C++ and Python:


Read the number of pollutants defined in the network.

int AKIEstGetNbPollutants()


  • ≥ 0: Number of pollutants.
  • < 0: Error.

Read the Pollutant name

In C++


Read the name of a pollutant defined for all the vehicle types.

const unsigned short* AKIEstGetPollutantName( int index )
  • index: Pollutant index, where index takes values from 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • ≠ NULL: No Error.
  • = NULL: Error.

In Python


Read the name of a pollutant defined for all the vehicle types in ascii.

const char* AKIEstGetPollutantNameA( int index );


  • ≠ NULL: Correct traffic demand name.
  • = NULL: Error.

Read periodical statistics data for a section

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered during a particular time interval, for a section. Section outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadSection AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsSection( int aidarc, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • aidarc: Section Identifier.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: Position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes (), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadSection: structure with statistics information.

Read global statistics data for a section

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered during the whole simulation, for a section. Section outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadSection AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsSection( int aidarc, int vehTypePos )
  • aidarc: Section Identifier.
  • vehTypePos: Position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes (), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadSection: structure with statistics information.

Read current statistics data for a section

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered since the last statistics interval was closed, for a section. Section outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadSection AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsSection( int aidarc, int vehTypePos )
  • aidarc: Section Identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes (), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadSection: structure with statistics information.

Read periodical fuel consumption data for a section

In C++ and Python


Read the fuel consumption data gathered during a particular time interval, for a section. Section and Fuel Consumption outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsSectionFuelCons( int aidarc, double timeSta, int vehTypePos );
  • aidarc: Section Identifier.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the section for that period.
  • < 0: Error.

Read global fuel consumption data for a section

In C++ and Python


Read the fuel consumption data gathered during the whole simulation, for a section. Section and Fuel Consumption outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsSectionFuelCons( int aidarc, int vehTypePos )
  • aidarc: Section Identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the section for whole simulation.
  • < 0: Error.

Read current fuel consumption data for a section

In C++ and Python


Read the fuel consumption data gathered during the current statistics interval, for a section. Section and Fuel Consumption outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsSectionFuelCons( int aidarc, int vehTypePos )
  • aidarc: Section Identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the section for current statistics interval.
  • < 0: Error.

Read periodical pollution emission data for a section

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered during a particular time interval, for a section. Section and Pollutant Emission (QUARTET, 1992) outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsSectionPollution( int indexPol, int aidarc, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • aidarc: Section Identifier.
  • timeSta: time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes (), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the section for that period.
  • < 0: Error.

Read global pollution emission data for a section

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered during the whole simulation, for a section. Section and Pollutant Emission (QUARTET, 1992) outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsSectionPollution(int indexPol, int aidarc, int vehTypePos)
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • aidarc: Section Identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the section for whole simulation.
  • < 0: Error.

Read current pollution emission data for a section

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered during the current statistics interval, for a section. Section and Pollutant Emission (QUARTET, 1992) outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsSectionPollution(int indexPol, int aidarc, int vehTypePos)
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol in the range 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • aidarc: Section Identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the section for current statistics interval.
  • < 0: Error.

Read periodical statistics data for a section lane

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered during a particular time interval, for a section lane. Section Lane outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadSectionLane AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsSectionLane( int aidarc, int indexLane, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • aidarc: Section Identifier.
  • indexLane: A valid lane between 0 and section number of lanes.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.

  • StructAkiEstadSectionLane: structure with statistics information.

Read global statistics data for a section lane

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered during the whole simulation, for a section lane. Section Lane outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadSectionLane AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsSectionLane( int aidarc, int indexLane, int vehTypePos )
  • aidarc: Section Identifier.
  • indexLane: A valid lane between 0 and section number of lanes.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes (), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadSectionLane: structure with statistics information.

Read current statistics data for a section lane

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered since the last statistics interval was closed, for a section. Section Lane outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadSectionLane AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsSectionLane( int aidarc, int indexLane, int vehTypePos )
  • aidarc: Section Identifier.
  • indexLane: A valid lane between 0 and section number of lanes.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes (), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadSectionLane: structure with statistics information.

Read periodical statistics data for the system

In C++ and Python:


Read the statistical data gathered during certain time interval, for the whole system. Section Lane outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadSystem AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsSystem( double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: tThe position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadSystem: structure with statistics information.

Read global statistics data for the system

In C++ and Python:


Read the statistical data gathered during the whole simulation, for the whole system.

StructAkiEstadSystem AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsSystem( int vehTypePos )
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadSystem: structure with statisticsl information.

Read periodical fuel consumption data for the system

In C++ and Python


Read the fuel consumption data gathered during a particular time interval, for the whole system

double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsSystemFuelCons( double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the section for that period.
  • < 0: Error.

Read global fuel consumption data for the system

In C++ and Python


Read the fuel consumption data gathered during the whole simulation, for the whole system.

double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsSystemFuelCons( int vehTypePos )
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the section for whole simulation.
  • < 0: Error.

Read periodical pollution emission data for the system

In C++ and Python:


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered during a particular time interval, for the whole system.

double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsSystemPollution( int indexPol, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants( )
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the section for that period.
  • < 0: Error.

Read global pollution emission data for the system

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered during the whole simulation, for the whole system

double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsSystemPollution( int indexPol, int vehTypePos )
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the section for whole simulation.
  • < 0: Error.

Read periodical statistics data for an OD pair

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered during certain time interval, for an OD Pair. OD Pair outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadODPair AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsODPair( int idOrigin, int idDestination, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • idOrigin: Origin centroid identifier.
  • idDestination: Destination centroid identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadODPair: structure with statistics information.

Read global statistics data for an OD pair

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered during the whole simulation, for an OD Pair. OD Pair outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadODPair AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsODPair( int idOrigin, int idDestination, int vehTypePos )
  • idOrigin: Origin centroid identifier.
  • idDestination: Destination centroid identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadODPair: structure with statistics information.

Read periodical fuel consumption data for an OD pair

In C++ and Python:


Read the fuel consumption data gathered during a particular time interval, for an OD Pair. OD Pair and Fuel Consumption outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsODPairFuelCons( int idOrigin, int idDestination, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • idOrigin: Origin centroid identifier.
  • idDestination: Destination centroid identifier.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the section for that period.
  • < 0: Error.

Read global fuel consumption data for an OD pair

In C++ and Python


Read the fuel consumption data gathered during the whole simulation, for an OD Pair. OD Pair and Fuel Consumption outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsODPairFuelCons( int idOrigin, int idDestination, int vehTypePos )
  • idOrigin: Origin centroid identifier.
  • idDestination: Destination centroid identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the section for whole simulation.
  • < 0: Error.

Read periodical pollution emission data for an OD pair

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered during a particular time interval, for an OD Pair. OD Pair and Pollutant Emission (QUARTET, 1992) outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsODPairPollution( int indexPol, int idOrigin, int idDestination, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • idOrigin: Origin centroid identifier.
  • idDestination: Destination centroid identifier.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the section for that period.
  • < 0: Error.

Read global pollution emission data for an OD pair

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered during the whole simulation, for an OD Pair. OD Pair and Pollutant Emission (QUARTET, 1992) outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsODPairPollution( int indexPol, int idOrigin, int idDestination, int vehTypePos )
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • dOrigin: Origin centroid identifier.
  • idDestination: Destination centroid identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the section for whole simulation.

Read periodical statistics data for a Turning Movement

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered during certain time interval, for a turning movement (it only includes the measures related to the turning itself). Node and Turn outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadTurning AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsTurning( int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadTurning: structure with statistics information.

Read global statistics data for a Turning Movement

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered during the whole simulation, for a turning movement (it only includes the measures related to the turning itself). Node and Turn outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadTurning AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsTurning( int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int vehTypePos )
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadTurning: structure with statistics information.

Read the current statistics data for a Turning Movement

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered since the last statistics interval, for a turning movement (it only includes the measures related to the turning itself). Node and Turn outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadTurning AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsTurning( int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int vehTypePos )
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadTurning: structure with statistics information.

Read periodical fuel consumption data for a Turning Movement

In C++ and Python:


Read the fuel consumption data gathered during a particular time interval, for a turning movement. Nodes and Turns and Fuel Consumption outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsTurningFuelCons( int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the section for that period.
  • < 0: Error.

Read global fuel consumption data for a Turning Movement

In C++ and Python


Read the fuel consumption data gathered during the whole simulation, for a turning movement. Nodes and Turns and Fuel Consumption outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsTurningFuelCons( int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int vehTypePos )
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • *aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the section for whole simulation.
  • < 0: Error.

Read periodical pollution emission data for a Turning Movement

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered during a particular time interval, for a turning movement. Nodes and Turns and Pollutant Emission (QUARTET, 1992) outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsTurningPollution( int indexPol, int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the section for that period.
  • < 0: Error.

Read global pollution emission data for a Turning Movement

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered during the whole simulation, for a turning movement. Nodes and Turns and Pollutant Emission (QUARTET, 1992) outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsTurningPollution( int indexPol, int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int vehTypePos )
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the turning for whole simulation.

Read current pollution emission data for a Turning Movement

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered since the last statistics interval, for a turning movement. Nodes and Turns and Pollutant Emission (QUARTET, 1992) outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsTurningPollution( int indexPol, int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int vehTypePos )
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the turning since the last statistics interval.

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered during a time interval, for a link movement (includes the measures related to the section origin plus the turning movement).

StructAkiEstadTurning AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsLink( int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadTurning: structure with statistics information.

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered during the whole simulation, for a link movement (includes the measures related to the origin section plus the turning movement).

StructAkiEstadTurning AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsLink( int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int vehTypePos )
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadTurning: structure with statistics information.

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered since the last statistics interval, for a link movement (includes the measures related to the origin section plus the turning movement).

StructAkiEstadTurning AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsLink( int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int vehTypePos )
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadTurning: structure with statistics information.

In C++ and Python


Read the fuel consumption data gathered during a particular time interval, for a link movement (includes the measures related to the origin section plus the turning movement).

double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsLinkFuelCons( int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the link for that period.
  • < 0: Error.

In C++ and Python


Read the fuel consumption data gathered during the whole simulation, for a link movement (includes the measures related to the origin section plus the turning movement).

double  AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsLinkFuelCons(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int vehTypePos);
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the link for the whole simulation.
  • < 0: Error.

In C++ and Python


Read the fuel consumption data gathered since the last statistics interval, for a link movement (includes the measures related to the origin section plus the turning movement).

double  AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsLinkFuelCons(int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int vehTypePos);
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the link since the last statistics interval.
  • < 0: Error.

Read current fuel consumption data for a Turning Movement

In C++ and Python


Read the fuel consumption data gathered since the last statistics interval, for a turning movement. Nodes and Turns and Fuel Consumption outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsTurningFuelCons( int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int vehTypePos )
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the turning since the last statistics interval.
  • < 0: Error.

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered during a particular time interval, for a link movement (includes the measures related to the origin section plus the turning movement)

double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsLinkPollution( int indexPol, int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the section for that period.
  • < 0: Error.

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered during the whole simulation, for a link movement (includes the measures related to the origin section plus the turning movement).

double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsLinkPollution( int indexPol, int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int vehTypePos )
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the link for the whole simulation.
  • < 0: Error.

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered since the last statistics interval, for a link movement (it includes the measures related to the origin section plus the turning movement).

double AKIEstGetCurrentStatisticsLinkPollution( int indexPol, int aidsectionFrom, int aidsectionTo, int vehTypePos )
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • aidsectionFrom: Origin section identifier of the turning movement.
  • aidsectionTo: Destination section identifier of the turning movement.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the link since the last statistics interval.
  • < 0: Error.

Read periodical statistics data for a Subpath

In C++ and Python:


Read the statistical data gathered during a time interval, for a subpath. Subpath outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadStream AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsStream( int aidstream, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • aidstream: Subpath identifier.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadStream: structure with statistics information.

Read global statistics data for a Subpath

In C++ and Python


Read the statistical data gathered during the whole simulation, for a subpath. Subpath outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

StructAkiEstadStream AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsStream( int aidstream, int vehTypePos )
  • aidstream: Subpath identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • StructAkiEstadStream: structure with statistics information.

Read periodical fuel consumption data for a Subpath

In C++ and Python


Read the fuel consumption data gathered during a particular time interval, for a subpath. Subpath and Fuel Consumption outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsStreamFuelCons( int aidstream, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • aidstream: Subpath identifier.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the section for that period.
  • < 0: Error.

Read global fuel consumption data for a Subpath

In C++ and Python


Read the fuel consumption data gathered during the whole simulation, for a subpath. Subpath and Fuel Consumption outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsStreamFuelCons( int aidstream, int vehTypePos )
  • aidstream: Subpath identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: fuel consumption data for the section for whole simulation.
  • < 0: Error.

Read periodical pollution emission data for a Subpath

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered during a particular time interval, for a subpath. Subpath and Pollutant Emission (QUARTET, 1992) outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetParcialStatisticsStreamPollution( int indexPol, int aidstream, double timeSta, int vehTypePos )
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • aidstream: Subpath identifier.
  • timeSta: Time interval (when the data is produced, which is the end of the interval), in seconds from midnight.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the section for that period.
  • < 0: Error.

Read global pollution emission data for a Subpath

In C++ and Python


Read the emission for a given pollutant gathered during the whole simulation, for a subpath. Subpath and Pollutant Emission (QUARTET, 1992) outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsStreamPollution( int indexPol, int aidstream, int vehTypePos )
  • indexPol: Pollutant index, where indexPol takes values form 0 to AKIEstGetNbPollutants().
  • aidstream: Subpath identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: emission for the pollutant requested in the section for whole simulation.

Read section instant virtual queue statistics

In C++ and Python


Read the instant virtual queue given the vehicle type, for a section. Section outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

double AKIEstGetInstantVirtualQueueSection( int aidarc, int vehTypePos )
  • aidarc: Section identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: number of vehicles in the virtual queue.

Read periodical lost vehicles statistics for a node

In C++ and Python


Read the number of lost vehicles gathered in the current statistics interval, for a node. Node and Turn outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

    int AKIEstGetPartialStatisticsNodeLostVehicles( int aidNode, int vehTypePos )
  • aidNode: Node Identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: number of lost vehicles in the statistics interval for the specified node.

Read global lost vehicles statistics for a node

In C++ and Python


Read the number of lost vehicles gathered during the whole simulation, for a node. Node and Turn outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

int AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsNodeLostVehicles( int aidNode, int vehTypePos )
  • aidNode: Node Identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: number of lost vehicles in the whole simulation for the specified node.

Read periodical Avg Approach Delay statistics for a node

In C++ and Python


Read the delay weighted by flow gathered in the current statistics interval of all the entrance sections in a node in seconds.

int AKIEstGetPartialStatisticsNodeApproachDelay ( int aidNode )
  • aidNode: Node Identifier.
  • ≥ 0: delay to calculate the level of service in the current statistics interval for the specified node in seconds.

Read global Avg Approach Delay statistics for a node

In C++ and Python


Read the delay weighted by flow gathered during the whole simulation of all the entrance sections in a node. Node and Turn outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

int AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsNodeApproachDelay( int aidNode )
  • aidNode: Node Identifier.
  • ≥ 0: delay to calculate the level of service for the whole simulation for the specified node.

Read Partial missed turn statistics for a node

In C++ and Python


Read the number of missed turns gathered in the current statistics interval, for all the turns in a node. Node and Turn outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

    int AKIEstGetPartialStatisticsNodeMissedTurns( int aidNode, int vehTypePos )
  • aidNode: Node Identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: number of number of vehicles that have missed a turn in the current statistics interval for the specified node.

Read global missed turn statistics for a node

In C++ and Python


Read the number of missed turns gathered during the whole simulation, for all the turns in a node. Node and Turn outputs must be activated in the dynamic scenario for this function to return the statistics information.

    int AKIEstGetGlobalStatisticsNodeMissedTurns( int aidNode, int vehTypePos )
  • aidNode: Node Identifier.
  • vehTypePos: The position of the vehicle type in the list of vehicles types being used. 0 is used for all vehicle types and a value from 1 to AKIVehGetNbVehTypes(), for a specific vehicle type.
  • ≥ 0: number of vehicles that have missed a turn in the current statistics interval for the specified node.