Aimsun Next Meso API Example 1¶
Example of a Mesoscopic Vehicle Entrance¶
This example reads a list of vehicles from an external file which supplies their external id, entrance time, vehicle type, origin, destination, and value of time. It then creates these vehicles in the simulation.
C++ Version¶
#include "AMesoAPIHelper.h"
#include "CIProxie.h"
#include "AAPI.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
// Procedures could be modified by the user
struct MyVehInfo {
MyVehInfo() {myVehId=0; aimsunId=0;time=0; vehType=0; origin=0; destination=0; valueOfTime=0;}
MyVehInfo(int amyId, int atime, int avehType, int aorigin, int adestination, double avalueOfTime) {myVehId=amyId; aimsunId=0; time=atime; vehType=avehType; origin=aorigin; destination=adestination; valueOfTime=avalueOfTime;}
MyVehInfo(const MyVehInfo & other) {myVehId=other.myVehId; aimsunId=other.aimsunId, time=other.time; vehType=other.vehType; origin=other.origin; destination=other.destination; valueOfTime=other.valueOfTime;}
int myVehId;
int aimsunId;
double time;
int vehType;
int origin;
int destination;
double valueOfTime;
std::map<int, MyVehInfo> myVehContainer;
std::map<int, int> AimsunIdsToMyIds;
int readData(const std::string & inFileName)
std::ifstream qFile(inFileName, std::ios_base::in);
std::string qLine;
int lineNumber = 0;
while( std::getline(qFile, qLine, '\n') ) {
std::cout << qLine << '\n';
if ( lineNumber>0 ) {
std::stringstream lineStream(qLine);
std::string cell;
int cellNumber = 0;
MyVehInfo vehInfo;
while(std::getline(lineStream,cell,',') ) {
if ( cellNumber == 0 ) {
vehInfo.myVehId = atoi(cell.c_str());
if ( cellNumber == 1 ) {
vehInfo.time = atof(cell.c_str());
if ( cellNumber == 2 ) {
vehInfo.vehType = atoi(cell.c_str());
if ( cellNumber == 3 ) {
vehInfo.origin = atoi(cell.c_str());
if ( cellNumber == 4 ) {
vehInfo.destination = atoi(cell.c_str());
if ( cellNumber == 5 ) {
vehInfo.valueOfTime = atof(cell.c_str());
myVehContainer.insert(std::map<int, MyVehInfo>::value_type(vehInfo.myVehId, vehInfo));
return lineNumber-1;
int MesoAPILoad()
std::cout << "LOAD\n";
return 0;
int MesoAPIUnLoad(void * simhandler)
AMesoPrintString(simhandler, "UNLOAD");
return 0;
int MesoAPIInit(void * simhandler, int iterationNumber, bool /*statisticsAllowed*/)
if ( iterationNumber == 1 ) {
std::string inFileName= "c:/temp/generation.csv";
int numberVehiclesRead = readData(inFileName);
std::map<int, MyVehInfo>::iterator it = myVehContainer.begin();
std::map<int, MyVehInfo>::iterator itend = myVehContainer.end();
for(; it!=itend; ++it) {
MyVehInfo & vehInfo = (*it).second;
int aimsunId = AMesoAddTrip(simhandler, vehInfo.vehType, vehInfo.time, vehInfo.origin, vehInfo.destination, -1, -1, vehInfo.valueOfTime);
if ( aimsunId>0 ) {
AimsunIdsToMyIds[aimsunId] = vehInfo.myVehId;
vehInfo.aimsunId = aimsunId;
std::cout << "Could not add vehicle trip with my id " << vehInfo.myVehId << '\n';
return 0;
int MesoAPISimulationReady(void * handler)
{ return 0; }
int MesoAPIFinish(void * /*simhandler*/)
return 0;
int MesoAPINewVehicleSystem(void * /*simhandler*/, void * /*vehhandler*/)
return 0;
int MesoAPINewVehicleNetwork(void * /*simhandler*/, void * /*vehhandler*/)
//AMesoVehicleInfo vehInf = AMesoGetVehicleInfo(simhandler, vehhandler);
//qInfo("Veh network id %d %f",, AMesoGetCurrentTime(simhandler));
return 0;
int MesoAPIFinishVehicleNetwork(void * simhandler, void * vehhandler, bool normalOut)
AMesoVehicleInfo vehInf = AMesoGetVehicleInfo(simhandler, vehhandler);
double currentTime = AMesoGetCurrentTime(simhandler);
char auxstring[512];
snprintf(auxstring, 512, "Finish Vehicle %d from section %d at time %f",, vehInf.currentSection, currentTime);
std::cout << auxstring << '\n';
AMesoUpdateTripTime(simhandler,, currentTime+1);
//AMesoPrintString(simhandler, auxstring);
return 0;
int MesoAPIEnterVehicleSection(void * /*simhandler*/, void * /*vehhandler*/, int /*fromSection*/, int /*toSection*/)
//AMesoVehicleInfo vehInf = AMesoGetVehicleInfo(simhandler, vehhandler);
//qInfo("Veh enter id %d %f %d %d",, AMesoGetCurrentTime(simhandler), fromSection, toSection);
return 0;
int MesoAPIExitVehicleSection(void * /*simhandler*/, void * /*vehhandler*/, int /*section*/)
//AMesoVehicleInfo vehInf = AMesoGetVehicleInfo(simhandler, vehhandler);
//qInfo("Veh exit id %d %f %d %d",, AMesoGetCurrentTime(simhandler), section);
return 0;
int MesoAPIVehicleReadyForSection(void * /*simhandler*/, void * /*vehhandler*/, int /*section*/)
return 0;
int MesoAPIPostManageControl(void * simhandler)
std::cout << "Post Manage Control" << '\n';
return 0;
int MesoAPIManageCycleEvent(void * simhandler, int cycleEventId)
return 0;
int MesoAPIPreManageRouteChoice(void * simhandler)
std::cout << "Post Manage Control" << '\n';
return 0;
int MesoAPINewStatisticalInterval(void * simhandler)
std::cout << "New Statistics Interval" << '\n';
return 0;
int MesoAPINewDetectorStatisticalInterval(void * simhandler)
std::cout << "New Detector Statistics Interval" << '\n';
return 0;