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Retrieve Outputs

To retrieve the outputs from an external database, the database file can be located in any directory but specified in the Scenario > Outputs To Generate > Store Location > Database. Find more info regarding databases in Aimsun Next in Database Description.

Dynamic Replication

A replication is the object that runs a dynamic simulation experiment one time. As dynamic experiment is a Monte Carlo simulation (each replication is run with a different random seed to generate different results), each experiment will therefore have a number of replications, the final result of the experiment must be the average of those replications. The replication IDs can be user-defined with a specified starting ID, alternately the external ID can be used to identify objects when retrieving data.

The data retrieval options for a replication are:

  • Retrieve Replication Data: Loads the simulation results from an already simulated replication. In order to load previous simulations results an output source must be defined and the Store option activated in the Outputs to Generate Folder.
  • Retrieve Data using an Aggregation Interval: Loads the average results from the database, but setting the interval aggregation time, which will be multiple of the current statistical interval. When selecting this option, a new dialog appears to allow setting a start and end time to cover the cases in which the period you are interested does not start at a multiple of the aggregation interval e.g. you have results from 6:00 to 10:00 in 15 min and you want to compare 7:30 to 8:30) rather than implementing interval aggregation in the view.



Static Assignment Experiment

The Static Assignment Experiment is used to run the assignment specified in the scenario with some additional parameters or overridden values for variables. Experiments are created using the "New" option of the scenario context menu.

The experiment context menus is used to run the experiment, it can also be used to:

  • Retrieve Static Traffic Assignment Results: This feature reads the assignment results (sections, turns and convergence data) which were stored in a database when the Static Assignment Experiment was assigned. The database to be read is the one stated in the Static Assignment Scenario editor, Outputs to Generate Tab.


All other types of experiments

As done for Static Assignment Experiment, there are similar retrieve results options for the following experiments:

All the options to retrieve outputs for those experiments can be found in the context menu commands of each one of them.

Find out how to analyze the outputs in the Data Analysis section.