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Generation/Attraction Vector

Generation/Attraction Vectors are used for the Travel Demand Modeling. Create a new Generation/Attraction Vector inside a Centroid Configuration in the Project window.

G/A Vectors

Generation/Attraction Vector Editor

The Generation/Attraction Vector editor can be opened by double-clicking on the Generation/Attraction Vector in the Project Window (inside the Centroid Configuration they belong to) or accessing to Properties in its context menu.

The G/A Vector has two columns for values, one for Generated, one for Attracted, for each centroid in the Centroid Configuration.

G/A Vectors

The Car Availability, Trip Purpose, Time Period and Active Transportation Modes will be automatically filled in when this G/A vector is generated as the output of a Generation Attraction Experiment.

Generation/Attraction Vector Comparison

Two Generation/Attraction Vectors can be compared to reveal and analyze the differences between them. If two (and only two) Generation/Attraction vectors are selected in the project window, the context menu will contain a Generation/Attraction Vector Comparison option.

Select two Generation/Attraction Vectors, right-click and select Generation/Attraction Vector Comparison in the context menu.

The Generation/Attraction Vector Comparison dialog shows the difference between the two vectors, cell by cell, as an absolute value and a relative percentage. Selecting a line in the table highlights the total values generated or attracted by a centroid.

There are options in the comparison dialog to show only Generated values, only Attracted, group by Grouping Category or show centroids in a certain Grouping.

Generation/Attraction Vectors can also be compared with OD Matrices.